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  1. J

    What mindset should you have as you work on getting better chicks?

    Hey guys, Hope you're doing well. I'm on a break after hitting burnout at the end of last year, but I'm going back out there this weekend. And I shall implement the advice @Chase gave me here - especially the part where he mentioned he took 9 months to work on becoming as sexy as possible...
  2. Calibration

    No more Mr Nice guy! but not wanting to settle down

    Hey guys! I read "No more Mr Nice guy" book 3 years ago and one of the things that hit me hard was that I didn't want to settle down was because of my insecurities which I hadn't realized until I read the book. So, I trained my mind to think that I'll do pickup to overcome my insecurities, which...
  3. Devilicious

    Going to Military - Help Me Make the Best of It!

    Hi guys, So as the title explains - my forced military service will start very, very soon... and will last until the end of May. Especially in times of Corona, this means not having many chances from the anyway meager opportunities to go back home. Now what does this mean for us? For one...