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FR  25 makeout rejection challenge


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Okay I didn't make it to 25 but I did make it to 15 in one day! Whew, I just got back from visiting a big city (over 400,000 ppl.) which has been really eye opening for me. If you live in the right place, inner city, you can literally walk outside your door and have an abundance of hot girls to chat up. It's simply heavenly, and I have realized how bad I need to relocate to further redesign my lifestyle.

This happened a couple weeks ago now but I finally got tired of waiting for the infield video to get sent to me so I'm just going to put up the raw FR. Enjoy!

I've recently been inspired by all the online infield videos of guys making out with girls within seconds/minutes of meeting them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsHiggS0oCI&list=UUlae1uxKkw28rfX20Jm9Qyg - Sasha Daygame
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLtm-za2PeU&list=PLC5gkBJqFE6fpaJfNHuDRlrJ1V-gVWG6_- Bruce Wayne
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpQFariMc68 - Liam McRae

I don't have any doubt that these videos aren't real and I figured if they can do it, well... so can I!

Liam McRae always talks about doing the 25 makeout rejection "mission" or whatever where you try and kiss every girl you open within 30 seconds of meeting them so I decided to take the plunge.

I discussed it with my friend that I was staying with (whom has never heard of seduction or pickup) and he insisted that he would film it in case I actually did it.

The statistical results were as follows:
I opened 15 girls that I actually tried to kiss within a minute of meeting them, regardless of them having boyfriends or not. I didn't get any actual successes but I got damn close a couple times, in which I will note shortly.

I surprisingly wasn't that nervous when I started and my standard routine I stole from the 1st video which went as follows:
-open girl with a compliment
-ask her if she's single
-ask her if she thinks I'm attractive
-ask what reason she could possibly have not to kiss me right now and then go in for the kiss (hopefully boldly and confidently)

The first 5-6 approaches I had immediate good and warm receptions but when I asked the final question and went in for the kiss the girl in question would flee and be a little weirded out and leave coldly. Some really harsh rejections the first couple tries so I analyzed where I was potentially going wrong and tried to tweak accordingly.

I speculated two things that was potentially causing my lack of success:

1. I was making it very routine and it was almost impersonal (I used the same routine so far for every girl almost word for word)
2. I was coming from a place of taking (the girl had something I wanted [her kiss] and the girls could feel that) rather than giving/exchanging sexual energy and the fun of a spontaneous encounter.
3. (which I didn't realize at the time until I went and watched the film later) I wasn't pulling the trigger dominantly enough and it caused for incongruency (I approached boldly and confidently but went for the kiss like a wuss, very tentatively)

To remedy this I decided to customize each interaction and personalize it so it wouldn't be routine and go in with the intention of spreading sunshine into the lives of the women I happen to be meeting first and foremost.

This helped a lot and it kept the girls from freaking out and getting scared off when I went in for the kiss to where if they rejected me they would still hang around afterward and leave warmly, glad that I stopped them.

One of the most fun approaches was a group of young women leaving the mall in a car with the driver window down. They were waiting in a long line of cars taking turns at a four way stop and weren't moving soon. I pranced up to the car window, told her she was beautiful, got really close to her face, and then told her I was going to kiss her, since I was almost leaning into the car window, and tried to kiss her. She rejected my advances but appreciated the boldness and spontaneity of the interaction then said her friend the passenger seat was single. Her friend proceeded to recoil in horror lol. I blew kisses to each girl in the car and bid them goodbye.

The closest attempt was at the park and a group of girls was walking through. I approached and stopped the one I liked best. I made some idle chit chat and she was super hooked right off the bat. I told her I was going to kiss her but she had shit she was holding so I took her by the hand and twirled her around with her arm landing over my shoulder so we were now walking together like a couple. I could tell she was a bit nervous so I told her to exchange cheek kisses and then after she kissed my cheek I went for a manhandle kiss but without much force (from my end) she turned her cheek and backed up.
-When I watched the footage of this one at my buddy's house I could tell that I didn't act quick enough. You could tell from watching her facial expressions she was most in the moment right after I spun her around and I could've easily have grabbed her and planted a kiss on her right then. Damn I was close!

The most humorous set of the day was two Sweedish girls that I stopped and started bantering with. This set I didn't try and kiss within 1 minute as we were caught up in our banter. Apparently my buddy filming didn't have anywhere to hide on this one and the only cover he could find was behind a rather foliage-less bush about 5 ft away. So you can picture the scene of looking at a shitty shrub with the outline of a figure behind it along with a silver lens with part of a hand sticking out of it. The girls friend I was talking to noticed my friend and called us out. I admitted the truth that we were filming me making out with women on the street and asked her if she would want to be one of the successes in the video. Her eyes lit up and she smiled at the thought of it (I framed "filming me making out with women on the street" as if I had already been successful which caused for preselection) and admitted she'd actually love to kiss me except that she was on the way to meet her boyfriend and couldn't. She seemed genuine about it and I believe her excuse.

Post analyzation:
All and all I was very pleased with how I took rejection for the most part, especially since I got some really harsh rejections. I literally made girls flee like I had the plague on the first couple of tries and look at me like I'm some sort of creep/stalker.

Though even though I got these rejections I bounced back and laughed after every one... I didn't allow the thoughts and opinions of others influence the thoughts and opinions of myself, thus I maintained a fantastic state the entire outing... one of fun and spontaniety!

Liam McRae has an interesting post about accepting the dark side of yourself and realizing that your worst fears (being a social outcast, loser, loner, weirdo, etc) coming true really isn't that bad once it becomes reality. Once you face your worst self your ego can't hold you back from possibly being that.

In one day I managed to be a weird, creepy, sleazy dude in which the only thing I deserved (in their eyes) was to be shunned from themselves and society.
On the other hand I was also the charming, spontaneous, bold, confident hero worthy of... almost being kissed lol (though I take responsibility for the failed outcome on that one).

So that leaves us to an interesting conclusion. Which guy am I really?

Am I the bold confident seducer or the creepy sleazy guy?... I'M BOTH! I'm both of them so I have nothing to fear. My worst fear and greatest reality have both come true so I have no reason to fear both failure (social shunning) or success (social acceptance and love) since I have achieved both.

Here's the link to that article from Liam: http://rapidescalation.com/ying-yang-accepting-your-darkside/

Also after further speculation (and video analysis) I've realized that alot of the makeouts I went for I did so tentatively and that was probably the biggest inhibitor to my success. They probably shouldn't even count as an attempt but I'm going to make note to change and not do this the next time I go out. Remember the bold confident seducer doesn't self doubt because he knows exactly what women want.

Probably the coolest thing about doing this challenge was that I was opening much bolder and easier. I was also getting really warm receptions. I think I would've got much more women to hook than I normally do if I were actually trying to pick them up. This was because I wasn't worried about getting rejected.. shit I was almost positive I was going to get rejected so I didn't care. If I could find a way to internalize this mindset every time I went to approach a girl I definitely think I'd get much more success. I'm definitely going to try and open girls this way more and see if I can't make a habit out of it. I literally just didn't give a fuck about the outcome.

Secondly this helped a lot into developing a mindset of simply spreading sunshine to women's lives and inspiring them to believe that their lives aren't as boring as they think. This is something I've been trying to do more to make me more outcome independant and less nervous around the women I talk to: Simply opening women with the intent, first and foremost, to spread sunshine into thier lives and not "get her to hook/get a number/go on an insta date". I really want to make this my mindset since I know it's a very achievable outcome for every encounter and if we happen to connect and like each other after I achieve this then awesome, if not well I just brightened someone's day and that in itself makes me feel good and improves my self worth/esteem.

I am going to do this challenge again and complete my 25 rejections (10 more to go!) and next time I'm going to not doubt myself and just pull the trigger quickly before I (or the girl) have time to analyze whats happening. I plan on doing this at the beach next time around so I know that even if the worst case scenario happens I have nothing to lose (a slap to the face maybe? that'd be hilarious) so I might as well go balls to the wall. For my own purposes and intent I'm not going to count it as a makeout attempt unless I go full fledge without a trace of hesitation. Can't wait!

If you're still a beginner or intermediate on the road in your seduction career (or even advanced) I highly encourage you to do this challenge and push your comfort zone. You'll learn alot about how you escalate, how you handle rejection, and how flexible your skills are all while upping your outcome independance, persistance skills, and trigger pulling.

Until next time gentlemen!

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013

You're stoking my fire man! I gotta take a vacation too to try this out. Kudos, man. Damn, I can't believe you tried this!? You're amazing me with your giant nuts!!! (no homo/slight homo). Keep this up Rob. Wow, man. Just wow.

shit I was almost positive I was going to get rejected so I didn't care.

I think that's what "state" really is. After enough rejections you reach a place of peace.

Simply opening women with the intent, first and foremost, to spread sunshine into their lives and not "get her to hook/get a number/go on an insta date".

True, true.

then said her friend the passenger seat was single. Her friend proceeded to recoil in horror lol.

Hahaha, are you recording these stories somewhere? Don't forget about stuff like this.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Mr. Rob, I've been experimenting with strong physical escalation during daygame as well. You stated that dates or phone #s did not come into play here, I've had the same experience. I think we are replacing asking for a date with physical escalation, thus making the girl leave early. Seems like the peak of the conversation is the kiss. What do you think?

I know you are going for the kiss, but can we tie this in with getting a # or going on a date?

Liked the story about your friend hiding in the bushes with a camera. Borderline bangbros crew there, i'm loving it!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Great! The same whether you sleep with her or not. Just don't care...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
She rejected my advances but appreciated the boldness and spontaneity of the interaction then said her friend the passenger seat was single. Her friend proceeded to recoil in horror lol

