I've often veen told my voice is marvelous, but unrefined. It is a deep bass. With some effort, I could have a good singing voice. I am sometimes asked to say stuff like, "Allstate. Are you in good hands?" (If you know the commercial, you can get the idea). I have always been praised in speech...
How can one enhance fundamental aspects of their voice?
I've got a decent grasp on improving speech elements like speaking slowly, eliminating filler words, maintaining clear diction, refining pronunciation, and enhancing articulation.
But I'm specifically interested in refining the raw...
So this just me practising speaking from my diaphragm. Its me reading a short para from a novel there is no rhythm but the main aim was to speak from diaphragm and add Purr to it
Do give your feedback.
P. S - I still think I need to articulate better
A very raw version of the voice got some feedback and exercises from @Alpha13SC implemented them and here's a very raw version nothing special just a small speech "what if" from George Clooneys movie "out of sight"
Alrighty tighty (that phrase sounds kind of dirty but ehh whi cares ). So I gave myself a month to dedicate to voice and the feedback you guys gave was add some emotions to it so here is a prologue from a book which I took and added my emotions to it. This time I relaxed my tounge and spoke as...
Alright guys so here's an audio clip, been practising deep breathing seriously and when I spoke I felt vibration in my maxilla.
Give me your opinion guys
I genuinely want to know if the articles and videos by GC are enough to develop a sexy voice, I have been trying to work on my voice for a long time and no results are seen, however I am thinking to join a voice modulation academy. Worth joining it?
Alright gents so this is like a follow up question to my previous post on opinion on voice. Give me some practical tip to achieve that, yes I have seen Hector's videos, articles by Dan on how to get a sexy voice and I have been practising it, but I think i need a bit of a concrete guide or you...
So been working on my voice for 4+ months and I still need to go long way, but will love to hear your opinion ane your thoughts. Does my voice sound sexy? What can I do to improve it?
Here's the link :-
P. S. - the script is take from alabaster girl by zan...