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FR  2 hour simple leg rub date with next one set up at home

Little Jester

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
I'm amazed how fast you become confident at certain things during seduction. Myself have been stepping up touching and getting the giggly girl out as fast as possible. Today I didn't get a giggly girl though, as she herself was rushed. But I think at my level as a beginner I did a fine job setting up our next meet at my home.

- Meet a girl I hardly know for brownie with chocolate and icecream at burger king (Hot blondies and Hot brownies. Dutch thingy)
- She tells me she only has 2 hours for our little date with valid reasons why.
- I pick area with couch at Bking, table and 1 seat.
- I demand we both go sit behind the table on the couch instead of sitting in front of eachother. so the seat took duty of holding our jackets and her purse and stuff and we cramped up close to eachother behind the table on the couch.
- I let her talk a lot about her life, while I take much space sitting big and our legs are touching because of that.
- I touch and rub her leg sometimes slightly during conversation with my hand. Usually at a funny remark or when she's acting cute.
- We finish brownies and I say we need to catch a drink somewhere, but also tell her I'm not familiar with the area for dating as I only come and buy my clothes there (which is all true)
- She takes me to a bar I've never been.
- I spot a couch in the bar and tell her we should go sit next to each other there.
- We spend the remaining time talking, drinking and me touching her leg.
- 15 minutes before she needs to leave I wrap my arm around. Tell her I like her and ask her if she feels secure with me.
- She says she is chill, totally closes in and rests her body against mine, my arm around her and we talk a bit more.
- I sometimes rub her side, sometimes play with her hair to point something out about her make-up or simply because I wanted to look at her face.
- Been sitting there for 30 minutes and I tell her I loved having her around and didn't want to rush her, but told her she might be a little late for her next appointment
- she checked her watch, 15 minutes late she noticed. I laugh and said I took good care of her there and she laughed 'yeah you're like my alarm clock' :p
- I walked her to her car and while walking her I wrap my arm around her and ask her when I get to see her again.
- She agreed on meeting upcoming Wednesday. She'll be coming over to my place to hang on the couch and maybe watch a movie or just talk (as if only those things are going to happen.... and she knows it)
- Did very intense hug at her car. Actually I pulled every bit of passion in it that I could get myself to bring up. Wonder if I should've kissed her there.
- She thanked me for walking her to her car and I left...

Wanted to write this out since it felt smooth enough and maybe someone is helped by the ideas of leg rubbing early by sitting next to each other and whatever...

Looking forward to Wednesday. I do really like her... A lot...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: FR: 2 hour simple leg rub date with next one set up at h


Well done on getting more comfortable with touch (and this girl, for that matter). High touch dates that don't end in sex but do end on your terms - or at least mutually agreed upon terms, like this one did - are always hard to tell. The girl can end up cooling off before the next date, or she can end up being really excited about it - way more than she would've been sans touch. High touch sans sex throws a bit of randomness and variability into your dates.

Here's hoping the next date went well and here's to more like it-

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake