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need advice

  1. H

    How do I progress with this girl, should I even try anymore?

    I’m a teen guy, been talking to this girl that came on holiday with me with a few other friends for the past week or so. I’ve been asking her to go out alone on walks at night, and she always says yes. The other night, I found a way to hold her hand, by pretending I was giving her something then...
  2. C

    FR Weird Week

    This happened a couple months ago, but I had three bizarre dates in four days that I feel compelled to post up. Not sure what lessons are in there, as I'm leaving out a lot of details, but if anyone has suggestions or advice, it'd be much appreciated. All came from online. 1st: Second date with...
  3. WorldlyGoldenViper

    Opinions Needed! - How To Move Interactions Forward with this New Girl? (Met at Work, Good Connection, Potential 1st Relationship)

    Hi everyone! First, a bit of background: I recently met this girl at work. I'm employed there full-time as my graduate role whereas it is more of a summer job for her. She is the same age as me, comes from a family of half Middle Eastern and half South Asia, but fully raised in New Zealand. She...
  4. WorldlyGoldenViper

    Fashion Need inspiration! Achieving sexiness for a South East Asian man

    Hi everyone! I'm just looking for inspiration from the field on how to achieve a sexy style/vibe. I am 21M, South East Asian (in particular, Vietnamese), living in New Zealand for the last 7 years. NZ, in my opinion, is very laid back and most people doesn't really have a dress sense. It is not...
  5. WorldlyGoldenViper

    Guidance Needed! - Moving Out of Platonic Conversations with Girls

    Hi everyone! I am quite new here compared to a lot of the masters here in this forum. I have read Chase's eBook "How to Make Girls Chase" and have been reading on the forum for the last year or so, but this is my first time posting. A little bit of background about myself: I am 21M, living in...
  6. O

    (Urgent Advice Required) Going on a trip with 8 girls and a guy. But, the other guy already has all the girls competing over him.

    Been a lurker here for sometime. I can't thank all of the GirlsChase team and members of this forum enough. You all have completely changed my way of thinking towards dating, seduction and life in general. And, I am finally trying to take steps to actually improve my pickup skills, dating...
  7. Nicko

    15 yr old dating adults. Yolo or hold back?

    Hey hope everyone is doing well :) As you know im stupidly young *cough *cough 14 turning 15 in 1 month but anyway Link to my journal to see the full convo yadi yada :https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/15-year-old-meets-seduction.23809/#post-125835 Note:she is prob 20ish lmao has a job i...