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24-year-old Italian platinum blonde with lots of body ink


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
The event
I was at a free food and drinks event with a social circle on Tuesday 9 July. It started at 6.00 p.m. and I must have gotten there at 7.00 p.m.?

As has become my protocol since watching Huberman's podcast on alcohol, I was teetotalling.

I espied a few delectable babes from outside my SC, that I kept in my peripheral awareness for an eventual later casual approach. One had an ass to die for, encased in light fabric light pink trousers, from whence I could see her g-string panties. I didn't end up approaching her in the end, however (the casual approach opportunity never materialized).

At some point during the event, after free grub had been served and consumed, we were looking forward to watching the football match (European championship). Music was already playing, but the guests weren't paying much attention to the roving musician and singer.

The girl
To discover where the game would be streamed, I stopped a platinum blonde, asking her if she worked for the organization that was throwing the event.

She was short, slim, cute, and had a little tattoo on her neck.

She revealed that she worked for an organization that worked with the organization hosting the party (I discovered she'd only started working there 2 days before, so I met her at the right time). We were standing pretty close to each other. I was dressed in a white shirt open at the chest with my black chest hairs visible and silver necklace with the cross of Christ hanging between them, my light grey chinos, light brown suede docksides, and dark brown calfskin belt. I sport a classic British haircut. She was in smart casual attire, with black mocassins and black suit pants that made the contours of her succulent derriere discernible.

She was saying she was leaving and I told her "let's get a drink then".

She initially resisted, asking "do you really think I would?" or something like that. I said "why not?" I then fractionated to other questions about where she was from, etc. She then asked me if I smoked. I said I didn't but that I'd be down to keep her company for a sec while she smoked. So we went outside.

Now we were in isolation. I guessed something about her name, and touched her hands to see her tats and bling. She guessed I was 28 years old (I'm 35) and I guessed she was in her late 20s (she's 24 but mature for her age). After a bit of chat while she vaped, I suggested we exchange contacts so we could get a drink some time, "if now doesn't work," but she'd since changed her mind, and said "now works." So I went to get my light blue jeans jacket.

Total isolation
And we walked out of the event together. As we walked, we chatted. We crossed a park. I decided to take her to this quasi-rooftop bar place. There I ordered an alcohol-free beer, and she ordered a soda water. On the way there, I explained that "some people can only act on their desires when they consume alcohol," and that "I'm not one of those people," or something like that.

The first (insta) date
At the quasi-rooftop bar place, I set the frame that good sex can of itself result in a strong connection between two people, while again stating my openness to monogamy and children, but that the way to get there was by playing the field with an open mind. I was also focused on connecting with her, asking her lots of questions. I correctly guessed that she had dated a drug dealer, and told her that I was also a rebel in my youth, having my first alcoholic coma at the age of 14 (when she got her first tattoo).

Then something weird happened (the first red flag). She wanted to use the bathroom but was worried that I would steal her bag, smartphone, etc. Lol I couldn't believe it. It left a bitter taste in my mouth - but I chalked it down to this girl coming from the hood in northern Italy. Then I noticed they were placing a huge screen to stream the match right next to the table where we'd been sitting. I also looked at my wristwatch and realized it was getting close to 10.30 p.m., my bedtime to be able to wake up at 6.30 a.m. and hit the gym the next morning.

So I got up and when she came back out of the WC I told her we should go, that I was leaving. She tried to convince me to stay a bit longer, and seemed a bit miffed that I already wanted to leave, even calling me "so pretentious" (her English is not very good, and I'm not sure what she meant) but I ignored it, and soon she understood that the large screen and loud football match transmission would at any rate have rendered our conversation difficult.

Walking her out of there, I held her small hand in mine. I was getting hard.

When we crossed another garden-type place, I had to take a left and her a right. I held her by the back of the neck and kissed her soft lips, lightly groping her succulent asscheek. I was about to leave when I remembered I hadn't taken down her number. I grabbed her digits.

Texting was smooth. For the first time in my life, her third text was "such a good kisser" lmao.

I have to say that despite the red flags this girl was otherwise pretty cool.

