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FR  2 Rejections/ power shift & # Close on Bus


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
So I approached 3 girls yesterday.
1. The first girl was a really pretty blonde wearing a tight pink dress. We were on the elevator together and I told her she looked cute and got her name. She gave me her name and as I was getting off (my stop was before hers) I told her she should come talk to me for a couple minutes. She politely declined. I said OK with a smile and a shrug and got off the elevator. She asked me my name as I was getting off. I gave it to her and told her I'd hope to see her around.
2. The second girl was a light skinned black girl I met while walking from the dorm. This is how that interaction went.
Me: Hi, I've seen you around before. What's your name?
Her: *girl's name*
Me: Well you're very attractive (probably sounded a bit nervous)
Her: Thank you (she was pretty aloof)
I started walking with her and making small talk. Since it was sunny outside I invited her to talk with me in the shade and she agreed. We talked about where she would be staying in the fall. Turns out we're living in the same dorm.
Her: Isn't that ironic
She sounded skeptical like I was lying to her or something! Looking back, it was then that I started to qualify myself! It was like the momentum of me getting her to invest time with me shifted and she was in control.
Me: So we should get together sometime. What's your schedule like?
Her: I have a date tonight (ouch!)
Me: Uh ok... well what's your #?
I pulled my phone out but she took my number instead. She told me I have an interesting name. I said yeah (pretty nonchalantly since I knew this would probably go nowhere). Got to be more dominant next time.

3. Met cute asian girl on bus. I deep dived her, found out we go to the same school, and got her number as I was approaching my stop on the bus.

Text Conversation
Me: Nice meeting you today *girls name*. -Cal
Her: Hey Cal nice meeting you too =) are you taking classes here this summer?
Me: Nope just working =)... WBU?
Her: Cool where are you working? Yeah just interning this summer and chilling
Me: Haha that sounds good... We should get together for a Lil bite to eat next week. What's your schedule like?
Didn't get a response yet. Might just text her again next week.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers