Chad Tyrone
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  • You can take more risky moves when the interaction is still fresh and new than when you let things build over time.

    What's more is that you keep things simple.

    Taking things slow makes things complex.Wildcards show up.Stuff intervenes . Interest fades.

    She starts to get a good feel of what kind of guy you are.Trust me the more she knows about you,the less a lover "in her eyes'' you become.
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    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    All the more reason to Keep It Stupid Simple --when it's still fresh and you are new to her .

    Totally don't understand why guys have to arouse a chick and have her emotions crest then leave with an aim of doing it more and more next time.

    Fat chance you get her.
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And if you can get her ,more power to you ...still don't understand why you have to run through the process of arousing her again next time.It's boring tbh.

    Also the more you get to know each other, the more hesitant you become because you're more invested in the interaction.

    Don't know about you but I've always liked things fresh.
    It doesn't matter how much you blunder it on your first ,tenth or hundredth try

    The good thing is you can always go out there and do it again ,again, and again until it finally clicks

    Everything always works out for the better!
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    Spyce D
    Spyce D
    Today's failures are happening on a higher level than yesterday's successes.
    Haha pretty cute when girls are nervous around you

    I love it

    Definitely chuckle-worthy

    Let's bathe in the tension,missy
    One trick to get yourself comfortable back at hers:

    Lay back on her bed.

    Or take space on her couch or bed.

    Sounds simple yet few guys do this

    Was actually surprised to see a guy back at a girls place hunched and sitting at the edge of the bed.

    Nothing screams I'm at ease and own this place like laying back and taking space do

    Sounds cocky? It should 😜
    It's way too hard to move things forward when you don't know what ends you want to achieve

    All too often ,guys get stuck approaching girls but don't know what to say next

    Don't know how to move her,ask her out or get her no

    Some may but they do it as if they were taking a shot in the dark --half assing it in the process

    You've got to know what you want and how to get it
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    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    With time,you get better and better at this .

    Moving things forward becomes a game of chess and the end you seek is to checkmate.

    While you may not win all the chess games you play ,you certainly can become better at it than those who you play with.
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Which means most of your seductions will go somewhere provided she doesn't bail before it comes to its end or you stall things and she loses all interest she had in you

    Most interactions that lack progress end so because the guy didn't have the end in mind .

    The girl just gets bored and doesn't want anything to do with the guy anymore

    Unless she cuts him some slack and he gets lucky,it's mostly done
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Keep the end in mind, always
    Girls tend to be too much in their own heads or on the fence when your fundamentals and game need work

    Heck, they're more likely to turn you down than comply with you

    If you've been bashing your head against the wall trying to get girls to do what you want...

    Then it's high time you honed in on both your fundamentals and game
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    While not all of them will comply with you right out of the gate,you'll get many of them doing what you want,provided it's in their best interests and they can tell as such

    Be around the block a little more longer and you'd be surprised what girls can do with a sexy stranger they just met on the street 😉
    It's easy to sour out on a chick if things go south with her

    Heck to try and "show her" after taking a hit to your ego

    And certainly it does feel right...after all it massages your ego

    Get this though ,the only person you are hurting is you

    You grow more and more bitter towards women in general over time

    For each and every girl you meet next ,that it doesn't go anywhere with ,you carry even more resentment
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And chicks can tell when a guy resents's all in your vibe after all

    We tend to like those who like us back ...

    Carry resentment with you everywhere you go and chicas would want to get away from you on your approach

    With bitterness and resentment,you sign up for a future of poor and go- nowhere interactions with the women you meet.

    Yet in loving women you become a lover of women
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And a lover of women is loved by women.

    I don't care how rude or offensive one of them may have been to still can love women

    Loving women doesn't have to be the "desperate longing for them" kind

    Making peace with the fact that you won't get them all yet still embodying a positive attitude about them in general is loving women in and of itself
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    You don't have to tell girls off when you don't get them .

    By all means replace them but don't go at it with resentment just cause the previous one wasn't into you.

    She doesn't care and she'll pay you no mind.

    And that's fine.

    You get to carry a positive attitude with you regardless and win in the grand scheme of things.

    Always remember that the only one that gets hurt is you when you get bitter
    Detached is the man that always bets things may go south no matter how great an interaction is

    And hey it doesn't have to be defeatist

    Women can and do "change" for whatever reason

    Plan for that and you won't panic any when it doesn't go your way
    Interest yet no compliance on her part means so little

    Don't fall for it

    Better if you can get both from her of course

    But be out looking for compliance,just about every single time you go out

    It saves your time a lot

    Easy to fake interest...hard to fake compliance

    If she's mostly compliant with you,trust me odds are high you are going to get her
    You don't have to be Mr. Smooth with every girl you meet

    Go meet her and then figure what kind of game you have to break out

    Most chicks are used to meeting lames that your C game could get them if you do know your stuff

    minimum conatus maximus eventus

    It's easy to get caught up trying to figure how to move things forward especially when you process is challenged
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    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    ( it happens but with great game ,it's no sweat off your back)

    Nonetheless , the simplest game could move things forward more often than you think

    I’m not saying smooth game doesn’t work

    I’m saying you don’t have to rack your brain up trying to figure out how to move an intercation forward when simple stuff could do

    You have to try it and see
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And hey if it doesn’t work out ,you can always pull out your big guns

    Really, advanced game is game in its simplest form

    Lol ,used to want everything perfect and girls wouldn’t get me

    Then I’d simplify what I was saying or how I came across and things proceeded without a hitch
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    So yeah , careful you don’t get stuck running your seductions perfectly.