The second date
Finally we met on Thursday 18 July, 9 days after our initial meet. I invited her to a bar right next to my place. I had had to anticipate the meet by an hour, so we ended up meeting at 7.00 p.m., her having had to come straight from the office. I grabbed a non-alcoholic beer, her a glass of prosecco. Another red flag, she started saying loudly (so the Romanian barman, within earshot, pouring her drink for her could hear) that "serving sizes in xxyyzz (our city) were too small" lol

We sat at one of the tables for two outside. The weather was nice for a change; a bit of sunshine.

Convo for an hour, again kino on my side, various threads. She was trying to set a "relationship boyfriends shouldn't cheat frame," and I conceded her point but with difficulty. I told her men had higher levels of test, and, compounded with the presence of sex everywhere (women in various states of undress in public), it was difficult to not think about shagging other broads even when you were already shagging one. I did say that I would be honest about my intentions up front, and not pretend to accept a monogamous arrangement and then get some strange in secret. Like, I'd gladly break up with a girl to indulge my freedom.

Before the convo started, when she'd arrived, the first thing she'd told me was "you're almost late" (she'd texted "don't be late" (wtf)) and the second thing she'd told me was that she still had work to do at home that day. So one hour convo later, our drinks having finished, I asked her if she didn't want to get back to her work. She responded something like "why, are you bored?" so I realized that I could maybe go for the pull. I said I had to get back home to take care of some stuff, but that she could join me too if she liked. She agreed.

So I walked her home. No handholding.

Upstairs, I gave her a glass of wine and she walked around the studio while I stood in the kitchen pre-preparing the organic chicken I'd just bought (basically immerse it in a big container filled with water and salt for 48 hours before roasting it, so the meat doesn't end up dry or tasteless). I then made a tea for myself. She wanted some water and I proposed bottled since I don't drink the tap water here due to limescale, and she said, "ok, princess" (another red flag).

She was talking about leaving so I went for the compliance. I sat on a chair in the living room and gesticulated for her to sit on my lap. She resisted, then I persisted, and she sat down. Now she was super close to my face. After a little while of this she stood up again and said she preferred to be standing to talk.

A little while later I held her waist and kissed her lips. Then I left her to go get my tea. (Fractionation, push/pull)

I came back, we chatted a bit, I put my tea down and picked her up by her lithe waist, spinned her around, and threw her on my bed (which is conveniently located right at the entrance of the studio, with no door connecting it to the living room). She was saying "no, no, no!" so after dropping her on the bed I again fractionated out.

I was sipping my tea some distance from her, and chatting. But I noticed, after walking to the living room to get said tea, that she was still sitting on the bed. Keep in mind it was about 8.15 p.m. or so at this point, so still full-blown daylight outside.

The Kill
I sat next to her on the bed and started kissing her. And then, very slowly, one step forward two steps back, eventually all her clothes were off and I was fucking her raw. She had some really cool body art, including a dragon on one of her legs, and two eyes on her low back. Her twat smelled a little funny though, and I feared STD city. But I couldn't resist her.

I guessed that, since she had so many tats, she must be a freak. She also had a piercing on each nipple. So I bit her really hard on her neck, and this turned her on. This is more or less how I progressed to undress her completely.

I could sense myself about to cum so I pulled out, grabbed the back of her neck, and jizzed in her mouth. She swallowed like a good girl.

Then some post-coital ensued.

I didn't walk her downstairs or back to hers because I wanted to crash ASAP since I had to wake up at 5.00 a.m. the next morning to catch an early flight (Berlin adventure). It was now close to 10.00 p.m.

Post-sex texting
I feel like I may have ruined things with post-sex texting because I texted her "I enjoyed last night, thanks" and she replied "what part, the talking or the fucking?" which totally threw me back - again I had never been texted that before in my life - and I continued texting but I ignored her question, which was probably not the right move ("lol both" would have clinched it, and it is what I would have sent her if I could go back in time).

Presently she doesn't want to meet again because she "doesn't do casual relationships anymore". I should add that I dress preppy, and she called me "classy," and she has all the trappings of what in the UK they call a "chav" (though I still think, despite the red flags and her roughness around the edges, that deep down she's a cool girl). Anyway when I responded "both" two days later she sent me the Pinocchio smiley. She basically felt used like a tramp.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Just curious, why didn’t you approach the girl in the pink pants and thong?

