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  1. CutieWithABootie159

    New guy here CWAB159

    Sup all. CutieWithABootie159 here. From the Philippines. Early 30s guy and I don't want to throw the towel on dating, relationships, sex, women. Came from GoodLookingLoser(GLL) 2023 and sadly was too late already. Everyone moved on with their lives. Did the approach anxiety program and even...
  2. TwoNameGame

    FR Back to School: The Rust is Real

    Context: I started approaching at my university campus. I haven't approached since last semester and I notice that I am making clumsy mistakes. I tried iterating to fine tune my approach and pinpoint the exact issues, so this is more repetitive than my first FR. I also just go for a specific...
  3. TwoNameGame

    FR Learning Approaches on Campus as a First Timer

    Here are 5 of my more memorable cold approaches from Spring of 2024. Context: I'm a white Mexican (I pass for American) just starting out, so not much success yet. This is when I first discovered Girls Chase and this forum. All were done on my university campus in SoCal (over 30k students). I...
  4. L

    Newbie assignment Day 1:Observe

    Went to a place that’s like a big outdoor mall. Walked around for a while, then went to a restaurant and had a meal. Loads of attractive girls walking around, very few without a social circle or man with them though. Worked on eye contact and made small talk with a few random women. Can’t help...
  5. David Adams

    Is It Possible to Be Super Clinical in Seduction?

    Okay, right off the bat I am going to say that my personal answer is no. Yes, of course we have guys like Alek Rolstad who just kills it with those low ratios but I am not exactly on his level. I have found that moving faster actually makes that fact much more clearer than when I was moving...
  6. O

    What to do when a girl approaches you or initiates conversation?

    Hello, everyone. I always find myself absolutely dumbfounded and not knowing what to do, when a girl approaches me out of blue while just hanging outside or on social media (Facebook, Instagram)? I am by no means extremely good-looking or anything, it's just that I have been consistently going...
  7. W

    wazato's Newbie Assignment

    Hello to anyone who reads this. Already did day 1 of the newbie assignment but I guess I'll do a little introduction first before getting into it. I'm a 21 year old college student at a large public university on the west coast U.S. I've never done a single cold approach or really much of...
  8. lceman

    The Return Of The Mack

    Intro- 11/15/21 Wassup playas! I'll be chronicling my adventures with women, along with what I'm thinking about during the process, in this journal. Back in my high school years, I had some success with women without knowing pick up artists even existed. I pulled mostly from social circle...
  9. R

    Newbie moral dilemma

    Hi, I'm having some sort of a dilemma here. Quick intro: I've only been in 2 LTRs my whole life. Im single now and it's been a while since the last time I've been with a woman. I don't live in North America by the way, I live in a semi conservative, semi liberal country. Since it's been a...
  10. Y

    Does the dating advice apply to all countries ?

    I will be very forthcoming I am a guy in my mid 20s, from Pakistan Never had a girl friend in school, college or university. suffered from the pain of unrequited love ALOT. Tinder and Bumble don't work too well in the country I read some of the articles written by Chase ( and by Alex ) i...
  11. H

    How To Build Relations During Covid Period

    I shall cut the story short, so I met this girl from my interest group, and there were opportunities for us to have dinner together. Things were looking fine until covid has forced us to stay at home, and outing is out of the possibility. So we have an online video chat with a group of friends...
  12. Protean

    Long Time Lurker Finally Joining

    Hey everyone I'm Protean. As a long time lurker on these forums I figured big forum upgrade was as good a time as any to enter the fray. I'm a younger guy at 21 years old and have been into pickup since age 16 when I stumbled upon Chase's "How to Flirt with a Girl" article. The way Chase breaks...