I totally agree! Like in cases where normally you need to be non reactive I strategically show emotion in order to shift the interaction. But again there is strategy involved and the main course is still solid game
Yeah I mean ego can be involved when you are all about fast pulls Easy to take to heart you couldn't shag her in 30 mins or on the first date, especially once you're really skilled With other girls ,it's been easy for you ...you took them to bed in less than an hour or earlier into your first date Yet this chick you're gaming slows you down for whatever reason
For a guy that;'s been around the block , he may drop this chick if he wants And there is certainly a thing to be said for attraction having an expiry date Guys starting out may beat themselves up and may bail from the seduction because they learned somewhere that attraction expires A skilled guy may too
Which brings me to what I said earlier :What if he could stick in there ? What if he went against the rules while still not chasing her whatsoever? What if the chick was interested but couldn't put out for whatever reason ? Maybe she doesn't like period sex as much as you say it's okay with you lol More and more often you don't have to get her in the shortest period of time to be called the world's lady killer
I mean it's something to aspire for But it's something that'll pressure you to game her quickly and end up missing the lay if she's not yet ready Had periods where I made a move and the girl ,as interested as she was , wouldn't let things past third base Some after a while would just let go and enjoy the pleasure of the moment
While some others didn't Still kept my cool and got those too later within a few days after the failed mating attempt Those are second chances you get when you have worked on yourself All this to say , it's good to train yourself and stick to rules early on You should know that attraction does expire for example