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  1. TwoNameGame

    Tools to find sexy voice?

    I've often veen told my voice is marvelous, but unrefined. It is a deep bass. With some effort, I could have a good singing voice. I am sometimes asked to say stuff like, "Allstate. Are you in good hands?" (If you know the commercial, you can get the idea). I have always been praised in speech...
  2. G

    What are some IOIs to look for in street game?

    Looks like my game journey has been a top-down approach. When I started off, for a brief period I was doing indirect game inadvertently (not having enough balls to go direct?!) which gave me good results. However, a wing I used to hangout at the time challenged me to go direct and just to prove...
  3. B

    Weird way of girls checking you out?

    I was on a motorbike with my friend(female) driving it and I was on the back and it was jam packed, there were 3 ladies who came out of the mall and while stuck in traffic I felt one of the ladies touched my calves probably near the knee and I kept looking at her after some few minutes she...