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social media

  1. Q

    Social Media presence for men: what's the right way to do it?

    I know Chase and other specialists believe that men should get off social media. Social media is designed for women and always works in their favor (validation, beauty photos, superficial emotions, and girls having so many options because men rush into their profiles and DMs). The thing is, for...
  2. J

    Instagram Game - The Key To Getting The Top 3% Of Girls?

    Hey @Chase Something I've always wondered about is getting truly high quality stunners. Now, Andrew and Tristan Tate - the brothers who went viral this year are excellent with women. World class. As far as I know, both of them have multiple stunners on lock with a harem of side chicks...
  3. Conquistador

    How to use social media (Instagram, Telegram, Snapchat) effectively for social circle and seduction (college)

    I have no real experience with social media due to being relatively low-tech up to now. Bur it seems that everyone at college has a major social media presence, except for me; people keep asking me for my Insta, which I don't have. Before I change that, though, I'd like to spend some time...
  4. WittyJester

    High value-Instagram

    One thing I’ve really noticed about high value men and women on social media is that they travel a lot. How do people afford to travel to Europe on a consistent basis? I really wanna master Instagram game simply because the true 12/10s you don’t see in everyday life. I mostly find 7s and 8s...
  5. WittyJester

    Social circle from scratch/ social media

    How do I start social media from scratch? I have little to no friends. No social/partying/pickup friends. How do I start from scratch. Where do I find friends who go to parties and how I find the best parties, the most attractive friends and people to do pickup with and etc? What about social...