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Are Women ACTUALLY Natural Players?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
I've noticed something interesting with a few FBs, and I’m honestly surprised it doesn’t get talked about more here.

There’s this myth that all women just naturally understand "game" on a subconscious level. But... is that really true?

Because when hanging out with FBs I have sometimes seen on their phones videos pop up like
- "How to get him to text you back"
- "How to talk to men"
- "How to get him hooked"
- "How to be mysterious"

Here’s a recent example: I had a date over the weekend, and during a deep dive with her, she opened up about listening to audiobooks. When I asked to see what she was listening to, she hesitated at first but eventually pulled up How to Instantly Connect With Anyone

It’s kind of amusing because a lot of the stuff they’re watching sounds similar to the things we discuss here.

And these audiences are huge. Some of these videos get millions of views, and back when TikTok was still available, you could even click on the profiles of some of these women and some were very attractive.

By the way, I’m mostly talking about younger girls here. It seems like this generation of women is just as clueless about the opposite sex as the typical guy.

So, if you’re macking on a hot 21-year-old and she starts acting "weird," there’s a chance she’s using some awkward dating concept she learned online.

So, why am I bringing this up? Honestly, I kind of forgot, lol. But maybe this could spark some interesting discussions about whether women are really "naturals" or if they’re actively learning and strategizing too.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I think women are certainly born into it when you consider that their brain starts doing facial recognition (emotions) like a Terminator 3,000 while they're still suckling on their mother's teat (they have larger brain circuitry for observing emotions in others than us). At the same time, male babies are busy sleeping and chilling.

They are by nature superior communicators since their brain circuitry for language is also larger than ours. So they are naturally better at expressing emotions than we are.

All that socializing with their sisters is to vent emotions but it is also to discuss how to attract and retain guys. They start thinking about "boyfriends" and the like when they're still 6 at a time when most boys are still looking out into the distance like they're on an LSD trip (we are faster at processing abstract 3D shapes, and in general better at abstract thought) or playing soccer during recess.

Add to that the magazines Marie Claire, Vogue, and all that claptrap (open one and you'll see it's chock-full of dating advice for chicks, their target market). For every GQ and Playboy, there are 500 female magazines.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
They have more than the average dude simply because they’re more likely to consume dating advice when they run into a hump, as well as trade notes with their female friends.

Things an average seducer will do (resulting in at least marginally better game), women tend to do by default.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I've noticed something interesting with a few FBs, and I’m honestly surprised it doesn’t get talked about more here.

There’s this myth that all women just naturally understand "game" on a subconscious level. But... is that really true?

Because when hanging out with FBs I have sometimes seen on their phones videos pop up like
- "How to get him to text you back"
- "How to talk to men"
- "How to get him hooked"
- "How to be mysterious"

Here’s a recent example: I had a date over the weekend, and during a deep dive with her, she opened up about listening to audiobooks. When I asked to see what she was listening to, she hesitated at first but eventually pulled up How to Instantly Connect With Anyone

It’s kind of amusing because a lot of the stuff they’re watching sounds similar to the things we discuss here.

And these audiences are huge. Some of these videos get millions of views, and back when TikTok was still available, you could even click on the profiles of some of these women and some were very attractive.

By the way, I’m mostly talking about younger girls here. It seems like this generation of women is just as clueless about the opposite sex as the typical guy.

So, if you’re macking on a hot 21-year-old and she starts acting "weird," there’s a chance she’s using some awkward dating concept she learned online.

So, why am I bringing this up? Honestly, I kind of forgot, lol. But maybe this could spark some interesting discussions about whether women are really "naturals" or if they’re actively learning and strategizing too.

Good question. I think women have a natural talent at operating in the emotional realm, which is where seduction plays out. But they are not typically very smart about how they do it, especially in terms of achieving a goal or a long term strategy.

If a woman wanted to seduce and keep a guy long term, it would be so easy for her, even if she wasn't that hot. The male brain is very easy in general to coopt, particularly because it's wired to measure everything by success. By creating a frame whereby she is attached to his success, and leveraging that against any of his untoward inclinations, he can be fairly easily domesticated and kept in line. Her only real threat would be other women.

Why do so few women do this? For some reason they cannot stay on the mission, but end up fighting him, being unpleasant and annoying, getting into ego competitions, etc. And listening to them it's very clear that they have a lot of trouble accepting reality and being practical about things, which is probably a product of having that emotional disposition to begin with.

