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FR++  22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
I met her in front of whole foods at 9 pm. She was 10 times better than her pics. I knew I had to invite her home..

We talk about some boring stuff while walking to a bar around the corner. Once we get there, we ordered our drinks and I started deep diving...I listened her dreams, passions, hobbies and etc. I knew she likes me to, could tell from her gorgeous eyes.. Within 25 min of meeting, I told her there were a lot of great bars around my area (brklyn) and told her it would take 10 min to get there by cab. She said ok. BTW, I already told her I had no plans to stay here in NYC and will leave on business reasons.

We took a cab. While we`re on our way, I touched her hands and legs very lightly just to make her comfortable.. She said the cab made her a little sick and she doesn`t feel great..Anyways, we eventually got to our address. She asked where the bars are while I was taking her to the liquor store that is right around the corner.. She said she doesn`t want any drinks and doesn`t feel good. I told her to follow me to my apt.

We eventually entered the door. I told her to take her shoes off, so she did. I got her a glass of water..Then, we started to talk. I calmed her down and made her more comfortable.. I had to kiss her since 10 min was about to pass..I said "screw it, let`s do it" and went for a kiss. She lend me her amazing lips and we kissed, kissed and kissed. I tried to escalate, but she started to resist. I again started to talk about her life, and made her talk.. I went for the kiss again. We kissed like 5-10 min and I eventually grabbed her breasts. I could tell she was turned on so much and that could have been my last chance! I started to lick her tits and kiss and repeat the process.

I was also rubbing her pussy on her pants. I knew she wanted, but... As she said she lives with her parents, brothers and sisters in the beginning and since my place is literally 2-3 hours of commute and since she will wake up at 6 am in the morning, she said she had to leave..

I told her to stay 5 more min and then she could go. I escalated again, she resisted again and SEX didn`t happen.

She was one of hottest girls I have ever seen in my entire life! I missed it! I`m new to the game! It sucks!

This is my 4th time bringing girls at my apt in the 1st date in a row.. 1 resulted in sex, others were ll last min resistance.

I see my biggest problem is not being able to break through last min resistance. I appreciate experienced people give me some tips on how to break this crazy shit..

Thanks all! ( FYI: Sorry for my English. It`s my second language. Also, I live in NYC, girls are very experienced and maybe resist more!?!)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 30, 2014
Re: 22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance

I wouldnt worry all that much about it. as l see it, you're making way bigger strides than most beginners.the only thing l would recommend is slowing things down in your head. don't get too excited about making out with her or if she doesnt have sex with you. just pull back a bit and try again. but you should be smooth about it.
HOwever, am also a beginner, same learning curve. Am proud of your ability to pull chicks home. Congrats.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: 22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance

you did good, she was either sick, or using that as an excuse to get out of the situation if needed because she was nervous. Although i dont see you mentioning it after kissing her. However, from MY experience i think you missed a few things.

It seemed like you did really great to getting her shoes off then like the comment above you got a little too excited, and you did almost all of the investment, which caused you to panic in your head. it created scarcity in your mind not hers, like i just did all this work and if she leaves fucccck i cant allow that i did all these things to work past my comfort level so you invested a lot instead of getting her to do it. for example, what i do

Chase frame chase frame chase frame chase frame, drilll it into your head. You seem new to the site, i highly recommend both of you look up chases articles on the california pimp, there are 1 to 3 articles i cant remember. If you get the chance, download his videos he is a beast!

Basically i use a few things from him. He gets them to comply instead of taking their clothes off her talks them into doing it themselves they are doing the work deciding to work past their comfort levels however its a little different because he pretends to be a model scout. there are however a few videos of him picking up girls from the street and they give him huge compliance with video tapeing them.

One thing however that he uses a lot, is how chase describes the way he talk to them and looks at them his tone everything its very good examples, but my favorite is when he says omg, you turn me on so much look how much you turn me on and he puts their hands on his cock. i love this its a chase frame for sure as he is insinuating that they are causing him to do that. Also i like to talk dirty to them and this is another line that he used, Are you a dirty girl? then you use qualifiers for them, like omg you just turned me on so much more, to oh thats too bad i really like dirty girls who know what they want its a shame becausi think all girls are really naughty society doesnt allow them to be open with it. Read the qualifying articles there are some posted on the site!

These are some examples but see the difference between how you were chasing her instead of her chasing you and qualiying her and building tension. When you get a little more experienced its good to challenge them, and i like to throw their own game back at them. Like i don't know if i should be doing this, im an angel and ill smile while saying it and it challenges them, ill put their hand on my cock then as i say that ill pull their hand away smile at them in a sarcastic tone and then bite my lip and kiss them some more on the neck and just be like omg what are you doing to me! powerful stuff when used right.

Don't just make it boring for them and like every other guy does and barrels into them they will resist eventually because they know they can have you. I hope this helps.

