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  1. J

    AI Dating Photo Generation Apps - Which Ones Worked For Me For Tinder & Hinge

    [moderator: post was clearly spam from a specific AI dating app photo generation company. Check @Atlas IV's recommendation below for a service actually recommended by forum members]
  2. D

    Dating on dating websites

    Hello. Guys. I've spent a year of endless chat on dating web sites, such kike Badoo and Tinder. And when I invite girl to cofee. She just disapeared or start to ignore me. I do not know why. Even when we gad 1 week of conversation. Looks like they all unreal persons, AI. And only type messages.
  3. Michael Chief

    LR Poly Model Tinder First Date

    Years ago, my Tinder profile used to explicitly say that I am polyamorous, but that account got banned because Tinder had (still has?) a system where people could automatically get banned if enough people report them for any reason. I likely got reported by a bunch of polyphobic people and got...
  4. C

    LR Arranged 2 dates in a day just to be sure, 1st kinda flaked, 2nd got laid

    This one was kinda tricky and took a while to arrange the date TLDR I match with a girl on tinder, "Pole Dancer", we switch to Insta smoothly. It's super warm initially, I'm waiting for her work schedule for logistics and shit and she ghosts me, I had to triple text her over a span of like 4...
  5. Jan

    New, important feature on Tinder

    Guys, Recently, Tinder has introduced a new feature, called "I'm looking for". I believe this is something everyone should update. First of all, you definitely should know what you are looking for. Once you know this, it takes just few seconds to update it on Tinder. So almost zero cost. Why...
  6. N

    Should I change my age on Tinder?

    [28M] I live in the city center, which is pretty close to multiple universities. I think most college girls set their max age to around 30, but some may even cut off at 25, so I'm thinking about changing my age from 28 to 25. I’m already getting a decent amount of matches but I want to optimize...
  7. Jan

    Forum Feedback Proposal: New forum section for Tinder real life conversational threads

    I would like to propose a new section on the forum where users would post their real life conversational threads from Tinder and other online dating apps, along with questions and call for opinion from others. I believe this could be a great method for collaborative improvement as well as...
  8. C

    Crisscos Online Seduction Guide (FREE!)

    Hey everyone, I wrote this back in 2013 so it is a little bit outdated, but i still used some of the material online and in person on dates. Take the good, disguard the old. Have fun and enjoy. Table of Contents: Introduction Part 1 – From the computer to the phone: The Direct Opener Ask...
  9. Beck Bass

    LR Random Tinder Girl From Far Away Gets Boned... Then Leaves Out of the Blue?

    So this one, I don't even know if I wanted to write a report on, the sex itself was a bit... weird, but I thought it would be interesting regardless. Yesterday I matched with this girl on Tinder around 1PM, apparently I liked her first, because she already sent me a message right away: "hey...
  10. Beck Bass

    FR+ Date With Beautiful Girl From Tinder

    So I deleted my Tinder last weekend, as I was all inspired to learn daygame, and, tbh, quite frustrated with Tinder, but I'm a weak ass little B, so I just downloaded it again last Sunday night and remade my account. I also paid for Tinder Plus for 6 months because I found some local reseller...
  11. T

    What should my approach to getting dates from Tinder be?

    Hello ! lately I am confused about what the best approach is. By 'approach' I mean exactly this: Should I text with her a significant (maybe 1-2 weeks) amount of time (and 'seduce' her) and then ask her out? Or should I go straight and ask her out in the first 5 messages, and if it does not...
  12. J

    After knowing that I use an oversea phone number, girl did not reply on tinder. Why?

    I am an oversea student studying in London. I met this girl on tinder, she is a local. After chatting on tinder for a while, I asked if she has whatsapp. She said yes, and asked for my number. So I gave her my number, but instead of adding me, she replied, 'oh, that is a number from (my...
  13. P

    Forum Feedback When will Laid on Tinder be available?

    Does anyone know, or have any information regarding, when the “Laid on Tinder” system by Colt Williams will be available again? I tried to purchase it but it said it was unavailable due to updates since 2019. Any information on this would be duly appreciated!
  14. T

    Transitioning to sex talk/mutual masturbation with Tinder girl

    Hey guys! So after reading this site for a long while and being held back by approach anxiety, I finally made my first approach a few months ago. I made about 7 in total (over a few weeks) and just as I was beginning to hit my stride, Corona virus hits and we go into lockdown. So to keep my...
  15. A

    Badoo and TInder (Jamaica yes, Dominicans NO??)

    So with the Coronoa virus we all sitting at home So I decided to reopen tinder and badoo. I have some I would say ok photos, they are nothing special but I wouldnt qualify them as bad....I dont know what I reduced 4 years from my age in badoo which is something I am not proud of but if a woman...
  16. Beck Bass

    LR Daredevil Destroys Little Blondie from Carnival

    So it was Carnival down here in Braziland, and pretty much everyone left my city and went to the beach, which I totally couldn't do as I was fucking broke (as always). Anyway at Saturday this girl from Tinder messaged me saying she was at some bohemian known place having some beer and asked me...
  17. BigPapa

    Tinder Game

    recently I discovered that I enjoy after a hard day at work to see girl profiles on tinder , you know swapping right and left , helps me relax a little bit my question is this one though , I do not have problems with matching with at least cute girls , but the problem is that once I send a...