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FR  40 Rejections, must be a record!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 30, 2014
ok, as l said earlier l am a complete rookie ansd l made a standard rookie move,the first field report was typed on sunday, last sunday, but l had thought l posted it, only to find that l had drafted it. so this report follows what happened last night with the Salsa chick.
so after the meeting last week we organized that she would come over for supper on thursday, but she changed it to saturday(yesterday) and l was okay with it. I was looking at the investments she was making and l honestly thought it would be a done deal. she was making quite an investment coming all the way to my place that late and l thought she was going to spend the night, talk about false hopes.last time she was here she didnt want to leave the seat l had, so this time l placed some dirty laundry on it. l had also changed my fluorescent bulb from the stark white to a bluish color which was more laid back.
she comes over at around 8 in the evening and l get her from the stage, no taxies here. she looks stunning! hug, and walk back,she says shes not so hungry so we skip food altogether. Back at my place, we sit on my bed, and l ask her wheres my birthday present,(birthday was last week), she asks me what l want, and l say "everything". she backs off a little, and l joke around saying"a jumbo jet for starters would be awesome, a few cheeters too, Ohh and a big bloody Elephant!" which makes her relax a little.
Remembering the need to make a move in 10 mins, l try again, looking into her eyes l go for the kiss, no dice. l pull back a little,my hands are constantly on the move. l try again, no dice. so l chat a little, and navigate her towards the wall where she cant lean back and try again, still no dice!dafug?! but like l read, be bloody persistent, so after a few more mins l try the manhandle kiss, she bolts towards the corner of the bed. this was starting to feel like a bloody guerilla war or something. but like we say here"mwanaume ni kujaribu!"(a man is his persistence or sthng close to that), but l persisted anyway.
anyway, after like 15-20 minutes of this going on, l pull back and try yet another approach,to try and find out what was causing her objections, now this girl is very very good at evading questions and getting a straight answer from her was about as easy as crushing your balls with a spanner.
Me: " tell me sthng, what do you think of me so far"
after a lot of crap..
Her: " your a casanova!"
"what do you mean by that?whats your definition of a casanova"
" your very good with words, you have many girls am sure!you can use your charms to manipulate people"
"do you think am trying to manipulate you?"
"no, am just not ready for this. l dont even know what you want!"
"l thought l was quite clear on my intentions"
" no, you werent!"giggling and hitting my arm.
with deep sexy eyes" Salsachick, l want you, all of you"
looks away and difuses the tension by tapping my arm like am a naughty kid and breathes deeply, am still silent.
"you like making me uncormfortable."
"l like having you on edge yes, l think few people really challenge you. and l sense your a person with deep passion, l want you to know you can let it out with me...(l go the society is stuck up route here.)"
l go for the kiss again, she pulls back
"l think this is just lust on your side"
"l would call it attraction. you like me right?"
"well, l like you too, but am not really a long term relationship kinda guy"
"l see. that tells me all you really want"
l see this convasation is going anywhere. so l ask her is she read the Nancy Friday book, pull my phone out and ask her to read a few to me. my hands are constantly exploring her as she reads me these fantasies. and l keep trying to go for the kiss, but still no dice.
l was shit tired by now, l mean, if it takes this long to get a kiss , am not gonna go through the minefield of LMR this year at this rate!so when she decides to leave, l say okay, its like 11 in the night, l escort her and she leaves.
later she texts me
"hey, arrived safe, thnx for an awesome time :)....u an awesome guy"
"y thank you! your a good girl too my dear, glad you enjoyed yourself"
"next time hopefully, l'l come early for a mmassage:)... not to rush against time!
(ok, so am learning to give massages from youtube, and l've become quite good from the response am gettting. l had promised her one. as for the time thing, the hostel keeper grumbled about the late hour she was leaving and told her not to stay so late if she wasnt gonna spend the night)
"Next time spend the night, l want you here with me"
"haha Corry, l have a phobia of peoples houses ;), l'l just be there so early n take a risk of leaving l8 haha coz l so like ur company......lemmi sleep and mek 2morrow another day"

then a second one followed " good night mister awesome :)"
didnt reply.
she would be great girlfriend material, but after my last fiasco(falling for a girl while still a rookie in pickup and staying sexless for 8 months then grew a pair and dumped her then lost them going back, leading me here!sign) l dont want to loose my freedom again until am very advanced. plus l already have another girl whose trying to make me her b.f, will post report once my fingers get back to normal.l was thinking to have that last dinner with her if it doesnt go anywhere l leave.
Seriously sorry for long post, not used to making them, will try to minimise next time. All comments welcome


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Re: 40 Rejections, must be a record!

Come on man! Your style and sentences show that you are quickly improving, and your vibe is pretty good, better than any average Joe! And besides, 40 rejections means you have walked 40 daring steps toward your goal of becoming a true ladies man instead of just sitting at home thinking and wishing! More power to you! :)

- Kevin


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 27, 2014
Tell her

"I do not conquer, I submit" - Giacomo Casanova


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 30, 2014
thanks guys, am still enjoying the increased number of females in my life. Knowing that l dnt have to keep texting or waiting to know where l stand with girls,saving my time and energy.Appreciate the responses
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take