So a couple weeks ago, I matched with a girl on an online dating app and scheduled a date in like ~10 texts. I got her number and try to figure out her schedule but she has plans for the week so we decide to tentatively plan for the week after. In the week that passed, i forgot about her and...
Below is a snippet from a recent convo where a girl shit tested me, but it wasn't a normal one. It was a shit test but also more of just a direct defensive/negative challenge.
I'm brand new to online so I desire feedback that's constructive and helpful. I'm sure I'll do lots of stuff wrong and...
So I've been starting to have some success with online dating and this is one of the first times that I've had a a woman be this blunt with her intentions to meet up and fuck. Things seemed to be going well in the interaction and just like that... unmatched.
Should I have gone with a soft close...
I am trying both cold approaches and dating apps for sometime now, but dating apps take me nowhere. I rely more on cold appraches, but I still want to have something out of dating apps in the pursuit of getting laid. What should my profile look like? What i should write in bio if I dont have...
Hey everyone,
I'm recently visiting a country in Eastern Europe, and I noticed a weird behaviour change in my online game.
Previously I did not use to get a lot of matches. I'm trying to use online as a supplement only, so I never bothered to experiment with different pics and bios etc. In...
I was seeing a YouTube video by Austen Summers where he mentioned that he was having great results by creating ads on Instagram (obviously paid) that direct girls to private messages.
I think this is genius.
Anyone knows more details about this strategy?
Hello !
lately I am confused about what the best approach is.
By 'approach' I mean exactly this:
Should I text with her a significant (maybe 1-2 weeks) amount of time (and 'seduce' her) and then ask her out? Or should I go straight and ask her out in the first 5 messages, and if it does not...
What's the best way to respond to this regardless whether you are short, tall or average ?
I personally am about the same height as the average woman where I am at or a bit shorter (can't remember the stats). Thus, a large percentage of women I interact and sleep with are taller than me. No...
I am experiencing absolutely no margin of error in my chats on online dating apps.
Example 1: Bumble
Girl: Hey how's it going?
Me: Hey _, I'm doing quite well....what are your plans for Hannukah? Saw that she was Jewish in her profile
Girl: Working and celebrating it with my dog
Girl: My...
i send 2 pictures with lots of matches. You can note to Colt if you like.
Just don't post those photos here. I think i didn't censored their whole photos. :X