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Banning  Explanation: When and Why mods give bans

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Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
When mods can ban your ass?
When you break one of the forum rules, or engage into unhealthy behavior towards the community.

Why mods give bans? What types of bans are possible?
a) to calm your ass down, we gonna issue a temporary ban - AKA suspension
(And you may not be warned about it!)
You'll be able come back after X period of time, and we will monitor you!

What should I do if I got a temporary ban?
Be extremely chill and in your best behavior.
If you got a suspension, consider yourself on a probation period...repeated offenses means you will get the boot and be banned for good.

b) to keep this place as clean and civil as possible, we can do hard bans.
Butting heads is expected, but it can be done in a good manner where everybody wins.
If you've been warned by one of the mods and didn't change your behavior, you are becoming a great contender for a hard ban.
The same can be said if you keep spamming the boards, butting heads with senior members and dissing other users.
Before we do hard bans, we issue a warning to let you know you should be threading carefully.

Side Note: ALL hard bans are discussed first by the mods.
We need to reach a consensus first before booting someone.
(and @Chase is always present in those discussions)

Below are the major rules valid to all members of this community, mods included:


1. Do not spam, sell, hawk wares, or push your products or services here. These boards are for discussion, not marketing or advertising. If you are caught violating this rule, you will be warned, suspended, or banned.

3. Do not post links to books, movies, products, or anything illegal or otherwise under copyright. These links will be deleted, and you will be we warned, suspended, or banned.

4. Do not engage in hateful or offensive remarks or rants or link to offensive pages on other websites. This forum is for personal growth and improvement, not for venting vitriolic emotions. Hateful or offensive posts will be deleted, and you will be warned, suspended, or banned.

5. Do not post anything regarding women or people under age 18. While the age of consent in some places may be lower than this, we aren't equipped to verify whether each individual poster is compliant with his local laws. Posts about under-18s will be deleted, and you will be warned, suspended, or banned.

6. Do not message individual users asking for help. Post your questions to the forum and wait for a response. If you are not getting the response you need, sign up for one of our programs or coaching sessions designed specifically for helping guys with problems and questions.

7. Do not violate privacy. This includes posting pictures or identifying information of friends, wingmen, or women. You can write out message conversations (with personally identifying information removed). But do not post screen dumps of your conversations. Do not tell people to "message me for pics." Do not post anything on this website that identifies someone else.

8. Respect your fellow users and moderators at all times. If you disagree with something, state as much in respectful and specific terms and argue politely. Name-calling, accusations, and labeling are not allowed on these boards. Members engaging in these, trolling, or flame wars will be warned, suspended, or banned.

Still in doubt?
Just check here:
How to behave to make friends and not be a drama queen
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers
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