Chad Tyrone
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  • "Time is not created equally whatsoever. Everything is expedited the higher status u become

    Chicks fall in love with you faster, deals close faster, u skip lines, preferential treatment across the board

    Years get crunched into days the more powerful you are

    Takes a normie a year of dating to lock down a chick-takes 5 minutes at a coffee shop to a dude at the top of his game. One is warping time, one isn’t"
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    Reactions: Dreamer
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    At the top,it feels like a waste of your time having to "work" on a girl
    Beating around the bush will lose you girls

    You've got to know what you want with her from the moment you spot her

    And how to get there

    Don't mind these two and you'll find yourself in places(zones?) you don't want

    You may get lucky sometime(s) but Lady Luck won't be smiling at you forever

    You have to learn how to make your own luck

    Those two will help you.Afreakinglot
    SAC will get girls chasing you more than blowing money on them will ever do

    Better yet,it's genuine when they do
    Girls behave a lot more different around you when you're different - whether cool, chill,sexy,or edgy

    In fact you may notice that her personality when around you is different from that which she embodies when she's around her friends

    (May be big a difference or small)


    Been noticing this more and more over the years .

    Bet there are some here who have noticed it too.
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Will be down to hear your thoughts on this🤔

    And wow if she's usually bitchy/arrogant she becomes girly and feminine around me

    Or if she's the kind to throw others under the bus ,she wouldn't dare do that to you

    Personality is indeed malleable
    Tactics and tech will make you feel like you have a superpower when you first use them and they land consistently on the girls you use them on

    But what do you do when nothing's going your way?

    What do you do when it seems like "you lost it"?

    What do you do when you fuck it up big time you feel ashamed of yourself?

    Well, nothing will keep you going like having the right mindset(s)
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    Reactions: Spyce D
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And in a field where you aren't guaranteed of success,you'd rather quit than stick at it(exceptions exist ofc)

    Learn the right mindset though and you'll see how far you can go (as long as you want it bad enough)

    When you can make peace with the fact that not everything will always be in your control you're on your way there
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Learn to be unfazed,to keep your calm,to be outcome independent,to think yourself as just some guy,not to take rejection personally...need I go on?


    And you'll be amazed when fuck ups just roll off your shoulders...fuck ups that'll have blown up in other people's faces
    Spyce D
    Spyce D
    What do you do when you fuck it up big time

    That's the main thing ....
    Good game doesn't guarantee you'll get all chicks

    You can run picture -perfect seductions and still not get that chick you've your sights on.

    It ups your chances of getting the girls you meet than the average man though.

    And you can do it more consistently than the average man ever can.

    Don't beat yourself up just because you couldn't get Sexy Seraphina.

    That's just the game.
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    Reactions: Spyce D
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Some girls won't like you no matter how out-of-this-world you are.

    Go meet those who will and don't let that bother you
    Comfort is key not only when you have her in the seduction location but also throughout the seduction -from the moment you meet her till the close

    Most people have their defenses up with strangers

    A good seducer aims to lower these defenses if he's to get her

    If you get good at building comfort,nigh every one you meet will be at ease with you
    Girls will make mistakes sometimes that flub the seduction

    It pays to let these slide when starting out and find ways to salvage the interaction before it runs its course

    This goes a long way in tightening your game and leadership skills

    Leadership can be hard for beginners ... getting the things you want consistently is no easy feat for a social novice

    The more you lead though ,the better at it you get
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Past a certain point though girls will do things that just mess it up for both of you

    Most of the time, that'll spell the end of the interaction especially if you didn't find her that interesting

    And as much as you may know a way or two to turn things around,you may not bother to

    And that's okay
    Guys lower in mate value are always the guys that want to pick up fights with you for picking up their chicks lol

    The better you get ,the more a "threat" you become 😎
    You should always seek to improve your mating sociometer

    Or else you'll be forever stuck going for ugs

    It's funny that some guys out there have to put ugs on pedestals to curry favor with them lol

    Not that you have to put hotties on pedestals either

    Hotties are far out of reach for these guys too

    And if you are getting ugs again and again ,they become your norm

    And that's sad
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    You should rather be the guy that hotties get nervous around

    Rather than the other way round

    Don't forget to work on your attainability when you get there
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    If it means improving to a point of diminishing returns,so be it.

    Your future self will forever thank you

    What's more you get to be the buyer with most girls

    You may be the seller with some ,but it won't be that hard to flip that script

    Here's to your improvement 🥂
    Girls break their rules with you when you are a rule breaker yourself

    Watch her arousal skyrocket when you break rules

    Grin within when she gets to break that rule " she holds dear with regular men " with you 😉

    Don't be silly though and go break rules that will get you in trouble or the penitentiary lol
    Girls will always slow game you when you don't know what you are doing

    Learn game

    Some will slow game you even when you have game

    But a true player knows when to cut his losses and seek out far better options,if he so chooses

    This way he ups and ups his scarcity as he goes

    Done right,women chase him more and want to see the seduction come to its end
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    If they know it'll be there tomorrow,the next day,the next day after that ... they'll push off buying it

    If they know it won't be there in the near future,they can't help but buy it NOW

    Good question to ask yourself moving forward:How are you selling yourself?
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    You should be scarce and valuable too

    Scarce +no value=no one cares

    Scarce+value="I should get this before it's gone/someone else picks it before me(other girls pick on your value and act fast😉)"
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