Would direct not have worked?

I was thinking if it’s a small enough party, then it’s quite risky to just go direct because everyone knows if you failed, but idk how big it was

also I wonder if indirect would be an option too, there’d be no possible penalty for trying then bc you’d just be making small talk

curious what your thought process was, maybe I’m missing something


Mr. Socially acceptable harem


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Good points Mr. Social,

I've approached lots of girls in such events, even grabbed their digits, and 99% of the time it has gone to nothing.

I'm still not sure why I was able to snag the Greek and this Italian from the last two events I went to.

My educated guess would be (1) the Greek didn't know anyone in my SC, but could see that I have an SC (so am not a psycho) and was leaving soon (she actually left today, God bless her). Also, nobody noticed that I was hitting on her. This must have been key. There was no pressure on her from the lads being obnoxious or eyeing her and "bigging me up". It was all done completely undercover.

(2) the Italian had just started her new job, and everyone she'd been there with (in a work capacity) was already leaving or had already left the event, so I caught her at the exact right moment. She also never met my SC, and nobody in my SC saw me approach her.

The girl in the light pink pants was with her own SC and they were not far from mine. She didn't stray away from her acquaintances from what I could gather.

If I had stayed longer at the event, it is quite possible that such an opportunity might have materialized though.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Good job! That conversation about men test or whatever it was... Totally unnecessary... Brah! Text me when you get home to make sure you got home ok...thank you for coming that was hot 3 fire emojis....

I would not have ignored... I would have said both, or every thing i enjoy your company and the chemistry was intense... Then banter from 0 during texting... I bet you diring texting you were already going for next meet... which was a mistake, need to start from 0 post sex..


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Good points Mr. Social,

I've approached lots of girls in such events, even grabbed their digits, and 99% of the time it has gone to nothing.

I'm still not sure why I was able to snag the Greek and this Italian from the last two events I went to.

My educated guess would be (1) the Greek didn't know anyone in my SC, but could see that I have an SC (so am not a psycho) and was leaving soon (she actually left today, God bless her). Also, nobody noticed that I was hitting on her. This must have been key. There was no pressure on her from the lads being obnoxious or eyeing her and "bigging me up". It was all done completely undercover.

(2) the Italian had just started her new job, and everyone she'd been there with (in a work capacity) was already leaving or had already left the event, so I caught her at the exact right moment. She also never met my SC, and nobody in my SC saw me approach her.

The girl in the light pink pants was with her own SC and they were not far from mine. She didn't stray away from her acquaintances from what I could gather.

If I had stayed longer at the event, it is quite possible that such an opportunity might have materialized though.
very interesting stuff.

The reason I call it interesting, is because I am going to university soon for the first time. I'll be in similar situations that you were in so it's very helpful that you mention this.

So the woman has to be interested in mingling for it to work and not have any liabilities from her social circle, is that correct?

I think the frame at college can take away liabilities in that it is socially acceptable to mingle, it's just ingrained in the culture
I can imagine as we grow up go back to being cliquier with SC.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey Skills,

Thanks for chiming in - I did assume she was up for more of my chorizo instead of starting from zero on the texting. That plus not responding the her shit-testy question I suspect led this to sort of fizzle.

Hey Mr. Social,

Yeah, there have to be no liabilities from her SC for her to mingle with a stranger and have him number close or insta-date her. But keep in mind that, re. pink pants girl, we're probably talking about a professional SC here. I.e., these were not necessarily her "friends," they were possibly her work colleagues.

Re. college, yeah it's it's own thing. I remember when I studied abroad some years ago that initially girls seemed quite reserved. Then suddenly - 15 days in? can't remember exactly how much time - they started being open to hooking up with guys (selective mating to find their "partners" for the semester).

Then SCs start to form and at that point lines start to become more clearly defined (i.e., who constitutes which of the various "tribes").

But if you want help with college game, Hector "Papi" Castillo has a book, King of College, that might be worth a gander.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take