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  1. B

    Got dumped after a month of dating even though everything was going good !!

    Hey, so i am living in poland and was dating this girl for a month. Everything was going good , deep conversations , good successful dates , laughs , physical touch and one time we kissed. I liked her and she said she likes me too , she wanted to take things slow , to which i agreed. We both...
  2. The Improviser

    Date Plans Calibrating your dating model for more conservative women

    I have a question, what do you think about the subject of calibrating the game or rather the model of playing dates, when dealing with more conservative women like Ukrainians, Polish women. I was interested in a more Western model of dating like inviting a woman to my apartment having...
  3. Higher


    In some situations where the girl is playfully resisting or challenging my frame, i tend to give up easily and pull back. This ofc causes the girl to feel rejected/unwanted. This is a major sticking point for me. Can i "train" assertiveness? And if so, how?
  4. Higher

    FU Not owning it

    Posting this for future reference. I dont have a specific question here, tho feedback is always welcome - might help me spot other stuff i need to work on. tl;dr Had a stunner over last night and i botched the escalation, as i was worrying too much about potentially fucking-up with such a...
  5. P

    How to know if a girl cheated on me at a club toilet?

    Long story short. She wanted to go to the Afro party without me for some reason. As soon as we set our feet on the dance floor, she ran away and started hugging and greeting her black 'friends'. Amidst the party one more friend appeared, so she went to him without me (again) to greet him...
  6. Higher

    FU Was i too eager/impatient?

    Met this hot Latina with full-body tattoos while daygaming last week. I approach her informational, then i compliment her style. She thanks me and we exchange numbers. We have a bit of a language barrier, but here the texts (some in english, most are in spanish and i translated them): One...
  7. A

    How many 10/10’s have you met?

    I’m not talking visually 10/10 I’m talking whole package. Funny, smart, emotionally intelligent, creative, gorgeous, self confident. As I’m gaining experience and levelling up I’m seeing more and more beautiful women but I’m finding the REALLY good ones; That value authenticity and...
  8. A

    Holding pattern woes

    Hey gurus, amateur here! I often find myself in a holding pattern with women. I got out in a holding pattern with one, gorgeous successful 31yo women, engineer works out etc and got myself out by cancelling and rescheduling because of a new girl which is AWESOME but I find myself enamoured with...
  9. DakenMarquis

    Becoming a Dating Coach

    Hey guys, Any advice on how we can advance in our skillset in becoming a coach, so we can contribute more but also make revenue off dating, game and social skills. Would love advice from guys already in this field on how they started and make it work. Thanks 🤘🏽 -Daken
  10. D

    FR I don't understand this rejection

    So I went on a date last night with this Nurse. We hit it off, I sexually escalated perfect, we were making out an in each others arm at a bar. I was half joking about me being a dog, and wanting to take her home, but she said she wanted a second date. This was our text after we parted...
  11. rockstar

    How to improve retention

    Hey, I have been having issues with keeping girls around this year. At this point it's become clear that this has become a consistent sticking point for me, and I'm trying to figure out how to better diagnose and fix this problem. Background I don't have problems meeting girls or getting laid...
  12. B

    Normal Everyday Girls who post sexually suggestive pics, tiktoks, instagram reels, etc.

    Hey, everyone. I used to have a hardcore red pill mentality, before I came across and this forum. Now, I feel that I have started developing somewhat of a balanced perspective about the modern day women and dating. So, I wanted to ask your guys' thoughts on "Women and Social-media". If you...
  13. leadingbealwaysido

    How I went from social anxiety to a vibrating dating life

    I want this post to be fresh air in this ecosystem, especially for all you incels here that even though you know some theory, have not been able to put it into practice and actually get result. This post is going to solve this for you. (and if not I would LOVE your feedback/critizism) This...
  14. T

    Is She Following the “Third Date Rule?”

    I met this girl at a bar one night, I wasn't able to pull her home but I did get her number. A week later we went on a coffee date and sat across from each other (I know that’s not ideal but there weren’t any couches etc). It was basically more of a feeler date (get-to-know-you questions mixed...
  15. M

    Should I build on it?

    After having dated numerous girls that turned to short- and long term hookups since 2014 I've begun to look more and more for something with potential. Now I've found one and we've seen each other a lot the last 3 weeks, unlike how I used to only see someone once a week at most. Bit about me...
  16. B

    Any advice on artsy girls?

    So I've realized that I have a type. Artsy girls. I've been thinking about my past relationships and I've realized that the main reason why they never worked out is because they just haven't been my type. I like creative girls. I myself am a film maker. And I'm interested in girls who have an...
  17. S

    Date Plans Really good first date, but girl on fence about second date, saying she didn't feel a romantic connection?

    Got out of a 2 year relationship a few months ago, and am getting back into dating. I met this girl on a dating app, and went for a drink with her last Thursday. I couldn't quite believe how many things we were on the same page about (attitudes to socialising, music, enjoyment of cooking...
  18. Y

    What about the dark side of game / casual dating ?

    I have been meaning to ask this for about a month but my lazy ass kept putting this off and before i start - sorry , i couldn't approach any girls because the campus administration has been a bitch in letting us go out we are not allowed to go out at all , unless there's a serious reason (...
  19. C

    Finding the balance of your natural behaviour and technical game.

    Short background about me: Back in 2019, I swore to myself to get better practicing the technical game so I could learn all techniques in a toolbox I could bust out in any situation with a woman. Then 2020, I was able to recall back on those experiences and discovered there were key moments...
  20. F

    Should you date girls that your not that excited about?

    Title says it all. I've found myself meeting woman that I just think are meh. I usually pass on them because I wanna date someone that I like and who excites me. But I've noticed that as I've been getting older, there has been less and less women around me. Many of them are getting cuffed and of...