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  1. bkw

    Manhattan Solo DG

    Yo, what up, everyone? Man, I've been so relieved to find this daygame place here! I thought the days of good old daygame might have vanished after the pandemic era, but I guess not! Anyway, a little about me: I'm 39 years old. I live in Manhattan. I've known about game since the days of DYD...
  2. FluidCharm

    Slidin' Panties

    The Start of my Journal. Named after the sight all seducers love to see. Herein I'll document what goes behind making panties slide. My thoughts, observations, field experiences and the like.......
  3. S

    Superlife Newbie Assignment

    IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE BUT.. So based on the fact I have the lay (no pun intended) of the land here in my small city as I have been going out with approaching in mind (but never doing so) I decided to start the assignment with day 4 today. The results were in one case what may be considered...
  4. Social_Artist91

    An Approach A Day Keeps AA at Bay

    I am starting this journal here with a lot of humility. I saw a few people doing daily approach challenges, got excited and created a challenge of my own. It was to give 3 compliments everyday. The challenge beat me already and I have realized that as a beginner, this is wayyy harder than I...
  5. TwoNameGame

    GAME 101: Campus Pickup Journey

    Hey everyone, this will be my journal for approaches on my campus (which will be most of them). A few notes: It is a very large commuter university I am a student. I almost only cold approach. I don't care for AIs; I go for who I want. I go for girly girls of any kind, regardless of looks...
  6. L

    Blaze Journal

    Hey guys, I'm a long-time lurker on the forums, so I figure should start a journal too. By the way, English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for some bumpings in the writing. As we are approaching a new year, I will make some considerations in this first entry, about my goals...
  7. A

    More daygame thoughts

    Prior to his untimely death in 2022, I remember watching a video of Tom Torero where he advised guys attending his seminar that day game was "weird". No, day game would never gain mainstream acceptance, so guys were best to simply "get on with it". This remains good advice, although I would add...
  8. Atom

    Atomic Ascent

    Hi everyone, After seeing many other members start journals and go on to find great success, I have decided to start one as well. I am finally going to start taking my dating life seriously and establish it as a priority, at least for the foreseeable future. I hope that this journal will help...
  9. Spyce D

    Spice Daddy's journey

    Hi , guys .I am Spice Daddy F.K.A @ThisIndianguy . I am going to be journalling about my progress in my fundamentals , social skills, game , fitness, testosterone levels here . https://media.tenor.com/eQM3il42g5QAAAAC/conor-mcgregor-were-not-here-to-take-part.gif Spyce. Note : Further...
  10. mist

    FM - Mist's Pimpin Radio!

    FM is For Motherfucking. This is the absolute music thread on the forum. Whether curiosities, vibes that don't scare hoes in your pull pad or car, and or psychology explored through music...We vibin fr Let's set some ground rules. 1. This is the best music thread on the forum. 2. I am the...
  11. mist

    Mist's Movie Reviews

    I asked in the chatroom "anyone wanna read my review of The Count Of Monte Cristo, High Noon, Citizen Kane?" no one replied... here's my movie review journal
  12. mist

    Hoe Hoe Hoe or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Hoes

    @Don Giovanni @Destiny @madala @Surveyor
  13. lceman

    Mav3rick Earns His Wings

    mav·er·ick /ˈmav(ə)rik/ noun 1. an unorthodox or independent-minded person. Allow me to re-introduce myself. I'm Maverick, and while I chose this name based on the dictionary definition, I'm on a mission to become Top Gun. Think of this journal as me taking you along for the ride as I go...
  14. LemurKing

    God's Beloved

    Field Logs Field logs are like field reports, but... not really FL #1 - 6th August 2022 - Saturday - Rejection is always better than regret August 6, 2022 Goal today was 10 direct approaches and to sustain each interaction for at least 30 seconds. Started out strong with minimal anxiety and...
  15. K

    Becoming The 1%

    Hi everyone! I'm Kahuna, and I'm new here. I've done a little bit of lurking in the past, but have been focused on other aspects of my life too much to spend the time and energy required to become successful with women. I've decided it's time to change that, so here I am. In this journal, I'll...
  16. LemurKing

    God's Beloved

    Gods Beloved 2 years ago, after coming to realize just how much of a miserable loser I was, I embarked on a journey of self transformation of which Game played and still does play a major role. Due to various circumstances my Game experience during that time was a lot of up and down, on and off...
  17. lceman

    The Return Of The Mack

    Intro- 11/15/21 Wassup playas! I'll be chronicling my adventures with women, along with what I'm thinking about during the process, in this journal. Back in my high school years, I had some success with women without knowing pick up artists even existed. I pulled mostly from social circle...
  18. Water

    Health Meteora's Fitness Journal.

    This won't be like a daily journal, but more of an occasionally updated one. I am going to copy and paste one of the last things I wrote when I was in amazing shape. This is copied and pasted from the most recent PUBLIC fitness post I have, I don't want to find the newer private ones. Not...
  19. Beck Bass

    Beck Bass' Daygame Journal

    So I'm starting this new journal because my other one was more of me telling my past experiences with nightgame (I still wanna finish that, but it feels like a lot of work right now). I just moved and now I'm living 100% solo, in a nice part of town, also I did like two approaches during...
  20. Darius

    Becoming great

    Hello everyone, I'm starting this journal to detail my progress and journey in improving and maintaining my social skills, particularly with respect to day game. I'm Darius, and my objective is to 'become Great' -- history buffs will know about Darius the Great, lol. That is, become a dominant...