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  1. AdamC

    Socializing Asking for Professional Help, (that’s actually related to seduction…)

    Hey There... So I am trying to Level-Up and break into new professional areas, because I have to since my industry is eating itself, and turning over. However, I am have the most challenging time getting responses back, and getting recognition that my time is valuable too! Therefore what I am...
  2. ElChe

    Want to get rid of a bad habit/distracting activity? Expose yourself to excellence

    Quick story– I like watching football (soccer). Up until a couple months ago, I was struggling with two lame habits related to football: Reading too many news articles (feeling like I always had to be kept up to date) Going on Twitter after my fav team played to see the consensus opinion...
  3. I

    Brain fog and productivity

    How do you keep productive with brain fog? What are your best strategies for when it happens? (if any of you suffers from it)