    I mean if the chick is experienced and all , you can…

    Provided she gets you and can play along.

    With most chicks though , just good game will do
    People bitch on lowering your standards

    Take it from me tho...

    Once you get to be the buyer and have so much choice

    You decide whether the interaction is doing it for you or not

    Maybe a cute girl is making things harder for you while another more cute one is all over you .

    You get to decide whether the just-cute girl is worth the bother
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    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Lowering your standards isn't about shagging your way through anything that breathes

    It's more about giving yourself easy wins/ experience to pick the chicks you most want.

    And picking the chicks you most want is getting to decide if you're willing to stick in there if she ain't doing it for you

    Being the buyer+ lowering your standards makes for a killer combo
    My mentality is similar at the moment. Building up my wins and honing my seduction skills with girls who aren't as hot as the hot girls I might have some trouble with. Little by little my caliber will go up and up and those girls I had issues with wont mean anything to me. Im already seeing how much more outcome independent and smooth I have become in only 6 or so dates. We only go up from here
    You don't have to be contentious to win at frame control

    If you do ,you really aren't winning others over

    Instead you are outing them

    Your frame can come out on top while still making others feel included.

    Aim for that
    At the top , you get to test lots of different stuff

    While starting out,you tend to ,and should, stick to the rules

    Past a certain level,you get a big picture of the game

    And it gets easier to break the rules without hurting yourself or messing your process

    Thinking of this ,more and more lately

    Curious to hear what others think too
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    But you won't be going out there and forcing yourself on chicks just because attraction will expire if you don't close this first time .

    Instead, you can keep your cool , maintain your process or ,come up with a different strategy without chasing her of course

    And see how that plays out

    Maybe you got used to replacing all chicks you couldn't get at first
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    But what if you could change things up and see if you still can win?

    Sometimes you may

    Sometimes you may not

    But it's good to have those experiences in your mind so you know when to persist and stay in there in the future and when not to

    Best of all, you get to see more marginal improvements rather than when you used to be rigid and didn't want to see the flip side of things
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And that brings you closer and closer to the big picture ,if you ask me
    There's always a lot to learn and it can feel overwhelming .I know .

    I don't have enough time just sounds like I don't want it bad enough though .

    If you want to be better ...if you want to be great, then you've got to make time.

    An hour a day or a week is all you need .

    Want to learn fast , put in more hours .

    1% improvement weekly is 50% in a year .
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    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Doesn't matter how much you get advanced too...

    There's always something that will move the needle forward .

    Always new mountains to climb.

    Basically , there is no end to this beautiful journey.

    Call it ego ... but it's amazingly awesome when you can run rings around others .

    That's the prize of mastery .
    Spyce D
    Spyce D
    Beautifully put .

    Improvement no matter how small is still an improvement .
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Glad you liked it
    " The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity like sugar or coffee.And I'll pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun"

    ~John D. Rockefeller
    It's been said,time and time again,you should cut your losses and walk away from girls it's going nowhere with

    Most guys though,try as they will,can't exercise this option (or worse revert back to their normal ways once they do)

    Some try meeting more girls but keep running into the same problem:

    It isn't going anywhere but they are finding it hard just to give it all up

    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    And I get it ,it's easy to not walk away when there's still hope

    When the embers are yet to die

    What better rule to come up with when you just can't get yourself to let go?

    First: accept that you lost ...we only can learn when we accept our mistakes

    Second:You only can walk away from girls you couldn't get by always investing less than they do

    Less may vary from girl to girl
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Perhaps less may me more to some chicks

    While "more " may be less for others

    So less here means relative to hers

    Anyways ,it's more easier to walk away ,and not kick yourself in the butt for it ,when you invest less than her right from the beginning
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    Best of all,you don't feel ashamed when you do

    This doesn't mean hold it back and don't invest at all

    Just be conscious of your own investment relative to hers

    As hers goes up ,yours should too

    As hers dwindles away,ditto
    Getting fish to bite comes down to thinking like fish

    All too often,many guys think like fishermen
    and less than the fish

    And are disappointed when the fish don't bite

    What gets some fishermen to outfish others?

    It's by studying all there is to know about the fish they aim to catch, if they are to think like them

    What gets them biting with abandon?What makes them lay low? When are they hungry ?

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    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    What bait attracts them? The works

    Great seducers are no different from the best fishermen that outfish the others

    They understand that to get women they'll have to put themselves in women shoes and think like them or along their thinking

    Like a great fisherman will ask what there is to know about fish...

    A great seducer will ask(about women):
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    What's their life like?Who're they most attracted to? When can they be easily gotten? What works on them (generally)?What doesn't work on them?...other paraphernalia

    Over and over until he ingrains it in his mind to think this way

    It's easy to say that I don't have to do all that

    I'll keep thinking like a fisherman...her loss if she can't see the value in a guy like me
    Chad Tyrone
    Chad Tyrone
    But understand this ,the biggest obstacle to your success is always thinking like a fisherman and having little thought for the fish you want to catch

    Believe me...perhaps don't

    Take this for a spin and see a new world open up to you
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