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- Jan 17, 2014
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Morning yall
This report is about two girls from last night.
Girl #1- Polina:
So last night i went on a date. It was a second date with a girl named Polina, a tall russian blonde. you may have seen a post or two i wrote about her somewhere around here. First date we went out for drinks, ended in walking her back to her place and making out a little. Went good but no sex or anything. I thought ok maybe next time.
Last night we got dinner, which was fine but a little boring because there wasnt much flirting going on. I am definitely in the 'boyfriend material zone' with her at this point, which quite frankly sucks. So we eat and talk about boring regular stuff (dont get me wrong it was fun, but not so exciting. Minimal flirting, i just threw in a compliment and some flirty eye contact every now and then to keep the pot simmering), and then when were done (she makes no offer to pay for her half of the meal, or even acknowledge the presence of the check on the table, so after a while of letting it sit there and doing the little ted mosby check wave, i pay for everything. Fuck. Dont even get a thank you. Need to learn some strategy for this) we go walk to starbucks. She enthusiastically offers to pay for my coffee. Gee thanks, how generous.
We walk to my car and she directs me to a cool spot, a dock on the charles river, where we do some making out for a bit, but its too cold to attempt any taking clothes off or further escalation. I offer to go someplace warmer so we go to my car and i take her back to her place.
I park outside and we make out for like fifteen minutes, i run my hands up and down her body, at one point i slid my hand up her thigh and lightly brushed her vagina on the way up her body just to test the water but she immediately jumped and snatched my hand. I knew it was going this way, but yeah. Im not getting laid tonight. I barely push to go inside with her, ask maybe once or twice, eventually she gets out and i leave.
Im pretty glad when this date ended because it was just too 'couple-y' for me. She definitely sees me as boyfriend material and im just not interested that way. Dont think ill hit her up for another date. Maybe need to work on my framing for this kind of thing.
So i start to drive back but its only like 11, 11:30, so i stop at a bar for a beer just to wind down and maybe talk to a girl or two. But the place is pretty quiet, not a lot going on and not really any hot chicks i want to approach, so i just watch baseball and drink two beers with the occassional chat with the cute bartender. I tell her i like her eyes and her eye makeup is very attractive. She seems unphased by this in a pleasant way, and tells me thats the third time shes heard that tonight. Sure, whatever. No real signs of attraction from her so i forget about it
Girl #2- Maria:
Im almost done with my second beer and pay my tab to get ready to leave when i am approached by a latina girl. Her name is Maria, shes from honduras, has a funny but cute accent and is very touchy feely right away, which for me is very attractive. I compliment her long dark hair. She tells me she was bored with her friends and wanted to say hi. She then tells me i am really hot. I am not used to hearing this but play it cool.
We talk for a bit, and the conversation is really interesting. A lot of it is about seduction and sex. We talk about how she approached me and that she doesnt think it matters who approaches who. I mention how i respect that because many women would never do that. She tells me she 'doesnt get' american men because they 'cant handle her', meaning her directness. She also says how american guys are really black and white, meaning either 'just dtf and make no connection' or theyre too emotionally intense. She also says how just giving her phone number sometimes makes american guys fall in love with her and she hates that because phone numbers mean nothing. I pretty much agree with most of what she says because a lot of it is familiar with what ive learned since ive started studying seduction and dating. A constant thread is that she prefers directness over beating around the bush and I say many people are used to suppressing their true feelings but shouldnt be afraid to express them because we cant help how we feel, and that if more people did this they wouldnt seem so intense because they wouldnt explode with all this built up emotional suppression and would be more in touch with their emotions. I think to myself that this is a great opportunity to practice my own directness and honesty
She also says that american guys cant handle her because when she likes to fuck she likes to fuck passionately all night long. She also tells me that shes never been with or kissed an american guy but really wants to hook up with one for the experience of it. She asks if i like to dominate or be dominated and i tell her i like a balance of both. She loves this answer and says she doesnt hear answers like that, and that most guys say they like to dominate but then in the bedroom they dont put their money where their mouth is. She says she really wants to hook up with an american guy and just dominate him and pin him down and have her way with him. I am all for this, because i am lazy.
