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cold approach

  1. Higher

    LR Almost cockblocked by art (SDL)

    This happened yesterday. Its a beautiful sunny afternoon, if a bit chilly. Im walking on a bridge, and the mountains in the distance make for a wonderful sight. OPENING After a couple boring sets, another wonderful sight enters my field of view - a hot girl taking pics at the lake. Shes...
  2. AspiringStoic

    My System for Not Feeling Approach Anxiety!

    After almost a year of approaching, I really feel I have come up with a system where I trick my brain and almost completely surpass feeling any anxiety to approach girls. Bold claim I know. 😎😄. But this is not about how I have grown to not care and how I have become a stone cold pimp. Its a...
  3. AspiringStoic

    Neo- Direct, 'Real' Direct, Sniper Game: Confusion!

    Hey guys! I have gotten a bit messed up and confused in the head reading many of these concepts here on the forum and the site. As I see it there is a slight disconnect between the way we look at these different things. Let me flesh out my understanding here with an example and I would like to...
  4. AspiringStoic

    Asking Out 100 girls!?

    Hey guys! So recently a friend of mine showed me a video where a guy asks out a 100 girls. He thought it was very "ballsy" and "courageous". I checked it out and found that there are several such videos now. I guess its a YT trend, one guy does it and then everyone follows. But to be honest...
  5. Aussiedude

    Significant emotional whiplash after each cold approach - Bit of guidance/opinions would be great

    Hi All, So I'm a beginner at cold approach and probably made about 50 cold approaches in total. Each week I usually do about 1 - 5 approaches. But the biggest issue for me, is that after each approach. I get what I call emotional whiplash, in the following hours and even days. In the form of...
  6. Social_Artist91

    An Approach A Day Keeps AA at Bay

    I am starting this journal here with a lot of humility. I saw a few people doing daily approach challenges, got excited and created a challenge of my own. It was to give 3 compliments everyday. The challenge beat me already and I have realized that as a beginner, this is wayyy harder than I...
  7. Social_Artist91

    3 Compliments Per Day Challenge

    Hi Skilled Seducers! :) I am new here. I have always been quite shy and introverted all my life. Over the last few years however, I have made a conscious effort to change this. I have taken some Improv and drama classes and also some public speaking classes and have improved quite a lot. I have...
  8. MrPleasure

    The first 5 minutes

    Hi Guys! Some backstory: [I've been a member of this forum for half an year and have been regularly active in the general section and field reports to gain insights about female psychology and perceptions of an experienced gamer. But it's my first time posting a thread myself though. Anyways...
  9. AspiringStoic

    4 Approaches/Day (30 Day Challenge)

    I need to get my priorities in order. The most basic thing that I need to do in order to get good at cold approach, is to GO OUT and PRACTICE this. Without that nothing else can happen. This ability to take "right action" and exercising willpower and making approaching a priority is the thing I...
  10. AspiringStoic

    A Rant on Pickup and Women

    Really think about this: What do women/girls do to us that is so bad? Like really.... Men do horrible things to women. Like: They murder them. Beat them up. Abduct them. Rape them. Stalk them. Women do none of these things to us. They just leave us alone. Whats the worst things women do...
  11. B

    FR awkward cold approach and left on read

    it’s day 1 of officially getting back to day game. I haven’t day gamed in about 2-3 months since i got back to college so i’m a bit rusty. Today, i focused on getting over my approach anxiety (again) so i started off too scared to make approaches (reputation scares but i go to a big enough...
  12. B

    How to train myself to approach girls as soon as i see them?

    I’m pretty decent at cold approach but i have to consciously think about approaching women, otherwise my brain just goes, “she’s bad” and i keep on moving. Whenever I realize this and try to turn back around, i feel like i’m violating the law of least effort and i sometimes get in my head...
  13. L

    Resident Looking for wings in San Diego

    I've been in the game for a few years, and I've recently moved to San Diego a few months ago. But I've been struggling to find people who are actively wanting to approach and Improve. For myself I've done plenty of cold approaches and have gotten results one night stands, instant dates...
  14. B

    Hard to get same night lay in college

    Just started learning game at the beginning of the year and resumed this semester for my senior year. The girls i’ve gotten with so far in college, before i learned game, have been through social circle. these situations were completely spontaneous and just happened when i ended up alone with...
  15. TwoNameGame

    University Cold Approach Advice?

    I've lurked on here for a while now and read that the general consensus is: social circle game is king. However, I go to a commuter university with well over 30,000 students in SoCal, USA. Social Circles are too loose here, it seems, and the kinds of girls I have cold approached have completely...
  16. Hue

    LR Hi Social Circle, Meet Cold Approach

    Intro This is a B2B lay after a bad slump. I had a combination of like 4 different social circles and the main one randomly befriended this hot (but crazy) chick that I had cold approached just a few weeks prior. It felt a bit dicey since I don't want to create reputation issues, but I...
  17. Y

    How to resolve the objection from younger girls that 'You are too old for me' ?

    Hi this has happened to at least THREE cold approaches the girls were 18 and they did seem that they at least had some interest - but they asked my age and when i told them i was 29 years old (i don't want to start off with a lie) these girls immediately changed their behavior and said that...
  18. Y

    Finally started Cold Approaching - Looking for advice on routine and closing!

    I have recently undergone a MASSIVE transformation and started cold approaching in Zurich ( i will be living there for the next 2 years at least ) in April 2024 Now, i have worked out a routine which i think is good ( at least in my opinion ) but also filters out ALOT of potential women who i...
  19. Licker

    Socializing How far do you travel to meet girls?

    Hey guys Long story short. I have been out of the field for sometime. Life took over and I was busy. I moved places and am living on the outskirts of my city since last year. I have scouted areas here, but they are not that densely populated. Mostly newly married couples with children. To...
  20. R

    Do you guy give your Instagram when meeting a girl or during texting?

    Hi All, This has been happening a lot lately, First, when I meet someone cold approach, I always exchange numbers, not IG. But it does happen that the girl kinda insists that on top of my number I give her my IG. It also happens when I text her to say "nice to meet u, save my number"...