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  • Writing new articles for GC. I usually write them in bulk, submitting like 16 articles at the same time. This time around I am writing 23 out of 25 posts on sex talk. It includes new gambits (really good ones - easy to pull off and efficient) as well as posts on calibration and trouble shooting (handlings tests). Going to be a big year for sex talk lovers!
    hi how are you, what is your best advice for a beginner? i have had great success with applying sex god method with one girl but am trying to meet other girls, what is your best advice. it is very confusing to know who i should follow and listen to, there is indirect style mystery game, then there is direct game, there is escalation and there is your idea you write about so much where you bring up sexual stories
    Hello, this is Alek Rolstad, correct?

    I am interested in hiring you for coaching. However, I was wondering if you do any ongoing coaching plans for someone early into their growth that's looking to have consistent sessions over the period of a few months?
    Hey brother wassup
    Questions should be asked on the forums for the general public to see. I also don't answer questions regarding "that special girl" - as individual cases are of little interest. Also in your case, you answered your own question: 1. bad sex, 2. boyfriend 3. buyers remorse. Sexual prizing followed by bad sex happens, and it usually does not lead to second meet-ups.
    Move on from this one and prevent this from happening in the future by focusing on more rapport and comfort, and then actually provide the goodies. If she blocked you, therev is also perhaps a chance that you were too pushy during the build up - although impossible for me to tell, but girls blocking you usually is a sign of discomfort.
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    Reactions: Viper
    yooo, are you actually in Paris right now, and have you spoken to Sosha or Larikka at all recently?
    Imagine my smile, waking up and seeing a Girlschase article heavily featuring my favourite RTS games. This is truly the best of 2 worlds, game.. and well game.
    I told Chase I had a weird idea for an article. He got curious. I told him what he was... and he was like "hahaha fuck yeah". So it happened.
    Messaged you in messenger cause for the life of me I can't find how to do it here, if I can at all at my rank
    Het. The Alek Rolstad profile on facebook is not working - I do not have access to it. It was a failed project from years ago. Could you copy paste your message and send it to alek@girlschase.com?

    PS: The reason you cannot send private message is because I think you need to post at lead 10 messages on the forums in order to be able to PM.
    Hey Man, I experienced an email glitch creating an account for the forum and the my email box never received the confirmation, So about a Day or so ago I got locked out of that account. I wasn't able to look a the forum or contact an admin with it. So i created this account and was wondering, if you could delete or logout my old account? its the same name but with an O(not a zero) for the first letter.
    I reported this to the mods. They should look into it. I suggest you private message Mike Silvertree about this.
    Hey man, I decided to join this board. I posted sometimes on the old forum and put up a few reports. I even remember you from formhandle's old old forum and even the time you posted pictures of yourself as a very blond teenager, lol. Fuck, that was a long time ago.
    So if you could set up my rank above Rookie that would be great.
    I guess I remember your hair wrong then. It was fuckin' hilarious reading your stuff, there was no one like you before or after and I've read plenty of shit on these boards over the years.
    As far as level goes let's say tool-bearing hominid. I'm really rusty and will have to put in some work tn earn a higher rank later. I hope this board is as good as you mentioned on the fasterseduction boards.
    Well yes, my posts from back then were quite wild, and I was a young guy going nuts, trying out stuff - and in fact a lot of the concepts I used back then, are stuff I still use. However, I am more smooth now, and far less explicit. Maybe it has to do with age (I was under 20 back then, now I am closing into my 30s). I am still wild, but in a different way I guess :)
    What's up Teevster? It's 100 Watt Warlock from NextASF. We may have talked a little on the old forums a long time ago.

    Not sure what the deal is with rank, but it's not a big concern of mine. Except, I'm not sure if personal messages are a restricted feature, and if they are I would appreciate being able to do that.

    By the way do you think PureEvil might be coming here? He was always great.
    Hi. I think you should be able to PM me. I think I do i fact remember you. Regarding ranks, just pm me or let me know your current level and success and I will do my best to judge accordingly. Ranks are prone to change depending on how we see fit.

    Regarding PE, he has ghosted... with no signs of coming back for now, but he may pop up when we the least expect it.

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