Ohh yeah, this made me crack up. So her friends are at the bar but off in the corner and were sitting at the bar. At one point her girlfriend comes over to talk for a minute so we exchange plesantries and then i watch sports and speak when spoken to. As the chicks are talking this huge nerd with ponytail that looks like he just came from a my little ponies convention leans over to me and stutters, 'yo man, you gettin double teamed tonight?...'
I just stare at him blankly for about five seconds before i just mutter 'yes...' and then turn back to the tv. He is baffled by my lack of chest bump or high fives or whatever this guy expected and ashamed that his comment was stupid. When maria's friend walks away i immediately tell her what he said, we laugh, and then i make sure to tell her that i am, in fact, open to such things if they can be arranged.
So thats a lot of random bits of the conversation that i can remember, to the best of my ability.
Question-- anyone do any voice recording? Some of you have greatly detailed reports. I would love to record these encounters because i suck at remembering details and itd be both great fun and experience to hear back everything. I have an iphone 5s so if theres a good way to use that too, then thats ideal.
So through the whole, maybe two hours that we talked, lots of playful touching from both sides, and before long were sitting right against each other with my hand on her lap and her hands all over me. She has both her hands rubbing my arm and hands; my hand is in her lap; shes rubbing my thigh and brushes my cock a few times; she tells me she wants to kiss my cheek and does; she has her hands on my face and chin to stroke my beard; she tells me to kiss her cheek so i make her beg for a minute before i do so; a few soft lip kisses here and there; she makes a point that i havent had her stand up so i can check out her ass so i make her stand, i grab her hand and make her twirl for me, she likes this; then stays on her feet with basically her whole body up against mine while my hand is on her ass, and she makes sure to mention that i should check out her boobs too. I am totally into all of this. This girl could make a lot of money in a strip club, not so much because she has the look for it, unless a guys really into latina women- shes cute but not smokin hot or anything- but she can sure work it with her touch. It definitely hit a weak spot of mine and was increasingly attractive.
Eventually the night leads to a close and for the last little while the conversation goes to coming home with her (this was in the city near her place and i live 45 minutes out). She says she really wants to take me home and i push hard for it but she had to work at 7 am so she said no. I had to work at 8 this morning anyway so really, it was for the best. We swapped numbers and i did the 'nickname' thing that sasha daygame does on youtube and put her in my phone as 'maria needs american lovin'. She loves this and agrees with me. We consider plans to meet up [tonight] but i tell her i work til 11 or midnight so well see. But im thinking i should definitely say fuck it and...well...fuck it.
she wants to walk me to my car outside and i know what that means so she tells her friends shell be back in a few and we leave. Unfortunately its parked right outside the bar so no seclusion to do anything nasty but she gets in with me and we start making out. We are chomping each others faces and immediately have our hands all over each other. I rub her pussy over her jeans and she is already soaking wet. She rubs my cock over my jeans and i think two things- 1) this is great and 2) if only girl #1 would do the same...yeah i dont think im seeing her again. She mounts me and rubs her body all over mine, moaning and speaking spanish- i dont speak spanish but at one point she asked me 'te gusta?' and i know what that means but it took me a second to remember what 'yes' is in spanish haha. Then i give a sexy 'si...' and she moans her loudest the whole time (I have a really deep voice). Im not a big fan of the clothes-on dry humping in general so i quickly get bored and wrap this up. After a few minutes her friends come outside and she has to go. We make out a little more then she leaves with a playful 'i love you' hahah.
So that was that. It was very cool to be approached and turn it into quick results like that. Thats never really happened to me before. I think i have pretty solid fundamentals. Maybe even better than i think they are. Girl #2 definitely saved the night because the date was a disappointment even though she clearly had a great time.
Hope you guys were able to follow the report here i know its a little sloppy. I hope to work on my report writing as much as any other skill ive been studying on this site.
Gimme all yo comments/criticisms/fuck yous!
