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FU  '13 year old' woman


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
I'm not feeling so well today, so i write a quick report and then i'll go to bed early.

For the past few days, i've been approaching an average of about 2-3 girls each day. I haven't had the time to do a report on these interactions because i've been so busy with something else important (I do have a life you know), but every single one of these interactions were negative, so there's no point in writing out the same interaction a dozen times.

Anyway, on recommendation from my friend, i went to a part of London called Acton today. I was getting really tired from being rejected by Chinese girls, so I planned to go to Acton today to meet Persian girls (my friend said there are a lot of Persians in this area). I reckoned that surely my own ethnic group would give me at least a chance.

Well, i got there a bit late (about 5pm) and i didn't see any Persian girls. I saw plenty of Persian galleries, shops, restaurants, libraries, but no women, which was odd. But today wasn't totally pointless, because as i was getting the bus back home, I saw the most gorgeous English girl i have ever seen. A real, beautiful (and hence rare!) English rose. She was looking outside the window, looking a bit sad as the rain poured down beside the bus. I just couldn't take my eyes off her, so much so that i didn't realise that the bus was just about to leave! The English girl was looking at me, smiling sweetly and my legs became paralysed. I tried not to look into her eyes and make it look like i was chasing, but at that moment, everything in the world slowed, and it felt like it was just the two of us in the entire world.
I was quite angry with myself for not meeting her on the bus, and especially because I missed my bus and was left in the rain to wait for another one.

After 5 minutes, another bus came, and I began my journey back home. But after a few stops, I saw the English girl at another bus stop, waiting for another bus, after leaving her previous bus.
I realised that getting home early was not all so important to me, relative to meeting this beauty, so I quickly got off my bus at that stop and went to approach her.

As i left my bus, she went onto a new bus, and i followed her onto this new, unknown bus.
I sat in front of her (she sat on a single seat, at a perpendicular angle to mine).
I turned around, and asked her:
'Hey i was just curious, how old are you?' (she was almost certain my age. I just asked this to be sure because she was wearing a school uniform. Anything above 16 is ok in Europe. Girls study in school until 18).
Her: 'I'm...um.. 13' (In a woman's voice)
Me: 'Thirteen?! I can't believe that.'
Her: 'Yes, I'm tall for my age (she had fully developed breasts and was almost my height).'

I turned back, not wishing to be involved with a 13 year old. I was thinking how much 13 year old kids must have grown compared to when i was 13.
After a pause and feeling a bit stupid for even believing she was 13 for a moment, i turned around again.

Me: 'Okay, so you're really 13?'
Her: 'Yeah'
Me: 'Which year were you born then?'
Her: 'umm.....err.....1998'
Me: 'That'll make you 15, not 13'.
Her: ... [silence]

So, i was reasonably sure she didn't like me at that point, so i thought I'd chance it, go direct and see what happens.

Me: 'Hey, to be honest, I don't even know which bus this is. I just came on here because i wanted to talk to you. I think you're cute.'
Her: She smiled without looking at me, left her seat, and walked to the back of the bus. She started whispering with another girl at the back of the bus. The next stop later (whether it was her actual stop or not), she left the bus.


I hate approaching girls now. Rejection seems inevitable. I just hope for a positive outcome, i never actually believe it will happen. It's depressing how every guy all around me seems to have a girlfriend, but I do not. Yet, i am almost certain i've put more effort into this than anyone else in my whole area. It's so awful to think like this.
Well, Good night everyone. I hope tomorrow is a better day
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
For the past few days, i've been approaching an average of about 2-3 girls each day

Very nice.

I turned back, not wishing to be involved with a 13 year old. I was thinking how much 13 year old kids must have grown compared to when i was 13.
Its kind of creepy how many older girls aren't so older. I approached a set in the Dominican Republic at a jazz festival that didn't speak English. I got them leading for a short period of time and when I brought them back to my Spanish speaking amigo he told me they were like 16. :(( I feel your pain dude.

This is what I want to get you thinking about today.
I hate approaching girls now. Rejection seems inevitable. I just hope for a positive outcome, i never actually believe it will happen. Its so awful to think like this
Yes it is so awful to think like this. I find it ironic that you know your thinking is fucked up yet you don't seem to ever try and change it for good. At least you never talk about trying to change your thinking. Keeping the same thought process you have you're almost guaranteed not to win in seduction. As you know (or perhaps don't know) vibe is at utmost importance. You could have the best lines to say or even naturally come up with the best lines in the moment but if your vibe is off you're not going to come across as a man that a woman would say "yes I love this guys energy I want to sleep with him!".

First off why do you get so down from rejection? Your thinking is like this "Oh cute girl I'm going to go talk to her. (girl rejects you) Shit I knew it another rejection. Girls hate me I'm such a loser". Why not think like this "What an awesome rejection yes. I feel the burn! It hurts sooo good! I feel stronger already!" or "Well that didn't go as planned but how funny was it that the girl actually got up left and went to the back of the bus? haha oh well I guess I won't do that again. Back to the drawing board!" Or better yet both lines! The first one empowers you by talking to yourself in a way where you're a fucking champion for approaching in the first place (btw I feel like a warrior/champion when I approach girls and get rejected and I used to feel defeated and hurt like you) and the 2nd line of dialogue lets you place a positive perspective on each and every interaction. So no matter what now I never have a "negative interaction" they're all positive now so I have 100% success rate. But if you saw me you'd say I failed 50% of the time and succeeded the other 50% of the time.

This is so important because as I said earlier your vibe is everything and even though you can fake a vibe (being depressed but putting on a happy face anyway) it will still shine subtly through in the end. No girl wants a guy who has depression leaking (even if subtly) from his soul, it's just not the type of energy anyone wants. You need to desperately start changing your thoughts to something with more gratitude. Why are you so fucking depressed anyway fuck those chumps with girlfriends they don't have the same situation as you. The way I see it they're not as lucky as you. They don't have to go out and work for what they want (they'll have no idea about where hard work get them and how necessary it is for success) and when it comes time for them to face rejection head on whether with women or life in general there going to be complete pussys and not know how to handle or face rejection. They don't get blessed opportunity to grow into a stronger man like you do. If you would have been so lucky to have a girlfriend already you never would have faced rejection once and you'd still be as big of a pussy as you used to be (your not btw I admire you for going out and persistently tackling rejection head on). Express a little gratitude dude it'll demolish your depression. Though you have to work a little before it really shines through.

I'm literally reminding myself to be more grateful as I write this it's an ongoing thing. Every thought you have contributes to your vibe/overall energy. That energy can be positive or negative. The more positive thought you have the more polarizing positive your vibe will be. The more positive your vibe the closer you are to success with women. You may even need to but your endeavors with women on the backburner to get yourself in a more positive frame of mind. Get to the point where you can be happy with your life even if you don't have a girlfriend or aren't currently getting laid. But still be working towards having those things you desire.

If you want some more ideas or questions on how to do/achieve this P.M. me.

Quit whining about how unattractive and how big of a loser you are and fix it or get off the boards and go sulk in the closet. If you look at yourself from a third person view (me reading your FR's) your a legend in the beginning stages of transitioning from a boy to a man.

over and out,