Chad Tyrone
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  • You can know every single seduction tactic game has to offer

    But it's all for naught if you don't have a killer instinct to get girls or close things out

    And a killer instinct is something that you have or don't

    Place the books aside and enter the playground

    Ready to play

    Ready to "kill"
    Once you are sexy, you should focus more on doing things a lot more faster

    Attraction, that you should have capitalized on, fades a lot more faster too than you realize

    Nothing sucks when you run things smoothly ...only to have events outside your control derail the seduction cause you let her walk away.

    Have her while you can
    A good seducer is one who has embraced lots of uncertainty

    Yet reducing uncertainty and lots of mistakes in your seductions...comes down to having a solid process that gets you girls.

    Without it, you are just taking risks while shooting in the dark.

    A reason most people quit early

    Can't stand the losses in a row
    Once you get advanced you realize how much sex you left on the table by not going for it on the first date.

    All things being equal, girls are often ready than you realize.

    You just have to run the seduction towards that end
    Moving slow doesn't mean just that "moving slow"...oftentimes moving slow may mean getting her all aroused and not going in for the kill.

    Whether be it she's yet to signal you or you think building trust over a series of dates will get her spreading her legs for you , you're wrong.

    If you aren't taking her to bed today, don't be too sexy or go all sex talk-y on her.

    Finish what you start
    Ultimate hack to being a smooth dude is never getting excited on the way up

    See dudes lose their head when they taste a lil victory

    Refuckinglax. Lol

    Can still get big Ws and have a flat face

    Of note: nothing against wins
    While you’re obsessed with how you phrase things and how you look

    There’s dudes out there getting everything you want doing it as ugly as possible

    As much as self-monitoring is great ...don't take it to the extreme*wink*
    Used to think the zero fucks given attitude was the peak

    It’s not. The “why not me” attitude is

    Most people have no clue how “human” their idols are

    How imperfect they are-same struggles as everyone else

    They just think if they stay lower than everyone else they won’t get hit

    Good luck...
    There's someone out there doing whatever you are afraid of doing all wrong and getting mere results

    And they have no plans whatsoever to do it better

    Trust me ,you have it in you to believe you can do it much as they believe in their own mediocrity

    Better yet,you don't need to be great when you start

    But you can be great only if you start

    Do it .

    When nothing seems to work

    When you are almost giving it all up

    Mindset is what moves the needle.

    You need to understand that

    A strong mindset would find a way around the wall. Under it. Above it. Through it.

    Doesn’t matter.

    If your mindset is on point? You’ll break down that wall

    Can't stress it enough but whatever it takes...

    Work on your mindset
    At times,you know what works best for you

    You don't have to be a "stick to the rules of the book" kind of guy to succeed in this

    What others say works for them may not work for you

    And that's fine

    But don't quit because nothing "seems" to work

    To be a seducer is to be a social scientist

    Go out and test

    Find what works for you
    Ultimate calibration:

    Embody a personality far different from your main (usual?) one and come off congruent at the same time

    Doesn't need to be said but you still have to have exceptional qualities that make you stand out...lest she sees you like a normal everyday dude
    • Like
    Reactions: Skippy and Dreamer
    thats definitely some high-level calibration! waoaa
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Lol...really is

    Once you get smooth ,you need it to be relatable

    You find yourself switching to different "sides" of you just to be 'attainable'😅

    Most people are basic🤷🏿‍♂️😂
    Don't answer when she asks boring questions

    Best,slap on a bored look

    Builds the tension

    A tension that she can't bathe in

    Onus on her to make it fun

    Onus on you to make it fun when she can't
    Some girls will ask you questions

    And that's ok

    Ultimately though you'll have to control where the conversation is headed

    Oftentimes,the more she controls it ...the least likely you are to get her

    Things go off track too

    And that's your fault

    Become a conversationalist 😉😁
    Walking away shouldn't be in spite as most people make it to be

    Chicks can pay you no mind and you still can be a beam of positivity...

    The life of the party

    That doesn't mean you kiss up and wish that your "best behavior" will let her give you a (second )chance

    It's just leaving the door open were she to change her mind while still not minding whether she will seek you out or not
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    It's you giving her a second chance while making peace with the fact she may not take it

    What's good you get to keep your mood,either way
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