Have a great day
This report is about two girls from last night.
Girl #1- Polina:
So last night i went on a date. It was a second date with a girl named Polina, a tall russian blonde. you may have seen a post or two i wrote about her somewhere around here. First date we went out for drinks, ended in walking her back to her place and making out a little. Went good but no sex or anything. I thought ok maybe next time.
Last night we got dinner, which was fine but a little boring because there wasnt much flirting going on. I am definitely in the 'boyfriend material zone' with her at this point, which quite frankly sucks. So we eat and talk about boring regular stuff (dont get me wrong it was fun, but not so exciting. Minimal flirting, i just threw in a compliment and some flirty eye contact every now and then to keep the pot simmering), and then when were done (she makes no offer to pay for her half of the meal, or even acknowledge the presence of the check on the table, so after a while of letting it sit there and doing the little ted mosby check wave, i pay for everything. Fuck. Dont even get a thank you. Need to learn some strategy for this) we go walk to starbucks. She enthusiastically offers to pay for my coffee. Gee thanks, how generous.
We walk to my car and she directs me to a cool spot, a dock on the charles river, where we do some making out for a bit, but its too cold to attempt any taking clothes off or further escalation. I offer to go someplace warmer so we go to my car and i take her back to her place.
I park outside and we make out for like fifteen minutes, i run my hands up and down her body, at one point i slid my hand up her thigh and lightly brushed her vagina on the way up her body just to test the water but she immediately jumped and snatched my hand. I knew it was going this way, but yeah. Im not getting laid tonight. I barely push to go inside with her, ask maybe once or twice, eventually she gets out and i leave.
Im pretty glad when this date ended because it was just too 'couple-y' for me. She definitely sees me as boyfriend material and im just not interested that way. Dont think ill hit her up for another date. Maybe need to work on my framing for this kind of thing.
So i start to drive back but its only like 11, 11:30, so i stop at a bar for a beer just to wind down and maybe talk to a girl or two. But the place is pretty quiet, not a lot going on and not really any hot chicks i want to approach, so i just watch baseball and drink two beers with the occassional chat with the cute bartender. I tell her i like her eyes and her eye makeup is very attractive. She seems unphased by this in a pleasant way, and tells me thats the third time shes heard that tonight. Sure, whatever. No real signs of attraction from her so i forget about it
Girl #2- Maria:
Im almost done with my second beer and pay my tab to get ready to leave when i am approached by a latina girl. Her name is Maria, shes from honduras, has a funny but cute accent and is very touchy feely right away, which for me is very attractive. I compliment her long dark hair. She tells me she was bored with her friends and wanted to say hi. She then tells me i am really hot. I am not used to hearing this but play it cool.
We talk for a bit, and the conversation is really interesting. A lot of it is about seduction and sex. We talk about how she approached me and that she doesnt think it matters who approaches who. I mention how i respect that because many women would never do that. She tells me she 'doesnt get' american men because they 'cant handle her', meaning her directness. She also says how american guys are really black and white, meaning either 'just dtf and make no connection' or theyre too emotionally intense. She also says how just giving her phone number sometimes makes american guys fall in love with her and she hates that because phone numbers mean nothing. I pretty much agree with most of what she says because a lot of it is familiar with what ive learned since ive started studying seduction and dating. A constant thread is that she prefers directness over beating around the bush and I say many people are used to suppressing their true feelings but shouldnt be afraid to express them because we cant help how we feel, and that if more people did this they wouldnt seem so intense because they wouldnt explode with all this built up emotional suppression and would be more in touch with their emotions. I think to myself that this is a great opportunity to practice my own directness and honesty
She also says that american guys cant handle her because when she likes to fuck she likes to fuck passionately all night long. She also tells me that shes never been with or kissed an american guy but really wants to hook up with one for the experience of it. She asks if i like to dominate or be dominated and i tell her i like a balance of both. She loves this answer and says she doesnt hear answers like that, and that most guys say they like to dominate but then in the bedroom they dont put their money where their mouth is. She says she really wants to hook up with an american guy and just dominate him and pin him down and have her way with him. I am all for this, because i am lazy.
