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night game

  1. B

    How to take skills to next level?

    I’ve been studying seduction for about 6 months now and I think I’m at a good intermediate level. I can approach most girls I want to during day game, start conversations, get number and set up a date. During night game, I’ve gotten a couple same night lays under my belt (my consistency is...
  2. N

    FR My gaming journey so far and thoughts on RSD Julian

    I started game 9 months ago. I came from basically nothing (kissless, hugless, never held a girl's hand). I am not some pro or an expert so these are my minor successes. I didn't get any lay but my journey been like this if you wanna read it:- I rarely get matches on Tinder and only fat girls...
  3. C

    Resident london Day game or Night Game

    Hi there i'm looking for a wingman to go out and game with, let me know what days you guys are free and we can take it from there. whether beginner or nor we can practice and learn together.
  4. B

    FR Failed to hook Australian baddie

    So I’ve been dealing with a consistent problem with hooking during night game. Over the course of night gaming a lot during the past 4 months or so, I narrowed my biggest issue down to this one. I also recently noticed that alcohol really helps with it but I’m trying to game sober. Here’s one...
  5. B

    My game is better when I'm drunk...How to fix

    So I recently made an interesting observation from all the night game outings I've had over the past couple of months. I initially did night game fully sober because I thought it would be better for learning and consistency. Recently, I've experimented with getting drunk while going out and my...
  6. B

    LR Tried hard not to get laid. Still got laid

    So I went out with my friends to a local college bar and had decided to not go home with any girls later in the night(had a solid reason). I did still want to approach girls and work on my game however. As soon as we got to the bar, I open a set of 3 girls with a compliment while body rocking...
  7. B

    Appropriate time in the night to open/pull?

    I’ve been working on my night game and while I’m able to get good interactions with girls regularly, these interactions rarely result in a pull. I’m able to regularly get a number and the girls strongly insist that they want to see me later that night and that I text them. It looks like that...
  8. B

    When to eject from conversation during opening phase

    I think my biggest issue right now when I game at night is that I have these conversations where it feels like I'm putting in all the effort to drive the conversation in the opening phase and I end up feeling like I'm chasing and getting in my head. Usually these conversations start with a...
  9. Peleus

    response for "I have a BF" (nightgame)

    Saw two very hot girls dancing last night, approached and complimented the both of them on their halloween outfits. They took the compliment well and I started dancing with them for a bit. Then out of the blue one of the girls tells me that she has a BF. I was not escalating yet, just dancing...
  10. B

    FU Failed pull at night with promising 2-set

    I went out last night with a couple of my friends to a Halloween themed event. The venue was packed with different girls in their Halloween costumes so it looked like it was going to be a good night. This is the usual venue I go to when I’m in college but I’m considering dropping it for the...
  11. B

    LR first solid night game pull

    Just had my first solid night game pull/lay. This is also my 3rd lay this semester (at the beginning of this year, i had only 3 lifetime lays, so it’s crazy to see how far i’ve come). I went out to a bar near my campus with a couple of my friends. For some reason, we got there super early. This...
  12. B

    FR chaotic night out with the boys

    This happened a couple days ago. This night turned out to be a somewhat chaotic night for me. I came close to pulling about 3 times with different girls but I just had terrible luck I decided to go out to my local college bar and end up running into a friend and joining his group. We pregamed...
  13. B

    how to make women invest in conversation at night

    i went out last night to a college bar with the goal of getting my opening rates up since they’ve been dropping for the past couple of weeks now. this bar had a dancefloor area where most people stayed and talked instead of dancing(since the venue wasn’t filled to the brim) i opened this law...
  14. B

    Socializing dealing with approach anxiety from unsuccessful approaches

    i made night game my main game since moving back to college because i didn’t want to deal with reputation problems. i’ve had only two lays in a couple of weeks so far(both of which involved a serious amount of luck/timing). Most of my interactions end up in getting phone numbers which never go...
  15. B

    LR bathroom lay with third party outside

    i’d been out all night at my local college bar/club. Tonight was an especially chaotic night as there were a lot of people from out of state visiting. i was out with my friends for most of the night but they left early so it ended just being me at the club. at this point in time, i was very...
  16. B

    i think about game too much when i’m on the field

    it’s midway through my semester at college and i’ve been doing a lot of experimenting with night game and my text game. I also just got my first same night lay recently (LR coming soon). I’m decent at day game so i think i’m really good at socializing and reading people. I’ve been working on...
  17. B

    FU bombed a possible lay

    tldr: i went out to my college bars and ended up joining a group of 2 girls and 1 guy(old friend). guy is going for one girl and i’m going for the other girl but it never happens and she meets up with another guy. was it doomed from the beginning? Full report: I decided to hit a couple bars at...
  18. L

    Resident Looking for wings in San Diego

    I've been in the game for a few years, and I've recently moved to San Diego a few months ago. But I've been struggling to find people who are actively wanting to approach and Improve. For myself I've done plenty of cold approaches and have gotten results one night stands, instant dates...
  19. B

    Hard to get same night lay in college

    Just started learning game at the beginning of the year and resumed this semester for my senior year. The girls i’ve gotten with so far in college, before i learned game, have been through social circle. these situations were completely spontaneous and just happened when i ended up alone with...
  20. Y

    Question from guys who pull from night game or enjoy night game

    How do you keep the conversation going with girls in night game? i usually give a compliment, ask their name - but after that i am not sure what to do! i do whisper in their ear, that's about it - i don't know how to proceed plus most girls say 1. "ok, we gotta find our friends, bye!" 2...