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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 1, 2021
Since joining the site, I've made a lot of progress and seen a lot of results. I still want to level up so I'm starting a journal for accountability.

Today: got back into the swing of things, a few cold approaches and being social with randos. Bonus of fun eye contact games in big city crowds.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Bob Z

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 7, 2024
right on man. were pulling for ya. mostly daygame?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 1, 2021
right on man. were pulling for ya. mostly daygame?
I don't go out too much at night these days so I suppose so. Really it's however I meet girls as I go about my life.

It's hard to define a cold approach, so I like to think in terms of meeting girls I feel there's a chance of starting something with.

One girl I met waiting for a cab with her friend. She's leaving town tomorrow so I texted her later that night; no real response until way too late. I send some good vibes her way and move on.

One girl I met almost a week ago as part of a social circle of sorts. Our interactions felt unnecessarily drawn out as she was playing hard to get but we ended up banging a couple nights ago. I intend to keep hanging out with her while I'm here.

One girl I met on the beach with her friends. We talked for a few mins and it didn't feel right to stay with them, so I seeded a later hangout. We texted a little bit and coincidentally met for a couple mins in passing yesterday. They had to leave for an appt, so she suggested we get a beer afterwards. I accepted knowing full well I made plans for drinks with another, hotter girl. I forgot about it and she texted later canceling anyways. She gave a reason and seems to want to hang out again.

One girl I met as I wandered out of my hotel waiting for the social circle girl to text me back that night. She was with friends waiting for a cab and we both agreed to get together sometime soon. She's probably the most attractive girl I've ever gone out with. We all went for drinks last night and I ended up leaving her hotel at 5:30am feeling conflicted.

I met two other girls as I walked to meet the last one. They're drunk but both hot and get my insta promising to hang out another time. As they're typing it in, they see the other girl texting me saying she's gonna punch me for being late. Made me laugh.

I'm left with one girl who wants to bang again, one who wants to hang again, a couple maybes, and another social circle girl I forgot about. Overall not a bad start.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 1, 2021
I used to only get women who were clearly into me. They made the logical decision to sleep with me and I just had to figure out the logistics//make the moves to take her home.

Now things have changed. I'm hearing it straight from girls who were open to fast intimacy with me that they've only ever had a couple partners, they're never like this, they have a crush on someone else they want to date... I'm the bad one, I'm naughty, a playboy, and you had absolutely nothing to do with our bedroom shenanigans. Right.

It seems like there are no second chances with girls like these. If I missed a green light, I don't get another one.

Oddly enough, girls who weren't down for it when I fully tried to bed them seem to be open to future meets. Go figure.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Oddly enough, girls who weren't down for it when I fully tried to bed them seem to be open to future meets. Go figure.

Yeah, i guess its cause they feel theres still an opportunity for them to be desired.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 1, 2021
I used to think it was a big deal to approach//directly compliment//go up and talk to random girls in random places.

Now I see that it's quite common and people do it everywhere. Girls are used to it. I'm having to refine my actual approaches again because the girls I meet are more on edge//wary of strangers. Which is inconvenient yet not a problem because I like the push to get better.

What's actually a big deal is turning that spark of attraction into a lay and a lasting memory. I've met a few girls recently (*from more conservative cultures) that get enough satisfaction/validation just from meeting and talking or something small like a kiss. As if the thought of sex isn't even a possibility between us two. Or that it means something more serious than a great night.

Which brings me back full circle. My goal with all of this has always been to become more of a man; if I want it, I go get it. With these girls especially, I have to take the reins 100%. Right now, that looks like putting more effort/thought/care into the cold approaches. Also, I lost a girl a couple nights ago because I didn't make her horny enough to disregard all the walls in her brain about us hooking up. Too much conversation, not enough action.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 1, 2021
Had a string of close calls where I didn't quite make it happen for one reason or another. Then broke the dam on a completely unremarkable night out. Then fucked some girl I met in the park a couple hours earlier. Now looking to set that streak on fire.

Things come together, piece by piece.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 1, 2021
Went on a cold streak last week instead.

10/10: had a girl way into me in a group setting, didn't isolate and came back way too late so she found another guy.
10/11: curious park instant date where she was very attracted & compliant but shied away from all touch or escalation
10/12: girl was into me when out for drinks in a group, failed to isolate//move things forward and nothing happened
10/13: managed to set a date with a girl who barely spoke english but timing went bad and she got shy and flaked
10/14: set and went on a walking date w a girl, she was eventually down but we couldn't get logistics right. failed to escalate smoothly enough outside in a park and lost her.
10/15: no good prospects so invited a very long shot girl to hang just in case. ended up as just friends which was fine.
10/16: drank with a girl, quite obviously flirting, tried to pull to her place. Got a bit more obvious when close to her apt and she freaked out saying we weren't drinking together for that reason.
10/17: met a girl on the beach, super compliant, okay with touch, pulled her back to my room. Started to escalate she says she didn't expect this, it's a conservative culture, etc. Backed off obv and still good vibes but we went separate ways.
that night, went out for drinks with a girl, she gives me insane amounts of shit, everything's fine but I get stuck on the bench outside her apt. Says she's conservative, only sex w boyfriends, etc, I don't arouse her enough to convert. Annoyingly close.

and a few other encounters that weren't noteworthy.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 1, 2021
Got a freebie lay the other day. Hung out in a group -> "my friend likes you" -> 2 min convo -> bang.

I've run into an interesting situation recently: girls who are very attracted, fully compliant, and 0% willing to do anything sexual. It's probably a target selection issue on my end, better to screen a bit harder.