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  1. B

    Tested out doing a call kinda good results

    So I got this super unsolid number from this girl (did not set up the date on the spot, she seemed like she wasn't too into me, etc) I do my standard "it was fun to chat with you" and she did respond immediately. BUTTTT I could just feel that while the response was positive It was not going to...
  2. Skjöldr

    Cute cashier not returning call or answering text

    Hello Girlschase forum. First of all i wanna thank girlschase.com for having helped me alot the past week or two. Definitely the best website out there for game. Some basic info: -i'm 19 years old and the cashier is around 17-19 years old. Now, to my point. Yesterday (Sunday) around 1 pm i...