Ohh yeah, this made me crack up. So her friends are at the bar but off in the corner and were sitting at the bar. At one point her girlfriend comes over to talk for a minute so we exchange plesantries and then i watch sports and speak when spoken to. As the chicks are talking this huge nerd with ponytail that looks like he just came from a my little ponies convention leans over to me and stutters, 'yo man, you gettin double teamed tonight?...'
I just stare at him blankly for about five seconds before i just mutter 'yes...' and then turn back to the tv. He is baffled by my lack of chest bump or high fives or whatever this guy expected and ashamed that his comment was stupid. When maria's friend walks away i immediately tell her what he said, we laugh, and then i make sure to tell her that i am, in fact, open to such things if they can be arranged.
So thats a lot of random bits of the conversation that i can remember, to the best of my ability.
Question-- anyone do any voice recording? Some of you have greatly detailed reports. I would love to record these encounters because i suck at remembering details and itd be both great fun and experience to hear back everything. I have an iphone 5s so if theres a good way to use that too, then thats ideal.
So through the whole, maybe two hours that we talked, lots of playful touching from both sides, and before long were sitting right against each other with my hand on her lap and her hands all over me. She has both her hands rubbing my arm and hands; my hand is in her lap; shes rubbing my thigh and brushes my cock a few times; she tells me she wants to kiss my cheek and does; she has her hands on my face and chin to stroke my beard; she tells me to kiss her cheek so i make her beg for a minute before i do so; a few soft lip kisses here and there; she makes a point that i havent had her stand up so i can check out her ass so i make her stand, i grab her hand and make her twirl for me, she likes this; then stays on her feet with basically her whole body up against mine while my hand is on her ass, and she makes sure to mention that i should check out her boobs too. I am totally into all of this. This girl could make a lot of money in a strip club, not so much because she has the look for it, unless a guys really into latina women- shes cute but not smokin hot or anything- but she can sure work it with her touch. It definitely hit a weak spot of mine and was increasingly attractive.
Eventually the night leads to a close and for the last little while the conversation goes to coming home with her (this was in the city near her place and i live 45 minutes out). She says she really wants to take me home and i push hard for it but she had to work at 7 am so she said no. I had to work at 8 this morning anyway so really, it was for the best. We swapped numbers and i did the 'nickname' thing that sasha daygame does on youtube and put her in my phone as 'maria needs american lovin'. She loves this and agrees with me. We consider plans to meet up [tonight] but i tell her i work til 11 or midnight so well see. But im thinking i should definitely say fuck it and...well...fuck it.
she wants to walk me to my car outside and i know what that means so she tells her friends shell be back in a few and we leave. Unfortunately its parked right outside the bar so no seclusion to do anything nasty but she gets in with me and we start making out. We are chomping each others faces and immediately have our hands all over each other. I rub her pussy over her jeans and she is already soaking wet. She rubs my cock over my jeans and i think two things- 1) this is great and 2) if only girl #1 would do the same...yeah i dont think im seeing her again. She mounts me and rubs her body all over mine, moaning and speaking spanish- i dont speak spanish but at one point she asked me 'te gusta?' and i know what that means but it took me a second to remember what 'yes' is in spanish haha. Then i give a sexy 'si...' and she moans her loudest the whole time (I have a really deep voice). Im not a big fan of the clothes-on dry humping in general so i quickly get bored and wrap this up. After a few minutes her friends come outside and she has to go. We make out a little more then she leaves with a playful 'i love you' hahah.
So that was that. It was very cool to be approached and turn it into quick results like that. Thats never really happened to me before. I think i have pretty solid fundamentals. Maybe even better than i think they are. Girl #2 definitely saved the night because the date was a disappointment even though she clearly had a great time.
Hope you guys were able to follow the report here i know its a little sloppy. I hope to work on my report writing as much as any other skill ive been studying on this site.
Gimme all yo comments/criticisms/fuck yous!
Have a great day