I was talking to my dad the other day about my last relationship, and I told him that if she'd really wanted the white picket fence with me, I would have gone like a lamb to the slaughter. I might be aware of a lot of things but at the end of the day I am simply a male. In no time I would have been mowing some lawn in suburbia with a smile on my face. But she couldn't put her ego aside for long enough to accomplish that.

When you see a smart, practical woman at work on a dude it's really something. She can change him like nothing else, suddenly he has all sorts of ideas he never had before, boundaries and frames he never had before, and he's happy as joe. And you can see the woman maneuver him around in real time (sometimes even the dude is aware of it).

So I think the main issue for women is that even though all the right information is out there about how to go about getting what you want from other people, it just doesn't have the same emotional resonance for them as the candle-lighting feelgood philosophy that seems to be a natural fit for their minds. Asking them to combine their natural talent at operating in the emotional realm with field tested techniques and knowledge seems to be a tall order. For the ones who can do that though, they can get pretty much anything they want.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
I think women are certainly born into it when you consider that their brain starts doing facial recognition (emotions) like a Terminator 3,000 while they're still suckling on their mother's teat (they have larger brain circuitry for observing emotions in others than us). At the same time, male babies are busy sleeping and chilling.

They are by nature superior communicators since their brain circuitry for language is also larger than ours. So they are naturally better at expressing emotions than we are.

For sure, the female brain does seem to be wired for socialization better. But it seems like they are better at reading signals and body language cues more than men

But it also seems women are more prone to using indirect communication more than men. Men tend to respond better to more overt and direct language therefore they may still have problems with communicating with the opposite sex effectively

All that socializing with their sisters is to vent emotions but it is also to discuss how to attract and retain guys. They start thinking about "boyfriends" and the like when they're still 6 at a time when most boys are still looking out into the distance like they're on an LSD trip (we are faster at processing 3D abstract shapes, and in general better at abstract thought) or playing soccer during recess.

Add to that the magazines Marie Claire, Vogue, and all that claptrap (open one and you'll see it's chock-full of dating advice for chicks, their target market). For every GQ and Playboy, there are 500 female magazines.

True, if anything women start to learn about game earlier than most men. They have a seduction community of their own with their networks while for us men we are conditioned that we should just "get it"

They have more than the average dude simply because they’re more likely to consume dating advice when they run into a hump, as well as trade notes with their female friends.

Things an average seducer will do (resulting in at least marginally better game), women tend to do by default.

Like I said above. So if women are actively learning this stuff are they truly naturals?

Good question. I think women have a natural talent at operating in the emotional realm, which is where seduction plays out. But they are not typically very smart about how they do it, especially in terms of achieving a goal or a long term strategy.

Exactly. They may be more aware of what is going on socially than the average male but awareness does not always translate to skills in persuasion

If a woman wanted to seduce and keep a guy long term, it would be so easy for her, even if she wasn't that hot. The male brain is very easy in general to coopt, particularly because it's wired to measure everything by success. By creating a frame whereby she is attached to his success, and leveraging that against any of his untoward inclinations, he can be fairly easily domesticated and kept in line. Her only real threat would be other women.

Why do so few women do this? For some reason they cannot stay on the mission, but end up fighting him, being unpleasant and annoying, getting into ego competitions, etc. And listening to them it's very clear that they have a lot of trouble accepting reality and being practical about things, which is probably a product of having that emotional disposition to begin with.

I agree... Us men can be simple

But ironically women think men are also dumb for not understanding them

I was talking to my dad the other day about my last relationship, and I told him that if she'd really wanted the white picket fence with me, I would have gone like a lamb to the slaughter. I might be aware of a lot of things but at the end of the day I am simply a male. In no time I would have been mowing some lawn in suburbia with a smile on my face. But she couldn't put her ego aside for long enough to accomplish that.

Could the argument be made that she had poor game then?

When you see a smart, practical woman at work on a dude it's really something. She can change him like nothing else, suddenly he has all sorts of ideas he never had before, boundaries and frames he never had before, and he's happy as joe. And you can see the woman maneuver him around in real time (sometimes even the dude is aware of it).

Ye, those are women that have game. But just like men all women don't truly have it

So I think the main issue for women is that even though all the right information is out there about how to go about getting what you want from other people, it just doesn't have the same emotional resonance for them as the candle-lighting feelgood philosophy that seems to be a natural fit for their minds.

