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  1. A

    Walk example (fundamentals)

    Hi, I have been trying to find good examples of sexy male walk, but I can't seem to find good ones. It's much easier for me to see what good female exaples look like, plenty of online resources. I have found andrew tate's walk quite sexy, here is a refefence - Could you tell me if my idea...
  2. A

    Voice fundamentals.

    How can one enhance fundamental aspects of their voice? I've got a decent grasp on improving speech elements like speaking slowly, eliminating filler words, maintaining clear diction, refining pronunciation, and enhancing articulation. But I'm specifically interested in refining the raw...
  3. E

    Mastering the Art of Leaning Back with Perfect Posture

    Hey fellow seducers, I've been on a journey to refine my body language, embracing Chase's wisdom about the power of posture. Standing tall, straight back, chest out, shoulders back, and chin parallel to the ground has become my new normal. Confidence radiates, and I've seen some positive...
  4. S

    Practicing facial expressions

    I was wondering if any one had any advice in practicing facial expressions, or making them more consistent. There are times when I can tell that I do have good expressions from the reactions and sense of connection I get from a girl when making eye contact, and there times when I can make them...
  5. Conquistador

    Do college girls have more realistic standards for looks and fundamentals?

    Various recent sets and SC experiences have made me wonder if college girls have lower, more realistic standards for looks and some (not all) fundamentals. The reactions and amount of IoIs I get from girls who are in college seem to be noticeably stronger and more positive than random cold...
  6. Calibration

    Sunglasses during day game approach

    This may sound lame but I'm sure daygamers can relate: 1. Do you remove your sunglasses after you approach a chick? It comes across as over-investment if you remove it but if you don't, you can't make eye-contact, which is the whole point you approached. It can also come across as douchy until...
  7. ShioriGC

    Masculinity vs Vulnerability in Day Game

    Has anyone else noticed the need for both masculinity and vulnerability in day game? While trying to improve my posture I noticed I get more looks, but my personaility becomes more hard and stiff - fundamentals improvement Meanwhile when I take myself less seriously (be more vulnerable), i can...
  8. ShioriGC

    Shiori's Newbie Assignment

    Hey guys! So im 28 years old and i first found this site when I was 21, 7 years ago Back then, i had no idea wtf i was doing with my life,dropped out of college at 20 and was figuring alot out. But I was able to use this site, upgrade fundamentals, and find some wings. I did day game, scored...

    Bone Smashing - Shaping Your Face is a Scam?

    Has anyone tried Bone Smashing? It is basically a process of bashing your faced lightly so its bones can supposedly grow? Your thoughts?
  10. WorldlyGoldenViper

    Fashion Need inspiration! Achieving sexiness for a South East Asian man

    Hi everyone! I'm just looking for inspiration from the field on how to achieve a sexy style/vibe. I am 21M, South East Asian (in particular, Vietnamese), living in New Zealand for the last 7 years. NZ, in my opinion, is very laid back and most people doesn't really have a dress sense. It is not...
  11. WorldlyGoldenViper

    Guidance Needed! - Moving Out of Platonic Conversations with Girls

    Hi everyone! I am quite new here compared to a lot of the masters here in this forum. I have read Chase's eBook "How to Make Girls Chase" and have been reading on the forum for the last year or so, but this is my first time posting. A little bit of background about myself: I am 21M, living in...
  12. Darius

    How do you stay motivated for long-term goals?

    Hello everyone, Since I've had my breakup a while ago, I'm trying to improve myself, and turn myself into a better person. I've started working on my fundamentals, and I've started working on talking to more girls. My question is this: how the hell do you keep motivated to do massive changes...
  13. Water

    Foundations To Mastery: by Water. (FR/LR Journal)

    Learning game once again after a sort of 3 year break or more, on and off but mostly off. with very shitty things happening to me. I’m starting from the very beginning to build my foundation correctly. I’m going to log some recent approaches and such. I’ll occasionally write about my plans and...
  14. D

    Alternatives to JADE

    JADE(Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain) are the common go to responses of most people when anybody blames, criticizes, find faults them, although this is a very low level response most people resort to it simply because it is convenient and easy to do. Using JADE simply means you are reacting to...
  15. trashKENNUT

    VIDEO: Why Guys Often Go Indirect

    Recently, There's a topic on the chat, recently brought up by Girlschase members. They noted that high level guys tend to go indirect. In my opinion, there's many reasons why guys go indirect. And that is to offset the already 'i want to kill you' fundamentals. I suddenly reminded of a...
  16. trashKENNUT

    Velasco's Comment On Zac. Ooookkayy

    Apparently, I stumble upon a Velasco comment. I think he might have thought that I never see it luring in the chat section. He noted that "he will not waste time reading zacadam post. He will listen to people who writes clearly and give practical advice". I respect his opinion. I get a lot...
  17. authenticSelf

    FU Inaction- Christmas Party Loss

    I was invited to a Christmas party by a work friend who has two beautiful, amazing daughters. Holy shit, this blew me away. The amount of trust, respect and social proof I must have with this coworker is insane! Anyways, I slacked on the fundamentals and failed to ask either one out. When I...
  18. Colt Williams

    Beware of "Novel Girl Syndrome"

    You walk into your class in college (or a bar, or a party, or a restaurant, or any location where there might be women) and you see an absolutely beautiful girl across the room. You think to yourself, "wow, she's the most beautiful girl I've seen in a long time." Maybe you strike up a...
  19. U

    Socializing Lonely at the top? Struggling to find similar people

    I've been a reader of girlschase for a while and it has improved my life a lot in many ways. I'm at a stage in my life where I feel kinda stuck in choosing who to socialize with and struggle to fit in with groups of people. Most of the people I come across usually have social ladder climbing...
  20. trashKENNUT

    Alek got me right in the head But

    Hello People, Recently, i was arguing with Alek on a topic when he bring up this thing: "People are selfish". It is not his exact words but what he noted is that people go for what they want, and in a sense, the status quo usually won't be meddled, for when it is working, the mindset among all...