Met this girl in a discussion for my Sociology class. We were sitting next to each other during discussion and after it was over I started talking to her. I opened her saying something like "You have nice earrings" (they were gold and blue). We introduced ourselves and started a conversation.As we were leaving the classroom, a freshman from the class interjects into our conversation. Now i know I should have "threw him under the bus" but I'm just not that cold yet, so I actually engaged him in conversation as well
. We were almost outside and the girl I was talking to was walking in front of me. I allowed the conversation between me and the guy to die out and I called her back to me. We then started talking again, come to find out, my dorm and her apt. were in the same direction. We talked for about 5 minutes and then she told me she actually had to buy a book for class so I number closed her and headed to my dorm.
Text Conversation
Me: Hey this is Cal from class save my number
Her: Got it!
2 days later
Me: Hey *girls name*, we should get together sometime this weekend or next week... what's your schedule like?
Her: Hey Cal! Yeah, I'd love that... Hmm, let's see, I have a pretty open day tomorrow if you'd like to catch lunch?
Me: No classes tomorrow for me! What time of the day are you free?
Her: Lucky~ I only have one, 9-10, so anytime after 10!
Me: Haha that's too early =P... I've got work tomorrow so let's get a bite to eat at *my dorm's dining hall* around 5?
Her: Yeah, I know. It's terrible! Sounds great but i don't have a meal plan, is there a way I can go about paying?
Me: Lol don't worry about it, I'll swipe you in...
Her: Okay, thank you!! I'll see yah tomorrow!
Me: Sounds good
Next Day (I'm in the gym working out and playing basketball and I totally forget about our date until she texts me at 4:59!)
Her: Hey! I'm outside dorm
Me: Ok just leaving the gym =/ be there in 5 mins (I'm actually running back to my dorm now)
Her: No worries! See yah in a bit!
I arrive pretty late and have her wait in the lobby while I take a shower(rude I know). About 20 mins later, we're in the dining hall. Its crowded and I struggle to find a somewhat secluded area for us to talk. I finally find one after much fumbling around and indecision though. We talk and eat for about 30 minutes. Our conversation consists of her dreams/passions, her major, her desire to assist in education reform(and move to Detroit), and stuff like that. After about 30 mins she suggests we leave. We start heading out and I try to invite her to my room for a movie. She declines and tells me that she has to meet up with a friend. I say she should come over for a movie soon and she says OK and she'll see me in class next week. I was really hoping to bed her but maybe I shot myself in the foot for being too late and appearing to nonchalant about us meeting up; maybe I wasn't sexual enough on the date. Anyways, any tips to make my future dates lead to sex is appreciated!
Text Conversation
Me: Hey this is Cal from class save my number
Her: Got it!
2 days later
Me: Hey *girls name*, we should get together sometime this weekend or next week... what's your schedule like?
Her: Hey Cal! Yeah, I'd love that... Hmm, let's see, I have a pretty open day tomorrow if you'd like to catch lunch?
Me: No classes tomorrow for me! What time of the day are you free?
Her: Lucky~ I only have one, 9-10, so anytime after 10!
Me: Haha that's too early =P... I've got work tomorrow so let's get a bite to eat at *my dorm's dining hall* around 5?
Her: Yeah, I know. It's terrible! Sounds great but i don't have a meal plan, is there a way I can go about paying?
Me: Lol don't worry about it, I'll swipe you in...
Her: Okay, thank you!! I'll see yah tomorrow!
Me: Sounds good
Next Day (I'm in the gym working out and playing basketball and I totally forget about our date until she texts me at 4:59!)
Her: Hey! I'm outside dorm
Me: Ok just leaving the gym =/ be there in 5 mins (I'm actually running back to my dorm now)
Her: No worries! See yah in a bit!
I arrive pretty late and have her wait in the lobby while I take a shower(rude I know). About 20 mins later, we're in the dining hall. Its crowded and I struggle to find a somewhat secluded area for us to talk. I finally find one after much fumbling around and indecision though. We talk and eat for about 30 minutes. Our conversation consists of her dreams/passions, her major, her desire to assist in education reform(and move to Detroit), and stuff like that. After about 30 mins she suggests we leave. We start heading out and I try to invite her to my room for a movie. She declines and tells me that she has to meet up with a friend. I say she should come over for a movie soon and she says OK and she'll see me in class next week. I was really hoping to bed her but maybe I shot myself in the foot for being too late and appearing to nonchalant about us meeting up; maybe I wasn't sexual enough on the date. Anyways, any tips to make my future dates lead to sex is appreciated!