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  1. H

    What is the deal with online dating apps?

    I am trying both cold approaches and dating apps for sometime now, but dating apps take me nowhere. I rely more on cold appraches, but I still want to have something out of dating apps in the pursuit of getting laid. What should my profile look like? What i should write in bio if I dont have...
  2. Rakkum

    "How tall are you?" I'm(Online)

    What's the best way to respond to this regardless whether you are short, tall or average ? I personally am about the same height as the average woman where I am at or a bit shorter (can't remember the stats). Thus, a large percentage of women I interact and sleep with are taller than me. No...
  3. POB

    LR POB's cold approach journal – entry 007 – Having fun on the new years (plus some tinder lays)

    What’s up my friends! Is everything good so far on this new year? Hope you’re already crushing your goals in 2020!!! I’m working like never before, but things are moving forward in a way I’ve never expected. I think I’m gonna crush all my financial goals till mid-June, which is more than I...