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  1. DakenMarquis

    Game and the Law

    Hey guys, I have a bit of a legal studies background, and the kind of social and cultural narrative that can chaotically surrounds dating dynamics sometimes has led me to ponder how to assess law aspects around this subject matter. My passion for game has excited me to study further human...
  2. theblackpanther

    How often should you see your gf?

    I'm one month into my relationship with my gf in college and things are currently going great. My question is, how often should I spend time with her? I know Girlschase says to hang with your girlfriend 2-3 times a week but I'm just wondering since me and her live in the same building, and it...
  3. trashKENNUT

    Poking The Bear PROPERLY (Lessons From Girlschase Drama)

    I have been guilty of poking the bear. Poking the bear, is normal..... But i was doing this unconsciously and i was pretty good at getting high level people to give me more than i deserve. Chase 'dressing down' of a certain forum member inspires me to help everyone who faced this problem. If...