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- Jul 17, 2013
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Sunday was not a bad day, I opened 4 girls and got 2 phone numbers. One responded to an icebreaker text, following a group opening, no less. At my stage of development, that's a pretty good haul.
Saturday, however, was another matter altogether. Two firm rejections after what had seemed like pleasant approach invitations.
After being unexpectedly rejected by my date for the morning, I decided to spend the afternoon on-campus at a private university just outside the city limits. Saturday is a little quiet there, admittedly; but while I have a reasonable and understanding employer, I don't think it'd go down too well if I skipped off of work regularly on the afternoons to do campus day-game for several hours. I squeeze enough street work into my lunch-break already
The campus bookstore was practically empty; after a trawl of the section with academic buildings that yielded nothing, I headed into the park that contains the President's residence. A number of girls were there; some were with boyfriends, some were in groups and looked satisfied with each other's company and I didn't like to impose. But after looping the lake, I saw a very young girl bounding down the hill, 18-19, petite and with long, dark brown hair, sweating profusely in her minimalist running kit and flushed in all visible places with her exertions
Her legs were a little on the chubby side, but her youth made up for it, even to the point of being endearing—chaps nearer my age will know what I mean 
As she passed, she actually looked me up and down and smiled. "Well hello!" I called, but she was past. She turned and took a steep uphill forest path. I snickered as I watched her struggle with it, then give up and start walking, clearly unaccustomed to this level of self-discipline. She could really lose a few pounds from those thighs... but I'd rather she held on to the extra weight just for the next couple years
I turned back and took a look at a map displayed for the convenience of the public. "Forest Trail—1.3 miles; Lake Loop—.8 miles". Okay, 2.1 miles total... hmmm, should keep her occupied for a bit, rate she's going. I sat and keyed out an email reply to my father on my iPhone. 15-20 minutes later, along she came, predictably huffing and puffing! (At twice her age, I could have done it in half that time.)
20 minutes later, I was walking back through the main campus when I noticed a girl sitting studying at an outdoor table. I turned onto the little path that took me right past where she was sitting; she closed a textbook emblazoned with CHEMISTRY on the cover, and looked up at me with alluring brown eyes, sparkling with amusement... Once. Twice. Three times—and with smile!
Does anyone understand what is going on in these scenarios? Thank you!
Saturday, however, was another matter altogether. Two firm rejections after what had seemed like pleasant approach invitations.
After being unexpectedly rejected by my date for the morning, I decided to spend the afternoon on-campus at a private university just outside the city limits. Saturday is a little quiet there, admittedly; but while I have a reasonable and understanding employer, I don't think it'd go down too well if I skipped off of work regularly on the afternoons to do campus day-game for several hours. I squeeze enough street work into my lunch-break already
The campus bookstore was practically empty; after a trawl of the section with academic buildings that yielded nothing, I headed into the park that contains the President's residence. A number of girls were there; some were with boyfriends, some were in groups and looked satisfied with each other's company and I didn't like to impose. But after looping the lake, I saw a very young girl bounding down the hill, 18-19, petite and with long, dark brown hair, sweating profusely in her minimalist running kit and flushed in all visible places with her exertions
As she passed, she actually looked me up and down and smiled. "Well hello!" I called, but she was past. She turned and took a steep uphill forest path. I snickered as I watched her struggle with it, then give up and start walking, clearly unaccustomed to this level of self-discipline. She could really lose a few pounds from those thighs... but I'd rather she held on to the extra weight just for the next couple years
I turned back and took a look at a map displayed for the convenience of the public. "Forest Trail—1.3 miles; Lake Loop—.8 miles". Okay, 2.1 miles total... hmmm, should keep her occupied for a bit, rate she's going. I sat and keyed out an email reply to my father on my iPhone. 15-20 minutes later, along she came, predictably huffing and puffing! (At twice her age, I could have done it in half that time.)
- Marty: Why don't you stop and take a rest?
PlumpLegs: I ... (breathless) I'm running...
Marty: No no, I can see you're struggling. Stop and walk for a bit, talk with me.
PlumpLegs: Okay. (Breaks stride)
Marty: What's your name?
PlumpLegs: PlumpLegs.
Marty: Hey PlumpLegs, I'm Marty. (Take her hand)
PlumpLegs: It was nice to meet you! Well, I'd better—
Marty: No no no. I saw you trying to get up that hill path a while back. You're not used to this, you need to take it easy.
PlumpLegs: I'm trying to build up stamina.
Marty: Haha! So what are you studying?
PlumpLegs: Creative Writing.
Marty: I take it you're an undergraduate at the university here...
PlumpLegs: That's right.
Marty: Creative Writing! My goodness. So how many pages of prose have you cumulatively turned out, since you began your course?
PlumpLegs: I only just started, I'm in my freshman year actually. Let me see... 50 or so.
Marty: 50! ...and what genre of fiction do you write? Who are your most inspirational authors?
PlumpLegs: (noncommittal response)
Marty: It's very competitive, but a good life if you make it... churning out bestsellers and living wherever you want.
PlumpLegs: Yeah, maybe I'll write the next Harry Potter... but it's very tough. My parents were against it.
PlumpLegs: Well, I'd better press on with my running.
Marty: We should grab a coffee soon, when you're not in the middle of your workout.
PlumpLegs: Yes, I'm sure I'll see you around at the park!
Marty: I doubt that very much. You'd better leave me your cell phone number.
PlumpLegs: I don't think so...
Marty: Why not? Are you not attracted to me?
PlumpLegs: I'm dating someone...
Marty: Dating someone! Well, it needn't be anything serious. We can just see how things go!
PlumpLegs: Yeah, I'm sure I'll see you around!
Marty: It would be easier if you left me your contact details.
PlumpLegs: No, I'll see you next time at the park!
Marty: Very unlikely. Nice talking with you anyway! (She trudges off at a pace scarcely above a fast walk, youthful ass bobbling attractively.)
20 minutes later, I was walking back through the main campus when I noticed a girl sitting studying at an outdoor table. I turned onto the little path that took me right past where she was sitting; she closed a textbook emblazoned with CHEMISTRY on the cover, and looked up at me with alluring brown eyes, sparkling with amusement... Once. Twice. Three times—and with smile!
NaturalScientist: Is there something I can help you find?
Marty: I don't need any help, but may I take a seat?
Marty: Are you in a hurry somewhere?
NaturalScientist: Well, I was actually... but what did you have in mind exactly?
Marty: I don't want to keep you when you're in a hurry... Would you like to have coffee with me some time when you're not in such a rush?
NaturalScientist: I think I'm good. But thank you!
Does anyone understand what is going on in these scenarios? Thank you!