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FR++  2 Instances of LMR in the same week!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Hey guys, this is my first field report so here we go.
First Girl
Two weeks ago, I went out to the mall to buy a new red jacket. After I bought my jacket, I decided to go to the Starbucks at the food court and buy a frappuccino. While in line I noticed a pretty girl directly behind me who looked Mexican (she was actually from a small island near Australia, but I can't remember the name). I casually turned around and gave her a genuine compliment.
Me: You know, you have beautiful hair
Girl: Oh Thank you! (she said excitedly)
I smile and casually begin to let my eyes slowly wander around the mall, acting like giving her a compliment was no big deal. After receiving my drink, I sit down at a small table positioned near the end of the line and facing the girl. As she walked by, I invited her to sit down and talk with me for a little while, to which she agreed.

We engage in some small talk and where she's from. I deep dive to find out where she was born, how she travelled frequently, her childhood, and her aspirations in life. Now, I'm 19 (though I'm constantly told that I look older due to my muscular build, works wonders when trying to get into a bar ;) this girl looks around my age so I ask what year she is in school, pretty customary since I'm in a major college town. She laughs and tells me she's not in school. I then ask her how old she is, to which she dances around the question and asks me for my age. I boldly, maybe foolishly looking back, tell her my age. She laughs and says you're so young and cute. We talk some more and I discover she's 30 years old! This was the oldest woman I've ever hit on! I engage in some banter about her preying on a young, not so innocent, man. She laughs and tells me she thought I was at least in my mid 20's. We talk for about 20-30 mins before I number close her telling her we should get together sometime next week. Fast-forward to last Wed. I came back from a weekend in Louisville, and decided to text her to arrange a date. She was free after 8 so we decided to grab a bite to eat when she got off work. She, however, told me she was too tired later on and promised to make it up to me the following day. The next day, I invited her over to watch a movie at my place. She agreed and told me she'd be there later that evening. She comes over around 9:30 and I tell her to take her shoes off. She does and I give her a mini tour, of my Apt. We end up in my room where I have a horror movie ready for us to watch. We're both in the bed together, and within 10 minutes of the movie, I'm rubbing my hands up and down her body.
Me: You smell lovely, what fragrance are you wearing?
Her: Uhm I really don't know (her body still facing the TV)
I rub my hands over her shoulders and arms and then move in for the kiss
Her: Whoa! (she puts her hands up and stops me from kissing her) I thought you invited me over to watch a movie
Me: I did but you look so sexy tonight, that I can't resist
She smiles and sits upright in the bed. Me, slightly confused begins to rub on her back and shoulders and kiss her neck, to which she has no objection, but when I go in for the kiss she rejects me again. This song and dance went on for the entire movie, where I would rub her, kiss her neck, light massage, etc. and she'd be fine with that. But once I'd go in for the kiss, she wasn't having it. I would draw back watch the movie for a little bit and then try again only for the same results. After the movie was over she walked out to the living room to where she wanted to "talk with me some more" and I joined her. She sat on the couch and I sat right next to her. Me (calm and flirtatious) kept trying to kiss her during the conversation. She would laugh and reject me EVERY TIME. She kept telling me I was too young and we should "just be friends". That sucked because I thought for sure this girl would be mines that night. She eventually left around 12.

Second Girl
Now I'm normally wary about nighttime street game (I'm a muscular black guy in a predominantly white college town). However, there was a house party last Fri. and me and my buddy were fashionably late. The party was extremely crowded so we were in and out. We were just chilling in front of the house making small talk to the different people we knew. The party was dying and pretty girls were leaving left and right so I figured, I'm going to hit up some of these cute girls. Me and my friend spotted two cute white girls with long legs, nice asses, and taller than both of us. So I decided to strike up a conversation with them. We found out they were basketball players at the university. We were in a five minute conversation when one peeled off to find her boyfriend, a huge defensive linemen. The other one stayed with me and we continued our conversation, my friend just standing back. Not even 10 minutes into the conversation, I invited her to my place to which she agreed! So we all three start heading back to my place. We finally get there, and I casually say "Alright see ya later G" to my friend. He gets the hint and peels off. She's into my apt. and says she has to use the bathroom (I should've told her to take her shoes off, but I was shocked I got her to my place so easily lol) So she sits on the couch next to me, and I began to talk. Now, its probably been about 20 minutes before I finally decide to kiss her. She spent about half that time in the bathroom =(. So I go in for the kiss, and alas, my friend last minute resistance makes an appearance! I play with her hair and keep trying. She finally tells me she has a boyfriend on the football team as well, but that their separated at the time. "So there's no problem then baby" I say and go in for the kiss again. She rejects me and tells me she still has feelings for him. Then why the hell are you here I thought. I kept trying but eventually gave up and saw her out the door.

I know this has been a long post, but any help to avoid Last Minute Resistance in the future would be appreciated. Thanks Fam!


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Your problem here seems to be kissing girls on the mouth, but without problems elsewhere.

I'd suggest next time you try NOT kissing girls on the mouth, and see how far you can get without it.

Can you get her breathing heavy without kissing her on the mouth?

Can you get some of her clothes off without kissing her on the mouth?

Can you get your penis inside her without kissing her on the mouth?

There are lots of places on a woman's body to kiss besides the mouth, and there are women out there who will have sex with you before they'll kiss you.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Never thought of that! I usually go for the kiss before sex. Thanks!