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- Dec 6, 2012
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Went to school today and went to the tutoring lab I talked to the tutors there and they were cold with me, in the past that always made me feel down, but i said fuck that and I said I need an approach. I finished my work and got out on campus I decide i will walk around a little bit and see what I can find. I went to another building on campus and I decided to visit an old girl that rejected me in the past, but I have changed since then big time haha, I walked in and I stare her and her friend in the eye with a smile all of sudden I was super calm and super confident(last time a few years ago, I never gave this girl any eye contact haha I am stronger now), I don't know what went over me haha.
I talked to both girls with killer EC+smile, and the other girl left (she couldn't miss her tv show haha) so I talked to DD, the girl of the past. This girl didn't reject me too bad a few years ago, she just didnt reply to my emails key word email haha i was studying David Deangelo (he says ask for email) at the time and emails fuckin suck haha don't do them.
I started talking to DD and she just talked my ear off good lord! she wasn't this talkative with me in the past, perhaps because of my fundamentals, I let her do the talking and she was telling me all kinds of shit, She wasn't maintaining eye contact with me at all but she talked alot *Facepalm* she didn't ask any questions about me, but man she was dressed sexy OMG i wanted to bang her right there.
I showed her a cool trick with her computer wich some people don't know and she was pretty impressed. Alt+tab lol if you dont know what that is its a way to hide your internet use from your boss, haha she really liked learning that from me. BUUUUT when I got close to her to show her the trick she backed off of me like she was a little frightened hmmm shy or digusted by me haha i don't know but she smiled afterwords when i taught her ALT+TAB.
I asked her if she was single and she replied with a strong yes (always ask this guys). I missed a high point which i could of capitalized to get her number but I didn't instead I got it during a pause erghhh but her tone switched to serious mode when i asked "hey do you want to get food or drink with me some time?" Sure (with a serious unenergetic tone) I had her put her number in my phone.
she then went back to talking bullshit again (with energy) erghhh i just want to fuck you, quit talking my ear off haha. I ended up walking her to her car and I think I fucked up with the end, i said well i am going to class, and I hugged her and it felt really odd hmmm like she didn't want it but whatever.
GIRL #2 MommyL
This is a girl in my class i have been wanting to talk to for a while haha I seriously thought she had a BF, but i was very wrong haha turns out she has 2 kids and hence the name MommyL. She would constantly walk out of class to talk on the phone, i said hmm definitely a BF, i mean she is a young girl of 22 years old and 2 kids wow! I don't care about kids i just always thought she was sexy.
she walked into class and she looked at me for a brief moment and I quickly said hi before she missed it (she is shy) as class was going on i would look in her direction while talking to another girl who is my friend, and MommyL was looking at me then looked down and away, BAM she likes me.
Class ends and i was walking out i tap her arm she was not looking at me at all haha ( always approach guys, girls are very subtle or plain shy) I feel situational or regular openers are better for the classroom and I just ask what her name is and she tells me MommyL and I walk out with her, as we walked out she started going one direction and i was going the other and I just said ok you have a good night and she quickly told me to stop and asked me what my name was, BAM! she likes me, so i ended up walking with her and talked a little bit about her plans, what her kids names were blah blah blah, no repartee in this conversation but i asked if she wanted to get food or drink with me sometime and she said ahhhhh ok (i was like fuck hmmm ok). I got her to dial her number in my phone and i left.
I need to get better at repartee, when girls ask me questions that is where i tease and play, but i am not funny worth a shit haha
I have a theory guys, hear me out. When a girls is in to you, she will maintain eye contact and smile. 90% of the time, please guys, tell me if i am wrong haha
Night game is making me stronger for daygame despite depending on alcohol during the night, i would recommend any noob to go to bars first to practice.
Went to school today and went to the tutoring lab I talked to the tutors there and they were cold with me, in the past that always made me feel down, but i said fuck that and I said I need an approach. I finished my work and got out on campus I decide i will walk around a little bit and see what I can find. I went to another building on campus and I decided to visit an old girl that rejected me in the past, but I have changed since then big time haha, I walked in and I stare her and her friend in the eye with a smile all of sudden I was super calm and super confident(last time a few years ago, I never gave this girl any eye contact haha I am stronger now), I don't know what went over me haha.
I talked to both girls with killer EC+smile, and the other girl left (she couldn't miss her tv show haha) so I talked to DD, the girl of the past. This girl didn't reject me too bad a few years ago, she just didnt reply to my emails key word email haha i was studying David Deangelo (he says ask for email) at the time and emails fuckin suck haha don't do them.
I started talking to DD and she just talked my ear off good lord! she wasn't this talkative with me in the past, perhaps because of my fundamentals, I let her do the talking and she was telling me all kinds of shit, She wasn't maintaining eye contact with me at all but she talked alot *Facepalm* she didn't ask any questions about me, but man she was dressed sexy OMG i wanted to bang her right there.
I showed her a cool trick with her computer wich some people don't know and she was pretty impressed. Alt+tab lol if you dont know what that is its a way to hide your internet use from your boss, haha she really liked learning that from me. BUUUUT when I got close to her to show her the trick she backed off of me like she was a little frightened hmmm shy or digusted by me haha i don't know but she smiled afterwords when i taught her ALT+TAB.
I asked her if she was single and she replied with a strong yes (always ask this guys). I missed a high point which i could of capitalized to get her number but I didn't instead I got it during a pause erghhh but her tone switched to serious mode when i asked "hey do you want to get food or drink with me some time?" Sure (with a serious unenergetic tone) I had her put her number in my phone.
she then went back to talking bullshit again (with energy) erghhh i just want to fuck you, quit talking my ear off haha. I ended up walking her to her car and I think I fucked up with the end, i said well i am going to class, and I hugged her and it felt really odd hmmm like she didn't want it but whatever.
GIRL #2 MommyL
This is a girl in my class i have been wanting to talk to for a while haha I seriously thought she had a BF, but i was very wrong haha turns out she has 2 kids and hence the name MommyL. She would constantly walk out of class to talk on the phone, i said hmm definitely a BF, i mean she is a young girl of 22 years old and 2 kids wow! I don't care about kids i just always thought she was sexy.
she walked into class and she looked at me for a brief moment and I quickly said hi before she missed it (she is shy) as class was going on i would look in her direction while talking to another girl who is my friend, and MommyL was looking at me then looked down and away, BAM she likes me.
Class ends and i was walking out i tap her arm she was not looking at me at all haha ( always approach guys, girls are very subtle or plain shy) I feel situational or regular openers are better for the classroom and I just ask what her name is and she tells me MommyL and I walk out with her, as we walked out she started going one direction and i was going the other and I just said ok you have a good night and she quickly told me to stop and asked me what my name was, BAM! she likes me, so i ended up walking with her and talked a little bit about her plans, what her kids names were blah blah blah, no repartee in this conversation but i asked if she wanted to get food or drink with me sometime and she said ahhhhh ok (i was like fuck hmmm ok). I got her to dial her number in my phone and i left.
I need to get better at repartee, when girls ask me questions that is where i tease and play, but i am not funny worth a shit haha
I have a theory guys, hear me out. When a girls is in to you, she will maintain eye contact and smile. 90% of the time, please guys, tell me if i am wrong haha
Night game is making me stronger for daygame despite depending on alcohol during the night, i would recommend any noob to go to bars first to practice.