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  1. TwoNameGame

    My trick to be less apologetic, more assertive

    We've all felt the need to apologize to be polite, but that isn't conducive to game because it lowers the energy and makes you seem submissive. At the same time, not recognizing your impact on others indicates a lack of emotional intelligence. So, my trick to be more assertive and get the ball...
  2. Jan

    'Wanting' communicates Neediness and Value Taking, 'Having' communicates Abundance and Value Giving

    I would like to share the best explanation between Wanting/Neediness and Having/Abundance mentality I have ever seen. WANTING = NEEDINESS = RADIATES VALUE TAKING => OTHER PEOPLE GETTING DEFENSIVE If you 'want' something (mentally speaking) you don't have this thing in the present moment...
  3. Jan

    Lay count as a source of neediness and unnecessary inner pressure

    I am of an opinion that keeping score of your lay count is something which makes you a less effective seducer. Why do we keep score of lays? I believe, because of validation. We either want to be validated by: - others - when we share our lay count with other people, we are happy when we hear...
  4. Jan

    Expressing desire vs being needy

    One is considered a pinnacle of good game and another one is a turnoff for women. But why? Isn't a sexual desire your BIOLOGICAL NEED? Therefore, you could say that everyone is needy, because every one has desires. And even if you have satisfied this desire many times in your life, it will...