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  1. Darius

    When to cut ties with one specific girl.

    Hello everyone, and thanks for ending up on my post :) I just bought Chase's OneDate and TDA, and I feel like the information inside of them is pure gold. So thanks Chase! One thing I noticed is that previously my strategy was to do pretty much drop a girl if the relationship wasn't...
  2. Greco

    Anxious Attachment & Quarantine Stories

    Hi guys, long time reader of GirlsChase here, and have been practising pick up for like 3 years actively. Before that I had two girlfriends and another 2 sexual encounters. Anyway fast forward to now, I've found myself quarantined while I had started dating a girl for like 2 months. Recently...

    Do you feel a bond between you and your conquests/one night stands ?

    Being honest,here,in my experience,I often tend to get attached to my conquests (women I bang) even though I am not going to see them again. I know that this is particularly True of women but for in my personal experience I tend to see that slightly as well. My question is "is it normal and is...