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  1. Aussiedude

    Significant emotional whiplash after each cold approach - Bit of guidance/opinions would be great

    Hi All, So I'm a beginner at cold approach and probably made about 50 cold approaches in total. Each week I usually do about 1 - 5 approaches. But the biggest issue for me, is that after each approach. I get what I call emotional whiplash, in the following hours and even days. In the form of...
  2. TwoNameGame

    University Cold Approach Advice?

    I've lurked on here for a while now and read that the general consensus is: social circle game is king. However, I go to a commuter university with well over 30,000 students in SoCal, USA. Social Circles are too loose here, it seems, and the kinds of girls I have cold approached have completely...
  3. J

    Daily Cold Approach Diary Month of October- Day 1

    whats up, First post on the forum, I'm setting a goal to go out approach at least 1 girl everyday for the month of October. my "stretch goal" is to approach 4 a day. I just quit my job and I really have no other obligations so I have no excuse not to do this. I'll post daily entries on this...
  4. Spyce D

    A must read GC article for beginners ?

    https://www.girlschase.com/content/lower-your-standards-and-date-hotter-girls As a beginner , we can have really big egos ... regarding the chicks we want to hang out with ....which can very bad for our overall development. like I know this 19 year old guy...he is a virgin with high standards...
  5. S

    ADVICE WOULD BE APPRECIATED:Conform vs Individuality, Directing vs Following, Challenging Vs Passive.

    A bit of background. I’ve lost interest in most of my childhood hobbies, and have found another part of myself that I enjoy. I find myself transitioning from being a serious intellectual, highly theoretical person to someone who want to have fun, relax, explore and take care of their body more...
  6. Spyce D

    "I love my hair , too" Shit test

    So , a few days ago , I was out infield and approached this hot chick and complemented on her hair ....but rather than being flattered ..she replied "I love my hair too ". Now , I didn't knew how to respond to this and She left ....even though I knew it was a shit test . Now , it's one thing...
  7. Spyce D

    Man of action

    As i don't have much time now , so will post my introduction some other day . Today , i am going to do a daygame and nightgame session . Let's see how it goes.
  8. D


    Girl does not want a relationship with me, and wants to sleep with me and others too, but also wants to be friends with me, my question is, should I go on with it or not because when sleeps with others
  9. P

    Raised and living in a Pretty much fucked up conservative environment. Need help with a lot of things.

    I am from Pakistan and I was raised in a pretty strict religious and over protective environment. I first time left home alone when I was 15. Now 23. I had no close friends until 9th grade. Had zero socializing until I went to medical college. I had zero interaction with women. In school van...
  10. H

    What is the deal with online dating apps?

    I am trying both cold approaches and dating apps for sometime now, but dating apps take me nowhere. I rely more on cold appraches, but I still want to have something out of dating apps in the pursuit of getting laid. What should my profile look like? What i should write in bio if I dont have...
  11. mist

    FR Accidental Sniper Approaches

    HBEastAfrican (Last Monday) 40-50 minute interaction(?) Something about africans and having dat ass. Well I hope so because it was hard to tell with her jacket. She had a very nice shape though. What I looked like sort of. Rough draft of what I was wearing Red sweater fit (Close to this)...
  12. B

    Making a "bad" bar work?

    Hey everyone I have been experiencing this problem for a while and I wanted to see if anyone has dealt with similar situation and can help out. Basically one of my wings is dead set on only going to this one bar but I hate this bar with a passion. I have tried many times to convince him to go...
  13. mist

    Bring On The Fugly Bitches

    Hello friends! Been awhile :D. I've been kicking it in the chat and reflecting on sticking points, skill acquisition, my many failures, and fantasizing about the seducer I hope to become. The topic of this thread is asking for input on taking a "Fuck Anything That Moves" approach to flatten...
  14. R

    Lost Socially

    Hi Guys I would love hearing you feedback and Inputs I'm 21 years old, I don't have a great social life, but recently I decided to change it and go get more social, but it seems I have not been able to break past my odl patterns that make me a lone wolf. Right now I try to hangout with more...
  15. T

    Need help!!!

    Hi so during the pandemic i went full tunnel vision studying because i really wanted a new job legit didnt hit on a girl or meet friends(only2that live next to me)for two years basically, now it looks like ima get a job real soon and I've realised my social skills are soooooooo bad now b4 i felt...
  16. R


    Hi Guys I'm new to the dating scene and was reading up on the GC articles, and in today's article what did Chase mean by Indian guy social awkward behavior? Is it only Indian guys or socially inexperienced guys who do these?
  17. H

    Girl with a bf

    My friend's flatmate has a bf. I came to know her a few moths ago and all these time its been just a normal Hi-Bye thing. From last week I have been hanging out more with my friend because he is going through his divorce and stuff. This girl knows about these things and a couple of days ago, the...
  18. H

    i dont know how to proceed.

    I need help. I met this girl as work a couple of days ago. We started talking, it was a nice conversation. may be pretty neutral and then I had to be on some other floor for sometime and I told I would comeback. My shif ended 30 mins before her's and I started chatting to her again. This was all...
  19. H

    Dating in Germany

    I am a brown guy trying to pickup chicks in Germany. Its been 7 months and so far, no luck. I am still a beginner, but with my limited skills I could get somewhere in India, but its not the case here. Women are simply repelled in most cases. In a party, if I just go over and introduce myself...
  20. O

    [Dilemma] Should you always be or aim to be the Alpha or Leader of a new or existing Social Group?

    Hello, everyone. There are several articles on GirlsChase that teach us how to be a leader, how to be an alpha male, how to be the heart of a party, how to make sure everyone in the group has fun, etc. So, my question is should we always strive to become the leader or alpha male in any type of...