Chad Tyrone
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  • You may get very good at this that other guys totally become irrelevant

    Yet not most people will root for the lover . Idc how sexy or smooth you are

    You'll cross paths with people who don't want the best for you for whatever reason

    Such people may derail your seduction and you wind up losing the girl ...

    Or the girl finding it harder to go along with you cause her friends are talking her out of it
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    Reactions: Dreamer and Spyce D
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    All the more reason to seduce away from prying eyes:sneaky:

    Or make her look good in public where not possible

    Of course , girl friends can be easily won but what if you are not in a position to meet them?

    What if they are yet to see how cool you are and are skeptical of you ?
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Trust me , once they are talking her out of it

    She won't show up next time(most likely)

    "But what about your relationship with Joe Schmoe"

    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Emotions you generated in her cool off

    And it gets kinda hard trying to get her out again

    Be in a secluded place

    Create desire

    Then ACT
    Sometimes things won't go your way

    No matter how good or sexy you get

    It's easy to beat yourself up cause it kinda feels you're "fake"

    But trust me ,if you've already paid your dues, you aren't

    You owe it to yourself to prove that the skills you've already developed can get you chicks

    And sex
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Oftentimes, your current mindset in this state is the correct one

    You don't need to start afresh just because things seem to be going south

    You just need to meet more girls who will go home with you

    And have sex with you
    Never chuck out any seduction technique that isn't working for you completely

    Keep it in mind...

    Sooner or later when things start to make enough sense

    You'll use it to your advantage
    Beating girls' frames ultimately comes down to having amassed enough knowledge and experience that you know yours is the right one

    And that IT should happen

    Honestly, given time most girls worldview can be changed
    You can know every single seduction tactic game has to offer

    But it's all for naught if you don't have a killer instinct to get girls or close things out

    And a killer instinct is something that you have or don't

    Place the books aside and enter the playground

    Ready to play

    Ready to "kill"
    Once you are sexy, you should focus more on doing things a lot more faster

    Attraction, that you should have capitalized on, fades a lot more faster too than you realize

    Nothing sucks when you run things smoothly ...only to have events outside your control derail the seduction cause you let her walk away.

    Have her while you can
    A good seducer is one who has embraced lots of uncertainty

    Yet reducing uncertainty and lots of mistakes in your seductions...comes down to having a solid process that gets you girls.

    Without it, you are just taking risks while shooting in the dark.

    A reason most people quit early

    Can't stand the losses in a row
    Once you get advanced you realize how much sex you left on the table by not going for it on the first date.

    All things being equal, girls are often ready than you realize.

    You just have to run the seduction towards that end
    Moving slow doesn't mean just that "moving slow"...oftentimes moving slow may mean getting her all aroused and not going in for the kill.

    Whether be it she's yet to signal you or you think building trust over a series of dates will get her spreading her legs for you , you're wrong.

    If you aren't taking her to bed today, don't be too sexy or go all sex talk-y on her.

    Finish what you start
    Ultimate hack to being a smooth dude is never getting excited on the way up

    See dudes lose their head when they taste a lil victory

    Refuckinglax. Lol

    Can still get big Ws and have a flat face

    Of note: nothing against wins
    While you’re obsessed with how you phrase things and how you look

    There’s dudes out there getting everything you want doing it as ugly as possible

    As much as self-monitoring is great ...don't take it to the extreme*wink*
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