And so there was a “Level 7” Nuclear Meltdown…Discovering Juliet’s, ahhh… Alter Ego let’s say.
Or is She really just a “Porn Star??”
This challenge raised Several painful issues:
First - The fact that she just wasn’t open about her Graphic work, and essentially LIED, or mislead me. I mean I...
Check out my No Way Back the full picture.
Long story short, I was an extreme AFC for most of my life; fat, shy, timid, resentful, depressed, etc...
About a year ago I came to the conclusion that going on like I was wasn't a life worth living and decided to get my act together. Besides diet...
Learning game once again after a sort of 3 year break or more, on and off but mostly off. with very shitty things happening to me.
I’m starting from the very beginning to build my foundation correctly. I’m going to log some recent approaches and such. I’ll occasionally write about my plans and...