Chad Tyrone
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  • Good question to ask yourself everytime you try to move fast with girls ...

    And get stopped in your tracks

    Or have some doubt in your mind

    Whether moving fast does really work is

    "Have I worked on my sexiness?"

    If girls " out " themselves from the interaction every single time you try to skip steps

    I guarantee being a sexy guy will open a new world for you

    Else I can go eat crow lol
    Once you've been moving fast with girls multiple times

    You'll have a disdain for anything moving too slow for your taste

    If you've got your game down pat,it won't really matter that much if she's hot too

    There is no limit to how fast you can go

    It may sound unbelievable at first,to many

    But yeah ,this world exists
    Attraction is a game board

    Time is your opponent

    A little procrastination ...a lil slacking

    And time will knock you out bad

    You must make that move if you are out for victory

    You may not be victorious all the time

    And that's fine

    But being in that mindset constantly will put you far ahead

    I promise
    It's too easy to get stuck looking out for signals that you end up not making any move(s)

    Especially with neutral girls

    Too easy to tell yourself that you'll wait until she's " ready"

    Too easy to resort to" building a connection more and more,and making the move next time"

    Only that next time never comes

    To some it may ,but that's all luck

    You're a killer seducer,so relying on luck is mostly out
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    One thing to note here is that you are testing to see how she reacts

    Her reaction matters little tbh

    You just have to execute and let her be the judge

    I guarantee if you are doing your shit right, letting her be the judge isn't in any way approval seeking as some may think

    You are the man,you have evolved into being the one that makes the move
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Anyways,you don't always have to bail on girls that didn't signal you

    Make that move

    Get your response or whatever you're looking for
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Still getting neutral responses?

    Try making your moves bolder,within reason of course
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    You become fully detached once it becomes a matter of just testing things out to see whether my process works

    And not whether I get this specific chica

    You are ,in essence, leaving the process to put the neck on the line for you (lol)

    Whereas if you are too attached on getting that one girl, you are basically signing yourself up for an ego bruise
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Moreover, it's way easier to tighten up your process and game enough that it can land you more girls in general than it is to get this special girl

    And who knows, maybe after letting your process “do the work” for you , you can end up getting that one girl you’re after

    Because she can tell that it doesn’t really matter to you, whether you get her or not
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    I’m not saying you shouldn’t care …of course ,you should make her feel special

    I’m saying it’s okay if it doesn’t lead to wherever you want it to

    That’s true detachment
    Test things out for yourself first

    Constantly asking for advice

    Or looking for some obscure YT video that'll will get girls jumping on your dick right out of the gate ,

    Ain't gonna get you anywhere

    Believe you have it in you to always figure things out

    Go fail...

    Fast and forward
    There are a billion ways to fuck it up with a chick and only few ways to get her

    There are more things you should not be doing than there are things to do

    Get out of your head

    Easily avoid the things you should not be doing

    And follow the patterns
    You don't pursue getting better with women to impress people

    Some do

    But the smart ones ultimately realize that it was never really about impressing others

    You pursue greatness because it's how you choose to operate and realize that it's the only way to have control over your reality

    You do it for you
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    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And if you are doing it for others...I'll let you in on a harsh truth:

    Most can't decipher greatness when they see it

    Quit wasting your time

    Do it for you!
    Fool is him that mistakes genuity for politeness or weakness

    If people can walk over you and you call yourself genuine

    You are not there yet!

    Truly genuine men are also unfuckwithable

    Drill that into your skull everytime you try to talk yourself out of cultivating genuity for a fear that it's "weak" or "uncool"
    She can be above all human laws

    But she can never be above the laws of woman nature

    Who she really is deep down doesn't change

    There is a point of diminishing returns once you get good

    A point where you never have to bother racking your brain up to come up with new tactics or strategies on how to get her

    Certainly you can but you don't need to
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    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    In essence, once you have mastered how to "manipulate'' (lol) her brain and seen the effect on her, you can be damn sure she'll behave the same way again and again and again
    Get close to those you most admire

    And discover a being with human flaws

    You can become whoever you want to be

    Once you quit idolizing

    I promise
    For those beating themselves up,

    Get this:

    3 years from now...5 yrs...10,

    It won't matter a flying fig whether you got rejected on your first approach,

    Or you couldn't get that girl Penny out.

    Nor would it matter how bad you wanted to make things right with Cathy ...once you messed things up

    What would matter is what stuck with you

    Is it the lesson(s) or the experience?
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Fun fact: the loser effect and forehead slaps vanish and all you're left with are lessons

    You may not get it(them?) from a single experience

    But the patterns from all your fuck-ups are your lessons

    Pattern recognition is truly a sign of genius

    And hey if you're still feeling like shit and loser-y,years down the line thing is for certain

    -You just don't get it
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    There's a kind of indifference that every guy that's been down the block embodies

    And most importantly, during the escalation to sex

    He doesn't get bitter when she's resisting his escalation attempts

    Nor does he plead with her to put out like every needy guy she's been with before

    He remains his normal self whether he gets the lay or not

    And if he doesn't get the lay ,that's ok

    No skin off his nose
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    At no point , though,does his investment in her increase( if he doesn't get the lay)

    He isn't bitter , remember...just indifferent

    His investment is lower relative to hers just like in the beginning

    If hers drop,his drops too

    Some part of him is still interested but he isn't chasing

    And that's attractive to her

    He still stands a chance(hate putting it this way) of getting her
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Most guys lose it when they don't get the lay because they get chasey

    It doesn't matter if she was chasing him all along

    Once you flip the script, it's mostly over

    She doesn't have to be chasing as much like she was before

    But she should feel it within her that it doesn't bother you

    And that she's still invested in the courtship
    Everyone,when starting out, is out for that magic secret that will land him chicks easily and faster

    We always think that we can magically skip to the good part and avoid the bad one

    But Father Experience teaches you that easy and fast seductions are built on the back of 100s of little "nothings"

    It looks superhuman ,from the outside , and sort of a magic potion that wannabes could drink from ...
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And presto they are great and at the top of their game

    But from the inside,for the experienced mind, it's 15-30 items that move the needle forward 5-10% each

    It's a combination of tactics,techniques , mindset(s) it, that gets anyone to do it that fast

    In the beginning,all these don't seem to count

    By themselves they may seem nothing to some
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Put all them together and you've solved the puzzle

    You've got your magic secret

    And once you get to that point ,you can do it as easily and as fast as you want
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