The same could be said about men too no?

There is a lot of information out there on how to seduce women but for some reason a lot of men gravitate to more redpill philosophies that don't actually improve their communication with women. They are too focused on what women should want on paper and also tend to miss the emotional aspect of things

Asking them to combine their natural talent at operating in the emotional realm with field tested techniques and knowledge seems to be a tall order. For the ones who can do that though, they can get pretty much anything they want.

Right! So at the end of the day aren't men and women pretty similar then? To get what they want both parties will increase their chances by learning some game

Which is why people teaching women game online seems to be a growing market

Just interesting to note
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Jan 6, 2025
maybe its a gen-z thing where people aren't as socially active as b4.

girls are still better than the average guy socially, but the average guy socially is prob worse than the avg guy 10 years ago.

I've seen some weird stuff from the genz chicks though, i think the game needs to tweaked but i'm not experienced enough to say how.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I think this is just west where gen-zs are facing this issue of lack of communication skills.

Here in India, its quite different. Again not talking about Indian men in west.

But Indians in India, maybe its like being 10 years back. Here hook up culture is becoming kinda norm nd women are more open to talk about sex etc.

Nd I see genz guys also having decent social skills.

I think its more dependent on isolation.

Here with people I am living or have lived in the past as long as they were taking part in social activities be it sport or anything, they ended up with decent social skills.

Also, I belive the chicks that get pickup also bring some selection bias.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I agree... Us men can be simple

But ironically women think men are also dumb for not understanding them

Yeah that's a funny one, women tend to conflate intelligence with understanding emotions. I guess that's where 'emotional intelligence' comes from. So even when reality offers them a solution to a problem, if it's not an 'emotionally intelligent' one perhaps they find it harder to accept.

Could the argument be made that she had poor game then?

Yes, I think so. I could see she also had a problem accepting a practical solution to her problem, which in this case would have been to be more acquiescent to me in general. Sometimes she would be fantastic but then something would cause her to flare up and start an ego competition.

It would be analogous I suppose to a guy who was gaming a girl and then kept getting into an argument with her. Of course, for a woman things play out over a longer timespan, but then the reward is much greater as well.

Ye, those are women that have game. But just like men all women don't truly have it

Vanishingly few women these days seem to have the ability to maneuver from the bottom, it's basically a lost art at this point. Dad was telling me about some of his experiences living with a family in Japan in the 60s/70s and it was clear those women had a lot more of it than seems to be the case now.

It's really sad because a woman imo can get almost anything when she's willing to be what the man wants and to allow him to 'win'. But mothers don't teach their daughters that, and society certainly gives them a different point of view. So you end up with all these resentful women in their 30s with no prospects, who aggressively demand that men should step up and figure out how to 'handle' them and their bad attitudes.

The same could be said about men too no?

There is a lot of information out there on how to seduce women but for some reason a lot of men gravitate to more redpill philosophies that don't actually improve their communication with women. They are too focused on what women should want on paper and also tend to miss the emotional aspect of things

Yes absolutely. To a large extent the inability to be humble and accept reality is a human problem not a male or female one. Some of the redpill guys sound just like the 35 y/o overweight women with dyed hair complaining that there aren't any good men anymore.

I think the main difference is that there exist a substantial portion of men who gather in places like this to solve the problem in a very practical way. To my knowledge (and I'd love to be proven wrong!) there's nowhere on the internet where women are gathering to learn in an extremely practical way the art of maneuvering men into relationships and keeping them there - even when there's some of that, it seems to be so diluted in feelgood philosophy as to be minimally useful.

Right! So at the end of the day aren't men and women pretty similar then? To get what they want both parties will increase their chances by learning some game

Which is why people teaching women game online seems to be a growing market

Just interesting to note

Yeah that is very interesting, I don't follow women's game on the internet too closely to be able to comment on it, but from what I've seen it is a growing thing. The question is, is it psychologically preparing women for their role or just getting them hooked on some kind of feelgood content mill (the way it is for a large part of men's advice as well)?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
One of the funny things of being a proficient seducer is noticing all the social faux pas and seduction mistakes that women do.

Things like disqualifying themselves unintentionally, fail to jump at clear opportunities and playing dumb attention competitions between themselves.

I agree the average woman is much more socially skilled than the average man… but the perception that all women are natural masters of the game is just plain wrong.