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2nd date


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2012
Are there any 2nd date blog templates or blog posts? I've searched and havent found anything. I'm seeing this girl tonight for the second time and it's looking like it will turn into a relationship. Any suggestions for an inexpensive date (not my place as i dont have my own place yet) that would cause for an easy transition to the movie theater?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Brent,

I'm seeing this girl tonight for the second time and it's looking like it will turn into a relationship.

Make sure not to get too ahead of yourself here, Brent! If it's only the second time seeing her, you still have a lot of work to do!

As far as the date template... that depends. Have you slept with her, yet?

- Franco
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2012
No, I haven't had the logistics to fall into place to sleep with her. I'm actually looking into moving out of my parents' house in the next week or so, which i'm excited about for seduction even if nothing becomes of this girl. But, I say relationship because of the circumstances. We had a class together last semester, she hinted of a boyfriend all semester and this was before I could take proper hints and read women's interest. With that being said, she contacted me , was very happy that I asked her out, we had a great rapport-building first date. So, THAT is why I say relationship is probably in the cards, but I hope to bed her eventually.

Oh, and car sex seems really tough to pull off with a girl like this. Idk. I just dont think it could come to that, she seems to be relatively 'classy', which will be countered by you guys and say that means nothing lol.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Brent,

But, I say relationship because of the circumstances. We had a class together last semester, she hinted of a boyfriend all semester and this was before I could take proper hints and read women's interest.

Regardless of what she's said or you think you've heard, you absolutely should not have the word "relationship" in your head until you've bedded her. This is definitely more to protect you than anything else. If you happen to even mention the word "girlfriend" or "relationship" before the two of you have slept together (at least) several times, then you could be digging your own grave. There are no guarantees with women (in general), but there are certainly a LOT less guarantees with a girl that hasn't had sex with you yet.

Oh, and car sex seems really tough to pull off with a girl like this. Idk. I just dont think it could come to that, she seems to be relatively 'classy', which will be countered by you guys and say that means nothing lol.

I can't remember which article it is at the moment, but Chase definitely has written something on it. The reason this girl might appear to be "classy" is that you are probably courting her in a very "nice" way. Every time you take her on a date and you don't bed her, you become less of a "bad boy" and more of a "gentlemen," which means if she DOES like you (which it seems like this girl does), then she will try to be on her BEST behavior at all times because she'll assume that you are the type of guy that wants things to move slower and she won't want to risk "giving herself up to you too early" and having you lose attraction for her.

This is how women think. It's probably possible that if you had projected a very sexual vibe on the first date and immediately took her to your car and bedded her there that she would have had no problem with it. But now that you're on a second date, she's might assume you're the type of guy that moves slower and that she'll have to "show you" that she doesn't give up sex easily. This makes things harder on you, but it certainly doesn't cast your chances out the window.

So with that being said, I would still suggest you find some logistics that give you an opportunity to take her to bed if you can before she gets too deep in the mindset that you are the type of guy who wants a girl who doesn't give up sex quickly... otherwise you may never get it! I still love using my car as a resource -- it's essentially a mobile bed for me! But if you're uncomfortable with this, then try to find some place that the two of you can be alone to get the deed done.

I hope this helps!

- Franco


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
All girls like car sex, ALL... And just in case you didn't get that That would be all girls that like car sex.

It maybe awkward, they may outwardly reject the idea, but you get them in there an suggest it and they'll be in the back seat before you finish your sentence :)