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  • Hey boss, just was going through your post. Killer stuff. I’m in West Palm Beach as well.

    Would love to connect with you for coaching and possibly getting some help going out together.

    Let me know if that’s something you may be open to

    I'm interested in hiring a skilled coach to help fuel my growth in this journey of becoming great with women. Do you offer any coaching plans, where we may have consistent weekly sessions over the period of a few months as I work in field?
    I will pm you, to see if we can work something out....
    Do anybody has saved the post on CONTAINMENT from nextasf whole of fame by ijjjji (is the missing part on a dude i am trying to help, i can not find it for the life of me) P.s. I know his credibility in question, but i just care about hat post... Thanks!
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