From MY experience again, you could have had her if you persisted a little more and had better sexual tension built up, i wouldnt count on seeing her again, this is from my experience, however this should never stop you from trying because if you lose her, in my opinion you will lose her either way why not try one more time she might just happen to really really really like you and give you a second chance.

I had a girl tell me that she would never sleep with me, ever on my couch, and that she had to get home because her parents would look for her. I convinced her to stay i slept with her it took me until six am and i dropped her off at the theatre her parents were in the car sitting their waiting for her to walk to her car so i had to drop her off around the corner. Moral of the story is, if she wants you badly enough as long as you are persistant and give her the chance to walk away keep persisting they will stay, if they want you badly enough


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
Re: 22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance

Thanks a lot for the comments. I really never thought of throwing their own game back at them! That will be really fun using it next time I bring a girl home, definitely. You`re right. I made all the investment which is not really good. But, by saying: look what you`re doing to me and stuff, do you really get them invested?

Can you please tell me how to build sexual tension?

Thanks for your time.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: 22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance

Yea, it works wonders for me, because.in.your head you are turning them.on and when you.out her hand there she starts doing it to.you allowing.her to think hey, im investing and touching him instead of him touching me and she skill get turned in. Then you ask her things like what would you do with it or want to do with it. Other than that their are a ton it'd articles and information in chases book about it. Do not stop reading my friend. But search for California pimp on girlschase start there


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
Re: 22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance

Will do! Thanks a lot.
I`ll most definitely use it to my next girl and write a field report about this, hopefully resulting with a lay!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
Re: 22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance

maximus6004 said:
From MY experience again, you could have had her if you persisted a little more and had better sexual tension built up, i wouldnt count on seeing her again, this is from my experience, however this should never stop you from trying because if you lose her, in my opinion you will lose her either way why not try one more time she might just happen to really really really like you and give you a second chance.

We`re meeting again tomorrow.. I will meet her around her workplace. As far as I learned from Chase`s article, he`s telling us to take her on a romantic date rather than taking her home directly. What do you think? Since I haven`t slept with her on the first date, she already knows I want to mate with her. Can you please advise? What would you do if you were in my shoes?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: 22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance

I never do romantic dates anymore.I think.I have done lunch twice with the same.girl and I never slept with that chick ever. Most.I do is coffee and.slept with them as fast as possible. Dont.like wasting.time anymore


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
Re: 22 years old gorgeous latina Goddess - last min resistance

maximus6004 said:
I never do romantic dates anymore.I think.I have done lunch twice with the same.girl and I never slept with that chick ever. Most.I do is coffee and.slept with them as fast as possible. Dont.like wasting.time anymore

Wow! How do you invite them home Maximus? Do you directly say: Let`s go watch a movie or smt like this?
I usually tell them there are great bars around my area and take them directly to home. Is there a better way to invite them home without getting them scared?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
I read their body language, over time I could tell when the date is going really well. If we talk about.music ill invite them to come back and check.out some.of.my music, if we talk.about.movies ill invite them for a movie. If.its.food ill.tell them lets go.get a pizza or.something. I relate back to what previous conversation was about. I have had girls straight up talk.to.me.on a date about sex and how she was curious about sleeping with me. Couldn't get her to cone over then surprised when I invited this black chick iver and super surprised that she was like well are we going.or.not? Lol so dont be discouraged


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
maximus6004 said:
I read their body language, over time I could tell when the date is going really well. If we talk about.music ill invite them to come back and check.out some.of.my music, if we talk.about.movies ill invite them for a movie. If.its.food ill.tell them lets go.get a pizza or.something. I relate back to what previous conversation was about. I have had girls straight up talk.to.me.on a date about sex and how she was curious about sleeping with me. Couldn't get her to cone over then surprised when I invited this black chick iver and super surprised that she was like well are we going.or.not? Lol so dont be discouraged

I love it man! I`m excited to try new things now..Will be so awesome!
Maximus, you`re the man : )


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Haha try what you can my friend different things work for different people. Keep your head up


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
maximus6004 said:
Haha try what you can my friend different things work for different people. Keep your head up

FYI, Maximus. She didn`t show up on the 2nd date :) Now, I see why 1st date is the only shot we have!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
The prettier they get, the smaller the windows and chances are. But hey no big deal dont burn your bridges learn and move onto the next girl asap


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
maximus6004 said:
The prettier they get, the smaller the windows and chances are. But hey no big deal dont burn your bridges learn and move onto the next girl asap

Well said. I`m glad because I`m discovering a totally different world! I love it man! :)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 28, 2014
maximus6004 said:
The prettier they get, the smaller the windows and chances are. But hey no big deal dont burn your bridges learn and move onto the next girl asap

Maximus, please check out my report for the day. I couldn`t even kiss this girl!