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FR  11:20 to 12 AM Community College


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Girl 1: sitting in the library is a powerfully built white girl. I approach her but am pretty nervous and although she is amiable to conversation, it is obvious that I haven't excited her one iota. I take my leave.

To improve on: Sit closer to increase tension. Chase frames and yes ladders should be utilized, something I almost always omit.

Girl 2: a little thing walking towards me. I stop her and tell her that she's very cute. I am easy on the vibe because she seems tame and I am not feeling so awesome anyway. She responds well enough and I start walking again in the direction she was going, to her class. An easy way to move her. The conversation is nice enough but I unfortunately omit chase frames. She mentions a boyfriend when I ask she'd like to meet up again. I say "That's no problem". She says "Well, maybe I'll see you around school" (if I had a nickel for every time...) but I persist: "Well, let me get your digits". I get the number and we part.

To improve on: should have used a yes ladder when encountered resistance. Some more tension with touching and chase framing would have been good too.

Girl 3: walking back to my car, she is ahead of me. I catch up and tap her on the elbow. Slight awkwardness from her but I ignore it and deep dive. IOI: she slowed down her walk somewhat to match mine. She is wearing sunglasses so I ask her what color are her eyes. She is confused but complies. I said: "I wanted to see what your face looks like". Probably a better statement would have been a slight pause while stopping my walk and giving a piercing gaze, and then replying that "I was just curious". I am more confident with this girl than the others but it gets the best of me as I attempt to take her sunglasses off. She stops me. I move on, ignoring this failed frame encounter, and try to ask for the number some seconds later. She replies "Maybe I'll see you around school" I don't persist further because I know that if she doesn't want to give me her number, she won't want to go on a date with me.

To improve on: Should have used a yes ladder when getting the number. Regarding the glasses incident: should have been more reckless. If you're going to do something bold that could potentially backfire, don't do it half-heartedly. Confidence is key and a lack of it is what makes those situations awkward and weird and not spontaneous and fun. Also more chase framing.

Summary: more chase framing, yes ladders, recklessness.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake