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LR  28 year old Chinese Woman


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2013
While at a church picnic for a Vacation Bible School I ended up running into a beautiful 28 year old Chinese girl that had recently arrived from China and was visiting her sister. Our conversation consisted of a little bit of banter and some deep diving on my part (what's your major? Is that what you wanted to do as a child, etc.). She was very excited to meet me as I was the first foreigner she had ever had a conversation with. We continued talking for about 45 minutes until finally I had to leave to help another girl fix her car. Before I left, I went ahead and got her WeChat ID.

Later that night I sent her a text saying, “It was nice to make a new friend today. Check your schedule and we will grab a bite to eat soon.”
She replied with, “Me too, Ok, maybe some time!”

At this point I felt it wouldn’t go anywhere, but the next day she initiated a conversation with me through text. I once again was deep diving with her and focused on her interest in painting and drawing. She ended up sending me a picture of her and her niece swimming in a pool and this is the conversation that ensued:

ME: You look good in that bathing suit, but it’s difficult to see it through the water.
HER: a shocked emoticon
HER: if I have a chance to swimming together you will see. I think I will feel shame because of your words.
ME: I’m a little bit busy. Don’t feel shame, I like when you wear your bathing suit. It looks good on you. I think you and me will be the best looking people at the pool.
HER: Are you always busy? Can you feel disturbed by me?
ME: Yeah, I’m pretty busy, but I don’t mind talking with you. Sometimes it’s better for me to talk in person.
HER: Oh, you are a very busy person. (laugh emoticon) I think you have no time to go playing.
ME: You will have to wait until VBS is done then I can play with you. (Laugh emoticon)

At the VBS, I met up with her at a station and we began talking together as we both leaned against a post. I started getting some investment by taking her hand and examining a ring and then asking her how she got it. I also began initiating some playful touch by poking her side. She responded well and would poke back. I then told her I was leaving and she told me to wait for her and began following me.

I pulled her into the main sanctuary and then I sat down. As I sat down I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her down into the pew I was in. With my body faced forward and my hands outstretched across the top of the pew I began having a conversation with her again. I noticed she had turned her body to completely face me. At this point I also started putting my hand on her leg and along her back, but I had to stop when others entered the sanctuary. She ended up leaving, but we continued to talk later that night over video chat.

During our video conversation I told her that I wished she could lay with me on my bed. She asked me if I wanted to have sex with her, and if all American guys were like this. I told her all American guys weren’t like that and immediately began rationalizing sex as something that normal people experience together and that there wasn’t anything wrong with it. She explained that I make her feel shame and that I couldn’t understand her because we were from different cultures but thanked me for my honesty. I then asked her to help me run a class the next day, which she happily accepted.

The next day we ran a class together. We once again had a good conversation and some playful touching. At some point, I pushed her up against a wall and went in for a kiss. She pulled her chin into her chest, so I had to take my hand and lift her chin up. I then began kissing her and grabbing her ass. Later on near, the end of the day I pulled her into a pitch black dark room and we began passionately making out. I offered to take her back home to her place later that night, and on the way home she had me take a detour to a small pool. At the small pool we lay next to each other and began making out. I pulled down the top of her shirt and sucked on her breast, and then she got on top of me and continued kissing me while I fingered her. We ended up in the back of my car, but because I didn’t have a condom we couldn’t go any further.

We’ve been seeing each other for the last 3 weeks, but because her parents have set a 10pm curfew for her she has to either sneak out at midnight to see me or meet me during lunch time. Every time we have met we’ve had sex either in my car, a janitorial closet at the pool, the men’s restroom at the pool, or a hotel room. Unfortunately, she’s looking for someone stable who can be her husband, which means at some point this all has to end.

This is my first post, so if you can give me some advice on making it better that would be appreciated.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
As a beginner myself, I don't have much advice. You pretty much did what I can't do yet.
I thought for sure you were going to have sex with her in the sanctuary at first. When I read it I was thinking: whoa, he's about to have sex in the craziest place of all time. O.O
Anyway, good job.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

My reaction was similar to Wes's: "He's not really going to do it in CHURCH... IS HE?!"

Well done on the lay. A few thoughts:

FreakinMonkeys29 said:
Later that night I sent her a text saying, “It was nice to make a new friend today. Check your schedule and we will grab a bite to eat soon.”
She replied with, “Me too, Ok, maybe some time!”

At this point I felt it wouldn’t go anywhere, but the next day she initiated a conversation with me through text.

That's pretty common with women who aren't overly comfortable with English, especially from more conservative backgrounds. They don't know the proper way to sign off, so err on the side of not showing too much interest (and seeming uninterested) rather than the side of showing too much (and coming off aggressive).

FreakinMonkeys29 said:
I then told her I was leaving and she told me to wait for her and began following me.

As soon as you're seeing behavior like this - where a girl is proactively following you without an invitation on your part - she's more or less good to go.

Had you had logistics here, you could've led her to them and taken her to bed there.

FreakinMonkeys29 said:
At some point, I pushed her up against a wall and went in for a kiss. She pulled her chin into her chest, so I had to take my hand and lift her chin up. I then began kissing her and grabbing her ass.

Nice use of a little manhandling here.

FreakinMonkeys29 said:
We’ve been seeing each other for the last 3 weeks, but because her parents have set a 10pm curfew for her she has to either sneak out at midnight to see me or meet me during lunch time. Every time we have met we’ve had sex either in my car, a janitorial closet at the pool, the men’s restroom at the pool, or a hotel room. Unfortunately, she’s looking for someone stable who can be her husband, which means at some point this all has to end.

This is my first post, so if you can give me some advice on making it better that would be appreciated.

Sounds like a lot of fun with her.

Post is clearly written, it's easy to see what you did, and an entertaining read.

Props on the lay, and welcome to the boards, FM!
