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  1. T

    Expectations Recruiter GF

    Summary of the text below for the less patient: Do You think it is possible and on what conditions/compromises/expectations to find a serious long term girl/wife who is hard into sharing/watching a boyfriend with another girl? All Your thoughts on the matter are welcome. Bare with me, I’ll try...
  2. R

    Accepting reality or having a society without crime?

    Hi all, @Chase @Teevster From another thread Does conquer mean a man or goup beating another man to the death or threatening to beat him/beating him into submission to control him, or an army invading another country, because thats what nature intends? Taking advantage of individual/group whos...
  3. trashKENNUT

    Covid Secrets: Reality, Timelines and Painting Pictures Together

    Hello everyone. Whenever you find yourself arguing with another Girlschase member, Stop. (Macro goal) 1)Recognize the situation (state) 2)Be Aware of the situation (state) 3)Find where is the situation (state) To make it simple, are you on the same timeline? (Macro goal) Out of 10, 9 times...
  4. trashKENNUT

    Socializing Paradigm shift

    Hi Guys, I had many paradigm shifts from GC. So I thought I share something I found so that everyone especially Chase and the gang can write great articles. so here we go. (Business owners. You guys will love this because I'm revealing a loophole inside the human brain. A manipulation...
  5. trashKENNUT

    What Happens In A Club.

    Hello People. There's 3 Realities. Converge all 3 Realities of you. Know all 3 Realities of her, and all 3 Realities of society. And you will win. Click on the image, and it's in full view. Sidenote: Trump's 4th dimensional chess. :) With great power, comes great responsibility. (It's still...