Another round of focus on #fieldfocus - to help shape focus on the right things and at least get the crowd in action to team up a lil.
Let us know:
What are you currently field testing?
Why is this interesting for you?
Any learnings so far?
Shoot :cool:
Stunning 10s and bjs will rain from...
I'm a dabbler.
And quite frankly, I'm pissed.
I'm pissed off at who I am.
I'm pissed off at COVID and the way the world has shut me out of my greatest passion, cold approach at high-volume bars and clubs.
I'm pissed off at the social progressivism of the US and how all the good infield...
Lets get practical #fieldfocus, move up some more collaborative vibes in here and inspire each other.
So im curious to what everyone in here is field testing these days so in this thread let us know:
What are you currently field testing?
Why is this interesting?
What are your practical...