Hello guys!
Let's say there's this hot coworker who is not in the same department as you or this cute classmate that is for some reason "out of reach".
How do you create opportunities to approach them ?
I have some ideas:
- Banter and tease every time we met and use slow game on her
- Cold...
In this experiment, contrary to what most people would think, there was no evidence that mass approaching girls on a college campus with a direct opener led to an adverse reaction. 60 direct approaches were done with standard pre-opening and post-opening techniques. Concerns around...
How do you keep the conversation going with girls in night game?
i usually give a compliment, ask their name - but after that i am not sure what to do!
i do whisper in their ear, that's about it - i don't know how to proceed
plus most girls say
1. "ok, we gotta find our friends, bye!"
Not a field report, just the weird story of a funny approach I made that made me think I was tripping or daydreaming. Just wanted to share.
University campus. Dead hour. Deserted everywhere but the classrooms. I head to the student center/food court and the few people there are eating or on...
I got some advice from someone on this, but he recommended I get some other opinions, and share it with the group...
I'm not hot on posting as much as I have this past Month, but I've been pushing hard, and been having some very interesting experiences!
So I potentially have a meet-up...
New forum member here. And I've been reading GC for years. Ive read long enough to conclude that you guys are big on cold approaching but unfortunately I'm not with it. Is there an efficient way to get women without it obviously? Oh I'm not opposed to OLD but frankly had very little success in it
Hello there, I need some help with Daygame!
My Fundamentals are good because I get compliments on my shoes, style, etcetera...
I've got a pretty good gig working in TV and Film Production, so I'm considered adventurous, or of decent value.
I'm not afraid to approach and have a conversation - but...
whats up,
First post on the forum, I'm setting a goal to go out approach at least 1 girl everyday for the month of October. my "stretch goal" is to approach 4 a day.
I just quit my job and I really have no other obligations so I have no excuse not to do this.
I'll post daily entries on this...
A bit of background.
I’ve lost interest in most of my childhood hobbies, and have found another part of myself that I enjoy.
I find myself transitioning from being a serious intellectual, highly theoretical person to someone who want to have fun, relax, explore and take care of their body more...
Let's assume that it's a two people table, and it's an outdoors area of a restaurant.
How do you approach in this situation? I would assume indirect opener, social positive vibe.
The best scenario I could imagine is to make a really great emotional impression, so they would invite me to join...
Looks like my game journey has been a top-down approach. When I started off, for a brief period I was doing indirect game inadvertently (not having enough balls to go direct?!) which gave me good results.
However, a wing I used to hangout at the time challenged me to go direct and just to prove...
Met similar cases long ago where the girl straight up reject me but I don't know how to handle it.
That day I was dressed up nicely to do some pickups with a friend. This girl was standing at the McDonalds kiosk machine ordering food. The following is the convo:
Me: Sitting in McDonalds...
I approached a girl and she was quite receptive and talkative. Went back and texted her, we went back and forth texting, and she was also receptive and even asked me questions about myself.
Then when I asked her about her schedule for a coffee date, she said let's continue talk on phone.
Hey guys!
So im 28 years old and i first found this site when I was 21, 7 years ago
Back then, i had no idea wtf i was doing with my life,dropped out of college at 20 and was figuring alot out. But I was able to use this site, upgrade fundamentals, and find some wings.
I did day game, scored...
Approached a girl sitting in a library reading book. After giving out my opener, she said "Hi! But...erm I am quite young tho". That time, I thought she worried about our age difference, so I just said "It's okay for me". However, come to think of it, my reply was kinda creepy. If I were to do...
Most of the time after opening with the girls, they will give me attention and talk for a while. But there are a few times after I said my opener, the girls will just continue with what they do, sometimes it could be playing with their phones, or their eyes could be wandering elsewhere instead...
So a couple days ago I tried street game and I found it a lot different than mall game. These are the problems I ran into:
1. I had to tail girls for a long period of time. I felt like a stalker and I suspect this one girl knew I was following her because she kept turning her head. I don’t know...
So I dressed up well on that day and trying to cold approach few girls at a shopping mall. I have encountered a few cases where the girls seems to be receptive with my approach, but at the end of the conversation when I want to ask for their number, they refused to give it. I think it could be...
"I'm in a hurry" - I hear this very often when I approach during day game. I most often approach in a shopping centre or on the streets.
I understand that some women are really in a hurry, but I believe many use this phrase as an excuse.
I usually stop them by standing in front of them, so...
Hi All,
I know that complimenting woman one finds attractive is important when approaching and talking to women. For example, like saying you have pretty hair, lovely eyes, etc. I see it in the Girls Chase YouTube videos, dating books and etc. However, why do I think to myself that it is...